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Die Zukunft der Energieversorgung in Ägypten

Das Bevölkerungswachstum bringt einen immer höheren Energiebedarf mit sich. Auch in Ägypten gewinnen erneuerbare Energien deshalb an Bedeutung. Internationale Experten diskutieren alternative Energiequellen und ihre optimale Nutzung.

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Wednesday, 14th of May, 2008

09.30 – 11.00 Opening Session

  • Dr. Magued Osman, Chairman, IDSC

  • Dr. Mohammed Mansour, Director, IDSC

  • Dr. Andreas Jacobs, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

  • Dr. Hassan Younes, Minister of Electricity and Energy

11.00 – 12.30First Session: “The Energy Sector in Egypt – Future Strategies”

Chairperson:Dr. Hassan Younes, Minister of Electricity and Energy


  • Dr. Joachim Pfeiffer, Member of the German Bundestag

    "Current agenda regarding energy and climate policies of the EU and the German perspective”

  • Dr. Abdel-Rahman Salah-Eldin, Executive Chairman, New and Renewable Energy Agency (NREA)

  • Dr. Adil Khalil, Cairo University

    "The Energy Sector in Egypt: An Overview"

12.30 – 13.00Coffee Break

13.00 – 14.30Second Session: “Non-renewable Energy Sources in Egypt”

Chairperson:Dr. Mohammed Mansour, Director, IDSC


  • Dr. Mohamed Reda Moharem, Professor of Mining Engineering, Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Al Azhar University

  • Dr. Tarek Selim, Researcher, American University in Cairo
  • Dr. Shamel Hamdy, Secretary of the Ministry of Petroleum

14.30 – 15.30Lunch Break

15.30 – 17.30Third Session: “Solar Energy”

Chairperson:Dr. Abdel-Rahman Salah-Edin, Executive Chairman, New and Renewable Energy Agency (NREA)


  • Prof. Dr. Peter Hennicke, President of Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Wuppertal, Germany

    “Solar Energy”

  • Dr. Hani El Nokraschy, Nokraschy Engineering GmbH

  • Dr. Nagwa Khatab, National Center for Research

Thursday, 15th of May 2008

09.00 – 10.30 First Session: “Wind Energy”

Chairman:Dr. Mohamed Reda Moharem, Professor of Mining Engineering, Al Azhar University


  • Dr. Samir Mahmoud Hassan, Chairman of NREA

  • Eng. Maher Aziz, NREA

  • Mr. Rafik Youssef Goergy, Technical Consultant, NREA

10.30 – 12.00Second Session: “Bio Fuel Energy”

Chairman:Dr. Hany El Nazer, Chairman of National Research Center


  • Dr. Abdel-Aziz Ahmed Said, Researcher, Assiut University

  • Dr. Mohsen Tawfeek, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology

  • Mr. Hassan Gomaa, Researcher
12.00 – 12.30 Coffee Break

12.30 – 14.00Third Session: “Nuclear Energy”

Chairperson:Dr. Ali El Seidy, Chairman of the Energy Committee of the National Democratic Party


  • Dr. Ali Islam Metwally, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Agency

  • Dr. Sayid Bahy El Din, former executive chairman, Atomic Energy Acency

  • Dr. Mohammed Mounir Megahed, Researcher, Atomic Energy Agency

14.00 – 15.00Lunch

15.0 – 16.30Fourth Session: “Partnerships”

Chairperson:Ambassador Gamal Bayoumi, Chairman of the European Partnership Unit


  • Ms. Kirsten Neumann, German Energy Agency (DENA)

    “Political Frameworks for RE – Experiences in Europe and MENA”

  • Dr. Hussein Abdallah, former first Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum

  • Dr. Sherif Abdel Wadood, Managing Director, BICO Energy
16.30 – 17.30Closing Session

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  • Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC)


    Die Zukunft der Energieversorgung in Ägypten
    pokaż więcej

    Dr. Andreas Jacobs


    Stellvertretender Leiter Analyse und Beratung sowie Leiter Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt

    andreas.jacobs@kas.de +49 (0)30 26996 3744

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