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Introduction & Book Outline

Here you will find the Introduction & Book Outline for the "Cambodia's ASEAN Chairmanship in 2022: Priorities and Challenges" publication.

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Following the establishment of the Second Kingdom of Cambodia in 1993, the Cambodian government adopted an “open door” policy through its engagement with the outside world, especially its regional integration into the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Since becoming a full member of ASEAN on 30 April 1999, Cambodia has always regarded ASEAN as one of the most important and relevant platforms to enhance peace, stability, and prosperity of the Kingdom and the region at large. Thus, ASEAN has become the cornerstone of Phnom Penh’s foreign policy, as Cambodian foreign policymakers are convinced that the regional grouping provides a strategic window of opportunities for Cambodia to regain its regional role and promote its national interests regionally and internationally.

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Maurizio Paciello

Maurizio Paciello

Programmkoordinator +855 87 880 078


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