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Towards a Better Normal: COVID-19 Pandemic Politics

2021 PPSA International Conference

The Philippine Political Science Association, with support from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Philippines, conducted its annual international conference last 14-16 June 2021.

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Towards a Better Normal: COVID-19 Pandemic Politics Philippine Political Science Association
Towards a Better Normal: COVID-19 Pandemic Politics

(The recorded proceedings of the 2021 PPSA International Conference can be viewed at the PPSA Facebook Page)

The Day 1 started with the messages from PPSA President Dr. Rosalie Hall, KAS Philippines Country Director Prof. Dr. Stefan Jost, and Mindanao State University - General Santos City (MSU-GSC) Vice Chancellor Usman Aragasi representing MSU -GSC Chancellor Dr. Anshari Ali. The preliminary session was followed by a keynote speech on "The Politics of Dress" delivered by Prof. Mina Roces from the University of New South Wales.

A keynote speech on "The Philippines and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Confronting Challenges for the Next President" was delivered by Dr. Emil Bolongaita from the Carnegie Mellon University to start the Day 2 of the international conference.

The Day 3 commenced with a plenary session on "Philippine Foreign Policy, the European Union, and ASEAN: Mapping the Pandemic's Impact." The session featured Dr. Staffan Lindberg from V-Dem Institute in University of Gothenburg, Dr. Yuko Kasuya from Keio University, and Dr. Frederick Kliem from S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies.

The recordings of parallel sessions during the 2021 PPSA International Conference can be watched in PPSA Facebook Page.

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