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Geopolitics in the South China Sea

Military Rearmament and Consequences for Europe

Besides the Taiwan issue, the South China Sea is currently the geopolitical hotspot in the Indo-Pacific. China's ultimate claim to nearly 90 percent of the sea area is causing territorial disputes with Southeast Asian littoral states and fueling tensions with power rival the United States in the region.

Adobe Stock / Blue Planet Studio

“You don’t know what the future holds …”

Results of two representative trend surveys

The study shows changes in the political attitudes of the population between December 2022 and June 2023. How did satisfaction with democracy and trust in institutions develop? How optimistic are citizens about the future? How do attitudes differ between East and West Germany and between the various party supporters? How are party sympathies changing? The study explores these questions with the help of two representative surveys conducted six months apart.

Adobe Stock / svetazi

“It's all been proven”

Results from representative and qualitative surveys on conspiracy theories in Germany

Our study shows how widespread conspiracy theories are among the German population. In which groups of the population does approval turn out to be higher? Which party supporters stand out? Which conspiracy theories are anchored in people's minds and how? Which conspiracies have been solidified by the Corona pandemic? What does it mean when people are immersed in the world of conspiracy theories? Analysis of representative survey data and qualitative in-depth interviews sheds light on these questions.

pexels / cottonbro studio

Anti-Semitic Attitudes in Germany

Representative survey on the prevalence of anti-Semitic Attitudes in the German Population

Our study shows how widespread anti-Semitic attitudes are among the German population. In which population groups does approval turn out to be higher? What is the relationship between attitudes in the area of anti-Semitism and extremism or conspiracy beliefs? Which party supporters stand out? The analysis of representative survey data and qualitative in-depth interviews sheds light on these questions.

Adobe Stock

Redemption of the Staatsleistungen

Suggestion for the fulfillment of the constitutional duty to redeem the Staatsleistungen under Article 140 Basic Law in conjunction with Article 138 (1) Weimar Constitution

The constitutional mandate to redeem the Staatsleistungen under Article 140 of the Basic Law in conjunction with Article 138 (1) of the Weimar Constitution has not yet been fulfilled, despite the intention of the current governing coalition. Various approaches are conceivable as to how this essentially fiscal task can be appropriately realized.

Adobe Stock / Sven Bachstroem

Deep-Sea Mining

Balancing resource opportunities with the ecological risks

Rising demand for critical raw materials is increasingly moving the focus to the deep sea realm with its vast mineral wealth. Mining is controversial, however, as there are fears of severe environmental damage. The International Seabed Authority (ISA) is currently developing rules to regulate mineral extraction. Germany advocates avoiding deep-sea mining until risks have been sufficiently researched and appropriate mining rules elaborated.

IMAGO / Bernd Elmenthaler

The missed opportunity: An analysis does not make a strategy

German Federal government publishes first national security strategy

Following the White Paper of the Federal Ministry of Defense from 2016, the German Federal Government has now published a comprehensive national security strategy – for the first time ever. The Federal Foreign Office was in charge, other ministries as well as the Federal Chancellery were closely involved in the development process. The National Security Strategy published on June 14, 2023 comes at a time of multiple crises and conflicts: Russia is not only attacking Ukraine, but is directing its aggression against the entire free democratic world. Does the national security strategy reach all aims?

Tobias Koch

A conversation about "God and the world" with Thomas Rachel MdB

A look at current challenges in religion and politics before the Evangelical Church Congress 2023 in Nuremberg.

From 7 - 11 June, the Protestant Church Congress will take place in Nuremberg under the slogan "NOW is the TIME". We will be talking about "God and the world" with Thomas Rachel MdB, former Parliamentary State Secretary and spokesperson on church policy for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group.

Adobe Stock / nikkimeel

Is politics worthwhile on TikTok?

Empirical Study on the Use of TikTok and Political Information on the Platform

TikTok is widespread and popular among young people. A qualitative study by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung explores how young individuals use the app and navigate political information on it. TikTok is primarily an entertainment app where political information is accepted mainly in the form of entertainment. The study discusses whether and in what ways political actors and political education can utilize the platform.

KAS/Jana Reimann-Grohs

Digital voting at last! The Social Election 2023

Interview with Peter Weiß (MdB, CDU), Federal Election Commissioner for the Social Election 2023

From April to the end of May 2023, all citizens eligible to vote are encouraged to cast their ballot. Who is allowed to enter the social parliaments is of decisive importance for the future shape of social insurance in Germany. Thus, the course of the substitute insurance funds and the German pension insurance will be actively determined. For the first time in a nationwide election, it is now also possible to vote digitally. On this occasion, we met with Peter Weiß for an interview. His main task was to prepare and conduct the social insurance elections in 2023.

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About this series

The Monitor series deals with one main topic at a time from the perspective of KAS experts and places it in the political and social context on the basis of a few key points.

Ordering Information

The contributions appear exclusively online and can therefore not be ordered.


The current main topics are “Development policy”, “Sustainability” and “Election and social research”. The contributions of these sub-series are presented for you on separate overview pages in addition to the overall series.