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Economics and Innovation

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Changes with far-reaching economic implications are happening before our eyes nowadays. An accelerating process of digitalisation of the economy and the working world is under way, and the rapid rise of Asian economies, and especially the Chinese economy, is creating tensions in terms of international trade and security. It is worrying how often current debates in Western industrialised nations - including in Europe - are characterised by self-doubt regarding market democracy models.

The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung attaches importance to observing and analysing economic developments and challenges and global innovations, in order to help shape German policy with its advice.

The Economy and Innovation department thus provides policy recommendations for both a national and a European economic and innovation policy, which is distinguished by a solid conception of how to achieve future prosperity and offers responses to urgent questions: What products, services and business models will, in the future, help to create prosperity in Germany and Europe? What regulatory framework, what incentives and what ethical guard rails are needed to promote innovation and thus increase our competitiveness? How does European economic policy provide an overarching framework for the 27 member states and what are the priorities with respect to international partners?

The Economy and Innovation department offers suggestions on how the economic dynamism of Germany and Europe can be preserved while being made compatible with crucial ecological requirements. This gives rise to blueprints for a future combining the power of the market economy and the wealth of people’s ideas with cautious public policy.

We are convinced that the social market economy has a future. Its principles - freedom, individual responsibility, competition, the performance principle and social redistribution - have proven themselves in the long run and are the basis for Germany’s current economic situation. It is an economic system that will allow us to shape imminent processes of adjustment in a transformative way, which is open to different solutions, and to tackle challenges resulting from systemic competition with confidence. This is the background to the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s “Social Market Economy” prize, which is awarded annually and is housed in the Economy and Innovation department.

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Selected projects of our department

Exclusive and selected projects of our department (possibly in cooperation with other departments or external partners) are presented in the following overview.

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Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

Data protection and data trust

Hidden Innovators

Sustainability Navigator - Change through Innovation

Open Data and Open Government

Quantum computers and their significance for society

Competition policy in the digital world

Science Network of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

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Topic pages of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

We are significantly involved in the following KAS-wide thematic pages. Here you will regularly find various contributions (including publications and events) from our department.

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Data policy


Artificial intelligence

Social market economy

Science, Research and Technology

Business and Innovation

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Dr. Jan Cernicky


Head of the Economy and Innovation Department +49 30 26996 3516 +49 30 26996 3551


Team member

Dr. Christian Hübner


Artificial Intelligence +49 30 26996 3264
Team member

Dr Pencho Kuzev


Data and the Competition Policy +49 30 26996-3247 +49 30 26996-3551
Team member

Tim Peter

Portrait Tim Peter

Competitiveness of Europe +49 30 26996-3826
Team member

Gunter Rieck Moncayo

Gunter Rieck Moncayo

Economy and Trade +49 30 26996-3828 +49 30 26996-53828
Team member

Christian Stadler

Christian Stadler

Tax and Finances +49 30 26996-3677
Team member

Christina Thelen

Christina Thelen

Science and Research Policy +49 30 26996 3839
Team member

Tobias Wangermann

Tobias Wangermann bild

Digitalisation +49 30 26996-3380

Heidi Mittelstädt

Heidi Mittelstädt

Sekretärin / Sachbearbeiterin +49 30 26996-3437

Anne Halbey-Muzlah

Anne Halbey-Muzlah bild

Administrator +49 30 26996-3519 +49 30 26996-3561

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Publications to the topic

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Bausteine für eine bessere Steuerung von Mietmärkten

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Monitor Wohnen 1 pixabay/ Derks24

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Monitor Wohnen 2 pexels/ Thirdman

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More "Net from Gross"

Relief through an allowance in statutory health insurance

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Grundsätze für ein soziales Europa

Argumente für und gegen die europäische Mindestlohn-Richtlinie

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Der digitale Euro

Europas digitaler Weg für die Währung der Zukunft

Preis Soziale Marktwirtschaft 2023 - Christopher und Walter Mennekes mit Produkten imago/Gabi Sonnenschein/MENNEKES

„Preis Soziale Marktwirtschaft 2023“

Awarded to Walter and Christopher Mennekes of the MENNEKES Group

Header 2024-06-03 Synergien von Blockchain und KI KAS

Synergies of Blockchain and AI

Improving Europe’s Digital Sovereignty

Soziale Marktwirtschaft Cover Adobe Stock / thingamajiggs

Social market economy - what does it really mean?

The principles and goals of the social market economy explained in ten chapters.

What's next? – Titelbild

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Opportunities and Challenges for a Global Data Governance Framework

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Die USA und der Wettkampf um globale KI-Standards

Sechster Teil der Interviewreihe „Künstliche Intelligenz aus globaler Perspektive“

Künstliche Intelligenz: Der europäische Weg shutterstock/Gus Martinie

Künstliche Intelligenz: Der europäische Weg

Fünfter Teil der Interviewreihe „Künstliche Intelligenz aus globaler Perspektive“

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Künstliche Intelligenz in der größten Demokratie der Welt

Dritter Teil der Interviewreihe „Künstliche Intelligenz aus globaler Perspektive“

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Vierter Teil der Interviewreihe „Künstliche Intelligenz aus globaler Perspektive“

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We can talk about selective tariffs – but not about protective tariffs

Immersive Technologien KALUZA+SCHMID Studio GmbH, Berlin

Added value through immersive technologies

Application scenarios for XR technologies in business and society

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