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Georgian State Officials Show Strong Commitment towards European Union

"Eastern Partnership – Georgia’s Roadmap after Vilnius Summit"

President of Georgia Giorgi Margvelashvili called the European course of Georgia a "historical heritage and future obligation". Georgia’s approximation to Europe is "irreversible". The President gave a speech at the conference, which was organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with the Georgian Parliament after Georgia initialled the Assosiation Agreement during the summit of the EU's Eastern Partnership.

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Dr. Canan Atilgan, Head of the KAS office in Tiflis, President Giorgi Margvelashvili, President of the parliament David Usupashvili, Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili, Head of the EU delegation Ambassador Philipp Dimitrov

The conference was also attended by Chairman of the Parliament David Usupashvili, Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili, cabinet members, members of parliament and representatives of civil society. During his speech Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili, stressed: "Today the direction Georgia takes on its path to Europe is the responsibility of our generation. We are obligated to take consistent and prudent steps on this path, so that our country may gain a foothold in and become a worthy member of the European family.”

The conference “Eastern Partnership - Roadmap after Vilnius Summit” aimed at summing up the results of the Vilnius summit and discussing the reforms and the activities, which the Georgian government will implement for bringing the country closer to the European Union within the next one year, whe the Association Agreement will be signed. The Georgian heads of state pledged to sign the association agreement until the fall of 2014.

Representatives from government, parliament, Diplomatic Corps, international organisations, NGOs and national Platform of civil society participated in the conference. The conference touched on issues of geopolitical challenges, government strategies and development perspectives. Minister and deputy Ministers for Justice, Interior, Energy and the Economy presented their action plans to the audience. The active participation of representatives of civil society organizations made it possible to elaborate number of important policy recommendations to the government in order to accelerate the process for implementation of required reforms.

After initialising the Association Agreement on 28-29 November, 2013 Georgian government will need to implement several significant recommendations within one year period of rime. Among them are harmonisation of countries legal framework to European and International standards, preparations for Visa liberalisation and Deep and Comprehensive Free trade agreement. According State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Georgia is ready to thoroughly implement assigned “Homework” which will bring country closer to European Integration. “The Process will be successfully finalized in September next year with signing Association Agreement. At the same time there is a process of country’s modernization, reforms implementation and visa liberalization action plan taking places and in order to ensure smooth fulfillment of these processes we need strong support and guaranty of international society and European Union that will be the best aid to secure us from all the obstacles we might have to face. Nothing and no one will make Georgia change route from its Euro Atlantic and European Integration roadmap.”

The conference exposed also clear concerns of Georgian government that Russian pressure on Georgia will intensify. The Georgian government calls on the EU to continue taking effective measures on preventing Russian intervention in overall process. On the other hand the conference demonstrated the broad consensus in the Georgian politics on clear orientation towards Europe. This consensus based on the strong support of the population for Georgia’s European future.

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