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Adobe Stock / Sir_Oliver

„Just not that the constitution protection authorities ring my doorbell“

The spread of right-wing and left-wing extremist attitudes in Germany

This study uses a representative survey to analyse three questions: How widespread are attitudes that belong to general extremism or to left-wing or right-wing extremist ideology? How many people support ideas from several extremisms? To what extent do attitudes close to one extremism occur together with other attitudes (including trust in institutions, anti-Zionism and conspiracy theory)?

Adobe Stock / abr68

Wake-up call for integration policy

The crime statistics 2023 show the need for integration policy action

At the beginning of April, the Federal Minister of the Interior presented the Police Crime Statistics (PCS) 2023. According to these statistics, the number of crimes in Germany has risen by 5.5 per cent since 2022. The Federal Criminal Office (FCPO) believes that one reason for the increase is the high immigration figures. The PCS suggests that there may be a connection between criminal tendencies and a lack of integration. What contribution could integration policy make to crime reduction?

Franklin,, generiert mit KI

The European Union – global risks, local side effects

Results of the Panorama Analysis 2024

The Panorama Analysis 2024 provides a comprehensive insight into the current development of the European Union and its environment in a year-on-year comparison. The analysis presents a multithematic assessment of the current situation in the areas of innovation and competitiveness, the attitudes of member states towards the EU, and the global environment. By using qualitative and quantitative indicators, the analysis provides sound insights into current trends and developments.

Adobe Stock / volff

City, Countryside, ... Differences?

Political Attitudes from Big Cities to Rural Areas - Results from Representative Surveys

Voting behavior reflects clear urban-rural differences: The CDU/CSU and the AfD score higher in rural areas, while the Green party does better in urban areas. How can these effects be explained? Using representative survey data, our study shows that urban-rural differences in party sympathies and slight differences in political attitudes could provide an explanation for the different electoral success of the parties according to urban-rural areas.

Kartenmaterial auf der Basis von, Addicted04, CC BY 3.0,

De-Risking, but where to?

The Emerging ASEAN countries as an alternative to China

The German economy should become more diversified. However, how and where such de-risking shall be implemented remains unclear. In search of suitable partners, both politics and business often turn their attention to the emerging economies of Southeast Asia. The dynamic growth of the so-called Emerging ASEAN (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam) offers a seemingly promising alternative to the large neighbour China. However, a look at the economic data shows that the diversification potential in terms of Southeast Asia’s emerging markets is limited.

Adobe Stock / TensorSpark / Generated with AI

Forced exmatriculation against anti-Semitism

Between academic freedom and security concerns: anti-Semitism and the response of German universities

Anti-Semitic incidents at German universities have increased significantly since the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel in October 2023. Nationwide, there is growing concern for the safety of Jewish students. Since an act of violence in Berlin in February 2024, there have been discussions about better legal measures against anti-Semitism in the university context. Better regulations are needed to protect Jewish students and secure the university environment, while at the same time strengthening the autonomy of universities.

Adobe Stock / kilimanjaro

Energy transition? Yes, but please make it sustainable!

Appeal for an environmentally friendly, secure and affordable energy supply in Germany

15 April 2024 marks the anniversary of the shutdown of the last three nuclear power plants in Germany. An opportunity to take stock of Germany's energy transition. Our short policy paper suggests guidelines for making the energy transition sustainable.

Adobe Stock / agsandrew

Self-determination, criminalization and mandatory counselling

Impulses for Inquiries into § 218 StGB

Since the Federal Constitutional Court's ruling in 1993 and the legal provisions in 1995, the debate on abortion has largely calmed. The current regulation reflects a compromise between differing legal interests, respecting both the autonomy of the woman, as referenced in Articles 2 and 3 of the Basic Law, and the protection of unborn life, as per Article 1 Section 2.

adobe stock / agsandrew

Pregnancy Conflict and the Principle of Dual Advocacy

On the current discussion about § 218 StGB

The renegotiation of abortion laws in Germany raises profound questions: Can the balance between women's rights and the protection of the unborn be maintained? Prof. Sautermeister warns against neglecting the principle of "dual advocacy" and calls for a nuanced debate. A critical view of a societal turning point.

Adobe Stock / agsandrew

Liberalization approaches based on reproductive self-determination and their possible consequences

Impulses in the discussion on § 218 StGB

Self-determination as a fundamental premise for any changes to the criminal prohibition of abortion must be thoroughly examined, taking various aspects into account: These include, for example, the suitability for reality of a required self-determined decision against the background of the causes of pregnancy conflict and abortion. The question of the compatibility of a self-determined decision with any rights of the unborn child must also be discussed again.

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Facts and Findings

Selected contributions to the series with international relevance

The series informs in a concentrated form about important positions of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on current topics. The individual issues present key findings and recommendations, offer brief analyses, explain the Foundation's further plans and name KAS contact persons.


EPP Party Barometer

The Situation of the European People's Party in the EU

The EPP Party Barometer illustrates the current situation of the EPP party family in the EU. On a non-regular basis, it provides a concise overview of current election results, polls from the member states and the composition of the party family.

Handouts for Political Education

Grundlageninformationen zur Beteiligung
an aktuellen politischen Diskussionen

Mit der Reihe „Handreichungen zur Politischen Bildung“ möchte die Politische Bildung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger über politische Entwicklungen informieren, Orientierungen in Sachfragen geben und das Interesse an politischer Mitwirkung stärken. Die Handreichungen verstehen sich als Grundlageninformationen zur Beteiligung an aktuellen politischen Diskussionen.

Historical-Political Communications

Archive for Christian democratic politics

The "Historisch-Politische Mitteilungen" are available in bookshops. They appear once a year with a volume of approx. 260 pages. The retail price is 19,50 EUR.


In our series "Interviews", talks and discussions are held with experts from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. on various topics.

Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.


The Monitor series deals with one main topic at a time from the perspective of KAS experts and places it in the political and social context on the basis of a few key points.

Materials for the Work on Site

Kleine Schriftenreihe zu aktuellen Themen der Kommunalpolitik

Mit der eigenen Reihe "Materialien für die Arbeit vor Ort" bereitet die Stiftung zu aktuellen Themen wichtige Informationen in handhabbarer Form auf, so dass sie in der kommunalpolitischen Praxis nutzbar sind. Eine weitere Serie unter dem Titel "Diskurs kommunal" befasst sich mit besonderen Aspekten der Kommunalpolitik.

Commercial Publications

Zu aktuellen und zeitgeschichtlichen politischen Themen veröffentlicht die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. Publikationen in renommierten Verlagen. Ein besonderer Stellenwert kommt hierbei der seit dem Jahr 2000 erscheinenden Taschenbuchreihe der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung im Herder Verlag zu.


Concise, reduced to the essentials, but always highly topical. In our series "kurzum", our experts summarise an issue or problem on a maximum of two pages.

— 10 Items per Page
Showing 1 - 10 of 11 results.