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Facts and Findings

Selected contributions to the series with international relevance


Adobe Stock / Feodora

From protection seekers to skilled workers

Factors influencing the labour market integration of Ukrainian refugees

Many Ukrainians who have fled to Germany are highly educated, with a significant proportion holding vocational or university degrees. However, their employment rate remains lower than that of many other European countries. What are the reasons for this and what role do demographic factors play? An examination of institutional structural barriers and the socio-demographic composition of Ukrainian refugees in Germany sheds light on the factors influencing their entry into the labour market.

Adobe Stock / vectorfusionart

The new role of leaders in data-driven school development

On the use of strategic data utilisation in the German education system for educational standards and the promotion of equal opportunities.

Countries such as Canada and Estonia have achieved considerable success through data-driven strategies and offer valuable approaches for Germany. Leaders in school boards and ministries play a critical role. The Canadian province of Alberta shows how clear policies and structured use of data can foster a culture of collaborative professionalism. It is recommended to develop technical and analytical competences for data use, to strengthen cooperative professionalism and to clearly define and review strategic goals.


From Titanium to Taurus

Ukrainian resources and european supply chain resilience in times of war

Ukraine has high reserves of raw materials, the extraction of which could significantly improve the economic situation and finance the reconstruction of the country. Some of these raw materials are essential for the production of weapon systems. Increased cooperation with the EU could integrate Ukraine into the European internal market and promote its own production of military technologies. However, it is crucial to minimize political challenges to enable necessary investments and not to lose the raw material reserves to Russia.

Adobe Stock / Alexey Novikov

Cyber-Actors: Iran

How Attacks Strengthen the State

Iran has become a major player in the cyber and information space. Through events such as the Stuxnet attack 2010 and the organization of opposition groups through the Internet, the state has expanded its cyber capabilities. Today, Iranian cyber units have a wide range of operations at their disposal, including espionage, sabotage and influence operations. As an ally of the USA and Israel, Germany in particular is in focus of Iranian cyber operations and must be prepared for a wide range of threats.

Franklin,, generiert mit KI

The European Union – global risks, local side effects

Results of the Panorama Analysis 2024

The Panorama Analysis 2024 provides a comprehensive insight into the current development of the European Union and its environment in a year-on-year comparison. The analysis presents a multithematic assessment of the current situation in the areas of innovation and competitiveness, the attitudes of member states towards the EU, and the global environment. By using qualitative and quantitative indicators, the analysis provides sound insights into current trends and developments.

adobe stock / agsandrew

Pregnancy Conflict and the Principle of Dual Advocacy

On the current discussion about § 218 StGB

The renegotiation of abortion laws in Germany raises profound questions: Can the balance between women's rights and the protection of the unborn be maintained? Prof. Sautermeister warns against neglecting the principle of "dual advocacy" and calls for a nuanced debate. A critical view of a societal turning point.

Adobe Stock / Ulia

A New Cross-Front of Left-Wing Extremism and Islamism?

Anti-Imperialism and Postcolonialism as the Basis for Antisemitism

In an era where political boundaries are increasingly blurred, this article examines the surprising alliances between left-wing extremism and Islamism. Focusing on anti-imperialism and postcolonialism as ideological foundations, the text sheds light on how this connection fosters antisemitism and the dangers that arise from it.

adobe stock / VectorMine

AI methods for specific challenges in education

Enabling effective support and challenge

The education system must succeed in strengthening the basic skills of a heterogeneous student body. Adaptive learning systems offer individual support through customized tasks and can support teachers in this challenge. However, they have hardly been used in Germany to date. Successful use requires close integration with classroom teaching and teacher training. In addition, the successful development of adaptive educational media requires a coordinated effort from politics, science and industry.


The (in)visibility of (forced) prostitution in the criminal justice system

Is a Prohibition to buy sex a solution?

A penalised ban on buying sex is the subject of controversial debate. In principle, it is not the task of (criminal) law to enforce moral standards of behaviour or to protect people from the consequences of the life decisions they make on their own responsibility. Does this apply to prostitution? The analysis addresses whether prostitution and human trafficking can be curbed with the help of a sex purchase ban based on the "Nordic model".


Cyber Actors: North Korea

How cyber operations support the state system

In recent years, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has increasingly instrumentalized cyber and increasingly instrumentalized the cyber and information space to implement its state policy agenda and is exploiting the entire spectrum of possible operational targets: sabotage and disruption, signaling, political espionage, economic espionage, foreign currency procurement and propaganda.

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About this series

The series informs in a concentrated form about important positions of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on current topics. The individual issues present key findings and recommendations, offer brief analyses, explain the Foundation's further plans and name KAS contact persons.


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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

Dr. Kristin Wesemann


Head of Strategy and Planning +49 30 26996-3803

Sophie Steybe

Referentin Publikationen +49 30 26996-3726