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Vorbereitungstreffen für die XIII. Internationale Sicherheitskonferenz Forte de Copacabana


In einem Planungsworkshop werden führende Spezialistinnen und Spezialisten für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik über die Themenvorschläge für die im Oktober stattfindende Internationale Sicherheitskonferenz Forte de Copacabana beratschlagen.


Frauen in der Politik: Kommunalwahlen 2016 und Wahlsysteme

Seminar mit Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker MdB

Vor dem Hintergrund der Kommunalwahlen im Herbst 2016 lädt die KAS Brasilien in Kooperation mit der Frauenorganisation der PSDB Bürgermeisterkandidatinnen zu einem Austausch über die Partizipation von Frauen in der brasilianischen Politik ein.


KAS Alumni-Treffen 2016

Vortrag und Diskussion mit Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker MdB

Zum Treffen des brasilianischen Alumni-Netzwerks 2016, einer Plattform für Diskussion und Austausch, lädt die KAS Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker MdB ein, rechts- und verbraucherpolitische Sprecherin der Unionsfraktion im Bundestag.

Book presentation

Educação política no Brasil: Reflexões, iniciativas e desafios

Lançamento em São Paulo - Cadernos Adenauer 01/2016

Será lançada na FESP-SP, em 03 de maio de 2016, a primeira edição de 2016 da série Cadernos Adenauer, dedicada ao tema da educação política. O evento será um debate, o qual terá início às 19:30, contando com a presença de vários autores.


II. European-South American Regional Security Symposium

Dynamically changing global security panorama - which consequences for the European Union and South America? And which role for regional security regimes regarding the bordering seas?


15. Regionaltreffen CB27 im Norden Brasiliens

Forum der Umweltdezernentinnen und -dezernenten der brasilianischen Hauptstädte

Die Umweltdezernentinnen und -dezernenten der Hauptstädte der Bundesstaaten der nördlichen Region werden in Rio Branco über lokale Umweltpolitik, die Folgen des Klimawandels und die Bekämpfung der Abholzung im Amazonasgebiet diskutieren.


Frauen in der Politik

Ein Vorbereitungskurs für Kommunalpolitikerinnen

Vor dem Hintergrund der Kommunalwahlen im Herbst diesen Jahres lädt die KAS Brasilien in Kooperation mit der Frauenorganisation der PSDB Bürgermeisterkandidatinnen zum Austausch über politische Partizipation von Frauen in der Kommunalpolitik ein.


VII. Nationaltreffen des Dialogforums CB 27

Forum der Umweltdezernentinnen und -dezernenten der brasilianischen Hauptstädte

Beim 7. Nationaltreffen des Dialogforums CB27 werden die Umweltdezernentinnen und -dezernenten der Hauptstädte der brasilianischen Bundesstaaten über die Folgen des Pariser Klimagipfels (COP 21) und die zukünftige Entwicklung des Forums diskutieren.


Democracia Virtual - "Implicações políticas"


Informamos que o evento "Democracia virtual - implicações políticas" com realização prevista para hoje, 01/12/2015, a partir das 14:30, foi cancelado. Pedimos desculpas pelo transtorno.


XII Forte de Copacabana International Security Conference

World Politics of Security

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation in partnership with the Brazilian Center for International Relations, and the Delegation of the European Union to Brazil, is holding the XII Forte de Copacabana International Security Conference, on October 8.

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Human rights training course

Public Policies for Women, Children and Youngs

The course was held in partnership with Kolping Brazil on December 2nd in Carapicuíba - São Paulo. The main aim of the course was to disseminate quality content on human rights in a broad and accessible way.

Political Capacity Building Workshop for Young People

Workshop held in Rio de Janeiro in partnership between KAS Brazil and PSDB Youth

KAS Brasil in partnership with the PSDB Youth of the State of Rio de Janeiro organized an enriching Political Training Workshop that brought together 20 politically and academically engaged young leaders.

II National Meeting of Female Mayors

Seminar held in Brasilia with mayors and deputy mayors from all over Brazil

On September 25th and 26th, the Alziras Institute, in partnership with KAS Brazil, held the II National Meeting of Women Mayors in the Brazilian capital.

Lauching Seminar of the publication "Technology, Security and Rights"

The uses and risks of facial recognition systems in Brazil

The event was attended by the authors and organisers of the publication, at IBMEC-Rio.

Visiting the past to understand the present and deal with the future

The project, in partnership with the Casa Stefan Zweig museum in Petrópolis, RJ, consists of encouraging school visits from public schools in the region.

Training Course in Human Rights and Dignity

Course held in partnership between the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Kolping Brazil.

Empowering Municipal Managers for Effective Governance

Public Policy Workshop

In an effort to empower municipal public managers across Rio Grande do Sul municipalities, the Public Policy Workshop project recently concluded its successful second edition in Porto Alegre, co-organised by the foundations Getúlio Vargas and Konrad Adenauer.

Democracy and Anti-Corruption Public Policies

Virtual course held in partnership with Transparency International

KAS Brasilien

European-Brazilian Relations under Lula III

Dialogue programme

The spokesman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group for Latin America, Peter Beyer (MdB), completed a dialogue programme on bilateral cooperation since the inauguration of Brazilian President Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva (Labour Party PT) between 26 and 30 June 2023 with the support of the office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) in Brazil.

17th Meeting of the Brazilian Public Security Forum

The event brought together experts, government officials, military personnel, and civil society to debate the main challenges in the area of Public Security, especially in the Amazon region.