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Analysis & Arguments

From Titanium to Taurus

Ukrainian resources and european supply chain resilience in times of war

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Facts & Findings

Cyber-Actors: Iran

As an ally of the USA and Israel, Germany in particular is in focus of Iranian cyber operations and must be prepared for a wide range of threats.

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„Trump versus United States“

Interview about consequences for the USA following the Supreme Court ruling of July 1, 2024 with Prof Russell A. Miller (Law School of Washington & Lee University in Virginia, USA)

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Intra-party democracy in the elections for the CDU and SPD party leadership

On the influence of regional conferences and member surveys on the increase in intra-party democracy from consensus-orientated to competition-orientated procedures.

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„Kritische Knotenpunkte – die Zukunft des Nordens“

Kieler Sicherheitskonferenz 2024

Auf der Kieler Sicherheitskonferenz am 22. Juni 2024 diskutierten hochrangige Vertreter aus Politik und Militär über die sich verändernde Sicherheitslandschaft.

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Analysis and Consulting is the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s think tank. Here, we elaborate in-depth analyses and policy recommendations for the national, European and international levels.

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Media library

How much me? Questions about self-determination

Professor Dr. Judith Froese and Susanne Hierl MdB

We discuss the consequences and social challenges of the Self-Determination Act with Professor Froese and Susanne Hierl, Member of the Bundestag.


European Data Summit 2023: Antitrust Crossroads – A Revolution in Confronting the Monopoly Threat?

Experts Barry Lynn, Philipp Marsden, and Johnny Ryan discuss the intersection of antitrust laws, monopoly threats, and the preservation of democracy.

Expedition Polarstern 138:

Meeresforscherin Antje Boetius im Interview über die Arktis und den Klimawandel

Im August begaben wir uns an Bord des Forschungsschiffs 'Polarstern', kurz bevor es Kurs auf den Nordpol nahm, um ein aufregendes Interview mit Professor Antje Boetius zu führen.

Expert interview

Environmental and political challenges of Antarctica

We discuss the most important challenges for the region, we look at the possible consequences of climate change and ask what needs to be done to meet the challenges ahead.

Richard Ottinger


Es gibt auch das Recht auf negative Religionsfreit. Dieses werde in Anbetracht der steigenden Anzahl nichtreligiöser Menschen immer wichtiger.

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The KAS Day 2024

Democracy protects. Protects democracy.




15. Hafis Menschenrechtsdialog





Ways to make Germany‘s foreign policy stronger: Four perspectives from around the globe

Panel discussion and presentation of the study “Key Regional Players in the New Global Order”

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