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Study and Information Program

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Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP) - Batch 12

Module 04: Bicameralism and Balance of Power in Germany: The interplay between State and Federal Politics

The final module of the KASYP training programme aims to provide participants with an international perspective on global politics, multilateralism, and exposure to the role of political parties in different governance levels within a European political system.


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Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP) - Batch 15

Module 02: Political Parties in Election Campaigning

The second module aims to provide participants with the understanding and skills of electoral campaigning and its many tools as well as the importance of providing organized electoral choices to citizens through political parties, and training on democratic leadership (second session on co-ownership).


Promoting Equality Through Gender-Sensitive Policies and Budgets

Asian Women Parliamentarian Caucus E Meets

The second AWPC E-Meet will be taking place on July 23rd, focusing on "Promoting Equality Through Gender-Sensitive Policies and Budgets." This event is an excellent opportunity for AWPC members to learn, exchange ideas, and collaborate on advancing gender equality through informed policies and budgeting practices. We are honored to be joined by Dato’ Ong Bee Leng, Chief Executive Officer of Penang Women's Development Corporation, Malaysia. Dato’ Ong will share her extensive expertise and insights on the subject as the main speaker.

Study and Information Program

Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP) – Batch 16

Applications NOW OPEN!

The Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP) is a capacity-development programme aimed to develop a cadre of young political leaders who will take lead in the advancement of responsiveness and accountability of political parties in Asia.


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Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP) – Batch 14

3rd Training-Workshop on Local Governance and Development

For the third module, the main objective is to provide participants with tools and knowledge to create effective democratic governance in societies facilitated by political parties at the local level.


State of Europe 2024

Europe in 2024 and beyond - EU Elections: global impact, regional perception?

In collaboration with the German European School Singapore (GESS) and the GESS Parents' Committee the public cross-sectional evening event will see more than 200 people from different disciplines.


Call for Papers - Asian Summer School

4th Edition of the Asian Summer School on Political Parties and Democracy in Taiwan

Organised under the auspices of the Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, the School will bring together an international team of academics and practitioners to train and instruct a group of 16 MA/PhD researchers, practitioners and civil society leaders in the field of political parties and democracy between 20 – 26 May 2024, Taipei, Taiwan at the National Chengchi University (NCCU)

Expert conference

Asian Women Parliamentarian Caucus Meeting

Promoting Gender Equality and Climate Change Mitigation in Asian Parliaments

In 2024, the Asian Women Parliamentarian Caucus members will be meeting to discuss “Gender Equality and Climate Change Mitigation in Asian Parliaments” looking at the confluence on how women parliamentarians can engage together to share experiences from their country discuss policy priorities and campaigns, center frontline experiences, and coordinate for urgent needed action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Study and Information Program

Job Announcement: Project Manager for Digitalisation (m/f/d)

For three months we are looking for a Project Manager on a part-time basis (20hrs/week)

For our activities & projects between April and June we are looking for additional support in the area of digitalisation (e governance, Smart Cities) to facilitate the planning, budgeting, implementation and evaluation of several events. The Project Manager will be employed on an honorary basis of 20 hrs per week for the duration of three months.

Study and Information Program

Job Announcement: Project Coordinator (m/f/d)

For three months we are looking for a Project Coordinator on a part-time basis (20hrs/week)

For our activities & projects between April and June we are looking for additional support in the area of security policy/multilateralism to facilitate the planning, budgeting, implementation and evaluation of several events. The Project Coordinator will be employed on an honorary basis of 20 hrs per week for the duration of three months.

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Conference “Addressing Irregular Migration and Human Trafficking in Europe and Asia”

On 6-7 March 2014, the regional programme Political Dialogue with Asia of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Singapore, in cooperation with the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace, organized a conference on “Addressing Irregular Migration and Human Trafficking in Europe and Asia” in Phnom Penh / Cambodia.

Conference Report: Policy Panel on Migration

The EU-Asia Dialogue by the Konrad-Adnauer Stiftung presented a “Policy Panel on Migration” on December 13, 2012 in Manila, the Philippines. Experts, academics and policy-makers from both continents discused legal frameworks and best practices on governing migration.

The world after Warsaw - What prospects for achieving a global climate agreement by 2015?

Policy Conference in Brussels on 5th December 2013

On 5 December, 2013, the EU-Asia Dialogue organized a policy panel on “The world afterWarsaw - What prospects for achieving a global climate agreement by 2015?” in Brussels,Belgium. Four distinguished speakers from Europe and Asia discussed the outcomes ofthe most recent Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Conventionon Climate Change in Warsaw.

Conference on Climate Change Diplomacy with Mr. Su Wei, Chief Climate Negotiator of the People’s Republic of China

On 21 October 2013, the regional programme Political Dialogue with Asia of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Singapore, in cooperation with the Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance (CIDEG) of the Tsinghua University Beijing, organized a conference on “Europe-Asia Cooperation on Climate Change Negotiations”. The key note speech of this event was delivered by Mr. Su Wei, Bureau Chief for the Development of Climate Change in the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and Chief Climate Negotiator of the People’s Republic of China.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi calls for more women in political leadership positions

International Conference of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Myanmar (Burma) on “Women’s Leadership in Politics”

More parliamentary seats and political leadership roles for women - that is a demand of the Nobel Peace Prize winner and Opposition Leader Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar (Burma), which she articulated during an international conference of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, held in the country’s capital, Naypyidaw on October 04th and 05th 2013. Female Parliamentarians from Myanmar and countries of Asia and Europe discussed their experiences, tools and processes to increase the proportion of women in parliaments and political leadership.

Maritime Security: Lessons Learned from Europe and Asia

Policy Conference in London on 19th September 2013

On 19 September, 2013, the EU-Asia Dialogue and the International Institute forStrategic Studies (IISS) held a joint conference on “Maritime Security: Lessons Learnedfrom Europe and Asia” in London, United Kingdom. This event of the cluster MaritimePiracy and Security was attended by 31 participants.

Making Sustainable Cities Work in Europe and Asia

International Workshop on Eco Cities in Brussels

On 17 September, 2013, the EU-Asia Dialogue organized an international workshop on“Making Sustainable Cities Work in Europe and Asia” in Brussels, Belgium. This event ofthe cluster Eco-Cities was attended by 35 participants.

Human Trafficking – Challenges to Europe and Asia

On 13 June, 2013, the EU-Asia Dialogue project organized an International Workshop on “Human Trafficking – Challenges to Europe and Asia” in Vienna, Austria. The event was implemented in cooperation with the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna.

Social Cohesion in Europe and Asia – Prospects and Challenges

On 11 June, 2013, an International Workshop on “Social Cohesion in Europe and Asia – Prospects and Challenges” took place in Brussels, Belgium. The event was part of the "EU-Asia Dialogue"-project.

Resolving Deadlock in Climate Change Negotiations - Sharing European and Asian Experiences

As part of the "EU-Asia Dialogue", the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organized a Policy Dialogue on Climate Change Diplomacy on April 25 and 26, 2013, in Bonn, Germany. Representatives of several international organizations and experts from both continents analyzed the possibility to achieve a new global climate framework by 2015.