Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

The Social Market Economy

What does it really mean?

»Not the free market economy of the laissez-faire plundering of a bygone era […], but the socially responsible market economy that once again brings the individual to the fore, that places a high value on the person and that provides a fair return for work carried out, this is the modern version of the market economy …« LUDWIG ERHARD, CDU PARTY CONFERENCE, RECKLINGHAUSEN, 28 AUGUST 1948

Corona-Update, USA (June)

Studies, Analysis and Commentary

Experten setzen sich intensiv mit den unterschiedlichen Aspekten und Herausforderungen dieser in ihrem Umfang und ihrer Schnelligkeit beispiellosen Krise auseinander. Für einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Diskussion stellt das KAS-Auslandsbüro USA mit Sitz in Washington D.C. regelmäßig eine Auswahl an Studien, Analysen und Kommentaren jeweils mit Links zu den Beiträgen zusammen.

Japan-MENA Relations: Understanding Japan's Strategic Priorities in the Region

Mediterranean Dialogue Series no. 37

Christopher Lamont sheds light on Japan's ties with the MENA region and its strategic priorities. He analyses Japan's engagements in the context of a more assertive China and growing uncertainty over the future US role in the region.

wikimedia/Pudelek/CC BY-SA 4.0

Parlamentswahl in der Republik Moldau am 11. Juli

Ausgangslage und Tragweite

In der Republik Moldau findet am kommenden Sonntag eine vorgezogene Parlamentswahl statt, die vermutlich von großer Tragweite für die künftige innen- und außenpolitische Entwicklung des Landes sein wird. In den vergangenen Jahren hatte die Moldau eine oligarchische Kaperung des Staates erlebt, die eine demokratische und rechtstaatliche Entwicklung des Landes in Frage stellte. Zu deren Folgen zählte eine Stärkung der russlandnahen Kräfte und eine nahezu existenzielle Schwächung demokrati-scher und pro-europäischer Kräfte, weshalb auch die Östliche Partnerschaft der EU in der Moldau be-reits kurz vor einem endgültigen Scheitern stand. Gewählt unter diesen Umständen und entsprechend manipulativen Rahmenbedingungen, vertreten im bisherigen Parlament etwa drei Viertel der Abgeord-neten Interessen, die entweder auf eine andere geopolitische Ausrichtung zielen oder aber den trans-formatorischen Zielen der EU hin zu Demokratie und Rechtstaat entgegengesetzt sind. Korrupte Inte-ressen und mafiaartige Netzwerke durchziehen nach wie vor Institutionen, Behörden und Justiz. Das Wiedererstarken reformorientierter Kräfte, das bereits mit dem Wahlsieg von Maia Sandu bei der Prä-sidentenwahl im vergangenen November zum Ausdruck kam, eröffnet allerdings noch eine Chance auf substanzielle Veränderungen.

Ben Blanchard, Reuters

A Dynamic Player in East Asia

How Taiwan Takes Responsibility in the Shadow of the International Community

Although diplomatically recognised by scarcely more than a dozen countries, Taiwan still pursues an active, values-based foreign and development policy. Taipei deliberately counters Beijing’s hard power with its “warm power”. Whether it is health, the economy or disaster management, creativity and innovation are the common threads that run through Taiwan’s approach to development cooperation.

Bobby Yip, Reuters

A Holistic View of Health

The One Health Concept in ­International Development Cooperation

The ­COVID-19 pandemic has turned the spotlight on how global health risks can arise from interactions between humans, animals, and the environment. Consolidating the One Health approach is vital if we are to adequately counter this threat. The approach focuses on these interdependencies to reduce the resulting health risks. Governments and multi­lateral organisations also increasingly incorporate this approach into their development strategies.

John Vizcaino, Reuters

A Mixed Picture

Five Years of the Colombian Peace Agreement

2021 marks the fifth anniversary of the historic peace agreement between the Colombian government and the guerrilla organisation Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (­FARC). The international headlines focus on the delays and setbacks obstructing the path to a stable, lasting peace. However, despite the widespread scepticism fuelled by these ongoing difficulties, positive steps are being taken to increasingly consolidate the peace process and make it irreversible. Colombia deserves the solidarity and support of its international partners as it continues this journey.

Jose Miguel Gomez, Reuters

Accountability Is Only the Beginning

A Plea for the Strategic Use of Monitoring and Evaluation

Discussions about monitoring and evaluation in development cooperation still tend to revolve around justifying the use of funds – often taxpayers’ money – and proving their effectiveness. Of course, this is right and important, but monitoring and evaluation harbour the potential to do more. The goal must be a change in attitude, moving away from being “guardians of the indicators” to becoming “friends and helpers”.

Tomohiro Ohsumi, Reuters

Authoritarian Donor States and Their Engagement in Africa

A Focus on Strategic Power and Exporting Political Systems?

As the world shifts into a new geopolitical phase, Africa is gaining importance – as a trading partner and investment destination, a contender in addressing global challenges, but also as an arena for external actors to flex their military and strategic muscles. These actors include China, Russia, and Turkey, three authoritarian regimes with regional and great power ambitions. From a European perspective, their activities in Africa are viewed with scepticism and concern. Not only because they are economic competitors, but because they also embody competing values and social models.


September 2021 will mark precisely 60 years since the group of Western industrialised nations formed the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In 1961, the OECD also established its Development Assistance Committee to coordinate its members’ development aid (as it was generally known at the time). This autumn, Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) will also commemorate its 60th anniversary.

Asset Publisher

Facts and Findings

Selected contributions to the series with international relevance

The series informs in a concentrated form about important positions of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on current topics. The individual issues present key findings and recommendations, offer brief analyses, explain the Foundation's further plans and name KAS contact persons.


International Reports

Journal for international issues, foreign policy and development cooperation

International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

EPP Party Barometer

The Situation of the European People's Party in the EU

The EPP Party Barometer illustrates the current situation of the EPP party family in the EU. On a non-regular basis, it provides a concise overview of current election results, polls from the member states and the composition of the party family.


In our series "Interviews", talks and discussions are held with experts from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. on various topics.


Concise, reduced to the essentials, but always highly topical. In our series "kurzum", our experts summarise an issue or problem on a maximum of two pages.

Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

Event Reports

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.