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From Titanium to Taurus

Ukrainian resources and european supply chain resilience in times of war

Ukraine has high reserves of raw materials, the extraction of which could significantly improve the economic situation and finance the reconstruction of the country. Some of these raw materials are essential for the production of weapon systems. Increased cooperation with the EU could integrate Ukraine into the European internal market and promote its own production of military technologies. However, it is crucial to minimize political challenges to enable necessary investments and not to lose the raw material reserves to Russia.

Adobe Stock/Pavel Losevsky

Russia's War Economy – an Assessment of Russia´s Military Industrial Complex

A Long-Term Plan

Since the beginning of the brutal Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, analyzes have been carried out about the strength and endurance of the Russian military. Considering the importance of the military-industrial complex (MIC) during the Soviet era and its place in Putin's Russia leaves no doubt about the Kremlin's determination. There is no price we wouldn't pay for victory, is the message.

Adobe Stock / Alexey Novikov

Cyber-Actors: Iran

How Attacks Strengthen the State

Iran has become a major player in the cyber and information space. Through events such as the Stuxnet attack 2010 and the organization of opposition groups through the Internet, the state has expanded its cyber capabilities. Today, Iranian cyber units have a wide range of operations at their disposal, including espionage, sabotage and influence operations. As an ally of the USA and Israel, Germany in particular is in focus of Iranian cyber operations and must be prepared for a wide range of threats.

Adobe Stock / Diki

CO2 compensation – climate protection instrument, fraudulent labelling or modern indulgence trade?

On the controversial role of CO2 offsetting and the importance of binding global standards to avoid greenwashing – with insights from Latin America

In order to combat the consequences of advancing climate change, all appropriate instruments should be used. In addition to the urgently avoiding and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, this also includes offsetting them in areas where damage limitation is (still) the only way to contribute to climate protection. However, internationally valid quality standards for offsetting projects must be defined and appropriately communicated to producers, consumers, and people in the implementing regions.


„Trump versus United States“

Interview about consequences for the USA following the Supreme Court ruling of July 1, 2024 with Prof Russell A. Miller (Law School of Washington & Lee University in Virginia, USA)

On July 1, 2024 the Supreme Court delivered his historic judgement. They found that the US-President has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct related to his core constitutional competences. Is the President now above the law, as the critics say? In any case, it particularly strengthens the position of the US President, who is often referred to as “the most powerful person in the world”.

Alfred-Wegener-Institut/Robert Ricker (CC-BY 4.0)

Marine researcher Antje Boetius accompanied the KAS for a year

Report on the KAS-Fellowship 2023: Antje Boetius on the Arctic, the deep sea, climate change, sustainability, political consulting and women in science

Research and science are important foundations for political decision-making. In many meetings, conversations and discussions with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and its guests, Antje Boetius has advocated knowledge-based political decision-making, modern climate and resource policies and good governance as the KAS-Fellow 2023. She has raised perspectives, demanded answers and suggested solutions. This report documents the past KAS-Fellowship 2023 with Antje Boetius with many pictures and text contributions.


Intra-party democracy in the elections for the CDU and SPD party leadership

On the influence of regional conferences and member surveys on the increase in intra-party democracy from consensus-orientated to competition-orientated procedures

In many Western democracies, political parties are experiencing a surge in democratisation. German parties, on the other hand, are often known for their stable recruitment. Recently, however, both CDU and SPD have attempted to increase the inclusion of party members in decision-making processes through member surveys and regional conferences. Initial results suggest that consensus over competition, self-empowerment and a mobilisation of party wings are increasing. Both instruments of participation have proven to be valuable and can therefore contribute to a pacification of inner-party conflicts.

Child poverty: causes, effects, ways out

Securing children against poverty

Child poverty is parental poverty. Around 2.9 million children and young people under the age of 18 in Germany live in families that are at risk of poverty. The Federal Minister for Family Affairs wants to lift low-income families out of poverty with a basic child protection program, which provides for a reform of social transfers. How young parents who are able to work can be supported to integrate into the labour market is not the subject of basic child support. The study analyses the causes of poverty risks for children and presents possible solutions for the reduction of child poverty.

Adobe Stocke / Wojciech Wrzesień

Critical Junctures – The Future of the North

Latest development in the Baltic Sea Region

The accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO brings new strategic implications and defense opportunities for the Baltic Sea region. At the same time, it poses additional challenges for the alliance in light of Russian ambitions in the region. As NATO develops agile defense strategies, cooperation between the Baltic and Nordic states becomes even more crucial.

Adobe Stock / Elle Arden / Generiert mit KI

A qualitative analysis of the political mood in Germany

Disappointment, frustration and resignation

The political climate in autumn 2023 is characterized by profound uncertainty and dissatisfaction. This study paints a picture of the mood in German society. It analyzes the political climate, attitudes to key political issues, the image of the parties, voting motives, the role of the AfD and draws conclusions for the future. In particular, it examines the question of what this mood means for democracy in Germany and to what extent it is linked to the rise of the AfD.

Asset Publisher

Completed publication series

Working Paper

Broschürenreihe mit Darstellungen und Positionen, die kurzfristig auf aktuelle politische Fragen reagieren


Berichte aus der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Die Herausgabe der "Einblicke" ist ausgesetzt. "Einblicke" hat alle drei Monate über die Arbeit der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung berichtet.


Publikationen des Teams Politikdialog und Analyse der Hauptabteilung Europäische und Internationale Zusammenarbeit.

Research and Sources on Contemporary History

In der Reihe „Forschungen und Quellen zur Zeitgeschichte“ veröffentlicht das Archiv für Christlich-Demokratische Politik seit 1980 wissenschaftliche Studien zur Christlichen Demokratie, Darstellungen zur Geschichte der Bundesrepublik und der CDU sowie Biographien wichtiger Repräsentanten. Zu den 50 bisher erschienen Büchern zählen auch Quelleneditionen, wie Protokolle von Parteigremien oder Tagebücher von einflussreichen Politikern. Die Publikationen sind im Buchhandel erhältlich.

Sociopolitical Series

Veröffentlicht wurden herausragende Dissertationsschriften mit gesellschaftspolitisch relevanten Themen von Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten der Begabtenförderung und Personen, die ihrem Promotionskolleg „Soziale Marktwirtschaft“ kooptiert sind.

Die Reihe gab den Autorinnen und Autoren ein wissenschaftliches und publizistisches Forum und brachte aktuelle Themen in die öffentliche Diskussion ein.

Basic Questions of Christian Democracy

In dieser Reihe erschienen im Jahr 2006 Texte namenhafter Autoren zu Grundfragen der christlichen Demokratie.

In Conversation

Kulturpolitische Umschau

Zeitschrift mit Berichten aus Bundestag und Bundesländern, Gastbeiträgen, Rezensionen und Presseauswertungen zur aktuellen Kulturpolitik.

In Plenary

Broschürenreihe der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung mit den Beiträgen von Konferenzen, Fachtagungen und Kongressen, die von längerfristigem Interesse sind.

In Plenary Compact

Die Broschüren im DIN-A-4-Format fassen kurz und knapp die Ergebnisse von Konferenzen, Fachtagungen und Kongressen zusammen, die von längerfristigem Interesse sind.


Reden, Essays und Grundsatzpapiere zu drängenden Zeitfragen

In dieser Broschürenreihe veröffentlicht die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung grundlegende Positionen zu wichtigen Themen der Zeit.

— 10 Items per Page
Showing 1 - 10 of 13 results.