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Expert conference

Event recap: EU Enlargement - The New Geopolitical Background

An event by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung UK & Ireland and European Movement Ireland

20th Anniversary of Largest-Ever EU Enlargement Marks a New Geopolitical Era for Countries Seeking EU Membership Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) UK & Ireland and European Movement Ireland hosted, ‘EU Enlargement: The New Geopolitical Background’. In the year of the 20th Anniversary of the largest-ever EU enlargement, H.E. Larysa Gerasko, Ambassador of Ukraine to Ireland, Professor David Phinnemore, Queen's University Belfast, and Peter Power, Senior Expert in DG NEAR, European Commission gather to discuss the new geopolitical background shaping the European Union’s accession process.

Expert conference

Engaging Cross Borders: Perspectives from Ireland and Europe

International Conference in Irish-German Studies

The Centre for Irish-German Studies at the University of Limerick, in partnership with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung UK & Ireland, the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies and the Faculty of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences at Ulster University will host the conference.


Innovation & Competitiveness: 30 Years of the Single Market

In-Person Event

This event will reflect on the past 30 years of the Single Market and impact it has made on Member States with a focus on Ireland and the innovative and competitive nature of it. The event will open with a keynote address from Commissioner Mairead McGuinness.


The Good Friday Agreement and the EU After 25 Years

Online Event

This event will reflect on the past 25 years of the Good Friday Agreement and the key role the European Union played.

Expert conference

One Year on from the Russian Invasion of Ukraine – Priorities for European Security and Defence

Half-Day Symposium

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung UK & Ireland in partnership with the Institute of International and European Affairs host a half-day symposium.


Europe’s Economy in Troubled Times

Online Event Series

This event will examine the general economic outlook for the EU and the Eurozone including a focus on Ireland and Germany. The participants will discuss the impacts of inflationary challenges and energy security, outline EU and Member State responses and assess the future of the EU economy, including future fiscal rules and economic governance issues. This is the final event in the Supporting Democracy series with European Movement Ireland in 2022.


Energy Dependency and Foreign Policy - Dilemmas for the UK, Germany and the EU

Join our online event in cooperation with The Federal Trust and Global Policy Institute.

Expert conference

New Ways of Engagement and the International Context: Northern Ireland and Ireland

International Conference

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung UK & Ireland in partnership with the Faculty of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences at Ulster University and the Centre for Irish-German Studies, University of Limerick hosted this conference.


Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung at the Conservative Party Conference 2022 - Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Fringe Event - Responding to Russia's War in Ukraine: Safeguarding European Justice and Security

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung together with Bright Blue, will host a fringe event at this year's Conservative Party Conference . A panel of distinguished speakers will discuss the future of European justice and security in light of the war in Ukraine.


Supporting Democracy and Security: The War in Ukraine

Online Event Series

This is the second event with European Movement Ireland in 2022, all of which focus on the theme of Supporting Democracy. This event will discuss the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the implications for European security and other policy areas. We will also examine the EU’s response to the war, Ukraine’s future in Europe and arising geopolitical developments.

Asset Publisher

Understanding and Dealing with the Spread of Populist Extremism in Europe


On the 13th of October 2010 the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), Proventus AB from Stockholm and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, London, invited experts from various EU-member countries to discuss the reason for the rise and spread of populist and extremist parties in Europe. The workshop was the first of four meetings in which recommendations on handling such parties will be drafted.

Understanding and Dealing with the Spread of Populist Extremism in Europe

Commentary by Dr. Florian Hartleb

"Populism is in itself, an imprecise, nebulous, chameleon-like concept, although all of us – layman and expert alike – somehow believe we know what it means.“ So Florian Hartleb in this commentary to a series of events that has made the discussion about the reason for the rise and spread of populist and extremist parties in Europe subject to investigation.

20 Jahre Deutsche Einheit

Der 20ste Jahrestag der Deutschen Ein-heit war Anlass genug, die Jahre des Transformationsprozesses in den neuen Ländern in Erinnerung zu rufen. Eingeladen waren die Stipendiaten und Altstipendiaten der KAS und junge interessierte Briten.

A New NATO for a New Security Environment


As NATO debates its new strategic concept the security environment into which it will launch its new strategy has changed significantly since the current NATO strategy was put into force in 1999. (...)The necessity of defence and security has changed since the Cold War.(...) This new security environment, in which NATO will present its new strategy on the NATO-Summit on 19 November 2010 in Lisbon, is the new environment that was subject to debate at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung seminar on 3 September 2010 in London.

„A New NATO for a New Security Environment“

Workshop in London 3 September 2010 (In English Only)

On 3 September 2010 the Representative Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in London held a British-German expert conference on the future of NATO in a changing security environment.

The Way out of the financial Crisis

Abstract paper from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation experts conference in Cadenabbia 21-24 September 2010

The abstract paper "The Way out of the financial Crisis" is a summary of the conferene "Exits from the Financial Markets Crisis" that took place in Cadenabbia on 21-24 September 2010. The paper defines 10 points that should serve as an input into the current debate.

Wege aus der Finanzmarktkrise

In der Zeit vom 21.-24. September 2010 fand auf Einladung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung ein zweitägiges Expertengespräch zum Thema „Wege aus der Finanzmarktkrise“ statt. 20 Vertreter aus Politik, Bankensektor und Aufsichtsbehörden setzten sich mit den Folgen der Finanzmarktkrise auseinander und fasten wichtige Empfehlungen zusammen.

Zukünftige Konflikte über Energie und Ressourcen

Die Bedeutung einer europäischen Energiepolitik

Am 8. März 2010 führte die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Kooperation mit dem European Centre for Energy and Resource Security und dem International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation des King’s College London einen Workshop mit Politiker und Experten aus Deutschland und Großbritannien und Nordirland durch. Im Anschluss an den Workshop hielt Dr. Jürgen Großmann, Vorstandsvorsitzender von RWE, einen Vortrag zum Thema „Energiesicherheit für die nächsten Jahrzehnte“.

Zukünftige Konflikte über Energie und Ressourcen - Die Bedeutung einer europäischen Energiepolitik

Am 8. März 2010 führte die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Kooperation mit dem European Centre for Energy and Resource Security und dem International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation des King’s College London einen Workshop mit Politiker und Experten aus Deutschland und Großbritannien und Nordirland durch. Im Anschluss an den Workshop hielt Dr. Jürgen Großmann,Vorstandsvorsitzender von RWE, einen Vortrag zum Thema „Energiesicherheit für die nächsten Jahrzehnte“.

Die Ostseestrategie der Europäischen Union

Perspektiven für die Baltischen Länder

Anlässlich der Verabschiedung einer gemeinsamen Strategie für den Ostseeraum beim Treffen des Europäischen Rates Ende Oktober in Brüssel haben die KAS-Auslandsbüros für Großbritannien und die Baltischen Länder eine gemeinsame Veranstaltungsreihe in Vilnius, Riga und Tallinn durchgeführt.