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„Trump versus United States“

Interview about consequences for the USA following the Supreme Court ruling of July 1, 2024 with Prof Russell A. Miller (Law School of Washington & Lee University in Virginia, USA)

On July 1, 2024 the Supreme Court delivered his historic judgement. They found that the US-President has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct related to his core constitutional competences. Is the President now above the law, as the critics say? In any case, it particularly strengthens the position of the US President, who is often referred to as “the most powerful person in the world”.

S Amelie Walter,

„Adaption, that is how to deal with low fertility that just might be here to stay“

Interview with Professor Mikko Myrskylä on birth trends in Europe and possibilities to tackle demographic change

Professor Mikko Myrskylä, Director of Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock explains why birth rates are falling across Europe. Referring to recent study results, he emphasizes the potential of investments in education to cushion the economic challenges of demographic change despite declining fertility rates.


Are we doing enough? EU sanctions against Russia - a review

Interview with Prof. Dr. Viktor Winkler LL.M (Harvard)

In 2014, the EU reacted to the illegal annexation of Crimea for the first time with restrictive measures against Russia. The war of aggression and the illegal annexation of Ukrainian regions were followed by further EU sanctions. To date, there are a total of 12 sanctions packages. It is not easy to maintain an overview. Prof. Winkler takes stock of this patchwork of sanctions.

"It’s about integration in particular."

Gabriele Baumann talks about Sweden's change in migration policy

Gabriele Baumann, Director of the KAS Regional Program of the Nordic Countries, analyses the reasons for Sweden's new restrictive migration policy and its consolidation. She sheds light on the role of right-wing populists in this policy area.

"I don't see a policy change at the moment."

Alexander Throm (MP) talks about Germany's asylum policy

Alexander Throm, spokesperson for domestic affairs of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag, argues for a fundamental change in German migration policy focusing on more control over migration, but also showing responsibility for those entitled to protection.

"Asylum law is not set in stone."

Professor Daniel Thym talks about the legal framework, limits and opportunities in migration policy

Prof Daniel Thym from the University of Konstanz describes how case law in the field of asylum has developed in Germany and the EU since the fall of the Berlin Wall and how protection claims have been expanded. He points out the legal scope but warns against rushing into action.

Stella von Saldern

"The pandemic treaty should be seen as an opportunity".

Hermann Gröhe talks about the WHO negotiations on a pandemic treaty

In light of the current negotiations on a pandemic treaty in the World Health Organization, we had a conversation with our deputy chairman Hermann Gröhe MdB (deputy chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag) about the content and chances of such an accord.


Migration agreements put to the test

Dr. Malte Gaier, KAS Resident Representative to Tunisia, shares insights about the EU’s Memorandum of Understanding with Tunisia

Dr. Malte Gaier reports on how the Memorandum is perceived and discussed in Tunisia, where the pitfalls lie and which aspects would have to be taken into account for an agreement to function sustainably.

"We need a chain of responsibility"

Lena Düpont (MEP) talks about the CEAS reform and the relevance of agreements with third countries.

Lena Düpont, spokesperson for interior and migration policy of the CDU/CSU group, refers to the urgency of a success of the CEAS reform. In this context, she considers cooperation with countries of origin and transit as part of a "chain of responsibility."

David Ausserhofer

"Reducing irregular migration can only be achieved through agreements with third countries."

Migration researcher Ruud Koopmans in conversation with KAS on migration agreements.

Professor Ruud Koopmans (WZB) shares his thoughts with us on how the European asylum system can be reshaped. Agreements with third countries play a key role in his considerations.

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About this series

In our series "Interviews", talks and discussions are held with experts from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. on various topics.