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Speechwriters Meet on Historical Island of Gorée

KAS Media Africa Hosts Second Speech Writing Conference in Senegal in July, 2022. The Conference brought together anglophone, lusophone and francophone writers from 10 countries.

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How does one draft a speech? What is the importance of location and audience? How does one interact with the principal for whom one writes and their team? These and other issues were discussed in a three-day-conference comprising of experienced political speech writers form 10 countries in Africa, from Germany and the US. The event took place on the historical island of Gorée in Senegal, just off the coast of Dakar. Anglophone, francophone and lusophone writers alike participated. “Such an important forum we had” said lecturer Heather Thynsma, former speech writer of US-politician Hilary Clinton.

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Personas de contacto

Christoph Plate

Christoph Plate bild

Leiter des Medienprogramms Südosteuropa +359 2 942-4971 +359 2 94249-79


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