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Single title

Technologies for Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean

Electric bus / Digital technologies / Photovoltaic solar generation

The title of this book was based on the Green Tech Talks project, carried out in cooperation with our partner ABRAPS - Brazilian Association of Professionals for Sustainable Development, throughout 2021, where we held 3 seminars, with the topics: electric buses, technologies digital and photovoltaic solar generation. In these seminars we were able to count on experts from the region, who brought the most up-to-date information on each topic.

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In its first chapter, an overview of the implementation of green technologies in LAC is developed, with an introductory approach to the socioeconomic context of the region, its progress and challenges towards the UN 2030 Agenda, the stimulus packages for a green economic recovery, as well as a presentation of the three technological groups mentioned.

Throughout the chapters: 2 (Urban Electric Bus), 3 (Digital Technologies) and 4 (Photovoltaic Solar Generation) the main concepts, status and trends regarding the implementation of the respective technological groups in the regional context are addressed. In addition, each of these chapters provides valuable input on the main actors, statistics and regulations that help portray the dynamics of insertion of these technologies in their contexts.

The final chapter emphasizes the main social, economic and environmental impacts, by technological group, in order to enrich future debates on technological development and innovation strategies for the LAC region.

Good reading!

* Publication available in Portuguese.

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