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Europe Needs Strategic Autonomy!

If the EU wants to be more than a mere accessory of one of the new superpowers in today’s international system, and is not only determined to protect itself from the effects of a new political bipolarity, but also to have and develop its own sphere of influence and action in this new world order, then it needs the capabilities, processes, instruments, and mechanisms to make this happen – it needs strategic autonomy.

The Beginning of the End?

The Collapse of the ­INF Treaty between Russia and the US

It sounds like the 1980s all over again: Russia has in all likelihood breached its treaty obligations by deploying intermediate-range missiles, and now Europe is talking about an increased security threat. The US also seems to have lost interest in nuclear arms control. This means it is probably unrealistic to expect a successor to the ­INF Treaty, but there are some pragmatic solutions that could prevent a resumption of the arms race.

The Jordanian 2019 Income Tax Law

A new Jordanian income tax law and its previous drafts sparked large protest starting in May 2018. As the new provisions within the law only directly affect around 10% of working Jordanians, they can hardly be understood to be the sole reason for the popular anger. Instead the law came in a context of steep price hikes, high poverty rates and a widespread feeling that government corruption prevents efficient use of taxpayer money. This country report looks at the new income tax law and its provisions; it highlights the challenges to the law and notes that it has brought to the open wider social discontent that is being expressed through an attitude of non-cooperation towards the government.

KAS Peru

Machtkampf ohne Volk

Während sich die Institutionen Perus in einem Konflikt um vorgezogene Neuwahlen aufreiben,
herrscht auf der Straße Ruhe

Seit Monaten wird die politische Szene Perus durch einen Abnutzungskampf zwischen Präsident Martín Vizcarra und der Mehrheit des peruanischen Parlaments bestimmt. Jüngster Zankapfel ist die Ankündigung der Regierung, eine vorzeitige Neuwahl herbeiführen zu wollen. Doch die Hürden hierfür sind hoch. In Ermangelung der notwendigen Mehrheiten im Parlament versucht Vizcarra, die Straße zu mobilisieren. Bisher ohne durchschlagenden Erfolg.

Trade Liberalization in Jordan and Economic Diplomacy

A Story of Qualified Success

In this article Marwan A. Kardoosh describes the history of trade liberalization in Jordan and how it has been affected by the interaction between economic diplomacy and political factors.

R2d2ki / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0

Alter Name, junges Gesicht: Abe holt Koizumi jr. ins Kabinett

Kabinettsumbildung in Japan bringt viele neue Minister und lässt auf Nachfolge schließen

Premier Shinzo Abe hat sein neues Kabinett vorgestellt und diese Umstellung wurde in Tokio mit Spannung erwartet. Komplex sind die innenpolitischen Aufgaben, vor denen die Regierung steht, und weitreichend die nötigen Reformen. Groß sind auch die außenpolitischen Herausforderungen, die Abe auf seinen letzten Amtsmetern zu lösen hat. Der Handelsstreit mit Korea ist nicht nur ein historisches und sicherheitspolitisches Problem, sondern hat das Potential, die japanische Wirtschaft langfristig zu schwächen, finden sich keine neuen adäquaten Handelspartner. Es braucht also nicht nur frische Gesichter, sondern auch Charaktere, die in der Bevölkerung überzeugen. Das volatile Verhältnis zu Trump und den USA benötigt Fingerspitzengefühl und Augenhöhe – beides ist Abe mit dem neuen Kabinett gelungen. Es ist vermutlich das letzte Kabinett, welches Abe bestellt. Mit diesem muss er seine Reformen und Vorhaben abschließen und dafür sorgen, dass die LDP weiterhin Wahlen gewinnt und die Regierung stellen kann.

Mais Istanbuli –

The Situation and Prospects of Christians in North and North-East Syria

A resolution of the Syria conflict is not in sight, even though the Assad regime now controls over half the country. The IS is considered to be largely defeated. The population has dropped by around 21 percent since 2010 and the Christian share by up to 78 percent. Large parts of North and North-East-Syria are under the autocratic control of the Kurds and the regime is virtually non-existent there. Most Christians dream of a return to the situation before the war and are at odds with the Kurdish administration, which enjoys only minority Christian support. The Christians are currently concerned about the overall framework for the planned security zone in Northern Syria.

„Johnson ist im Moment in einer Sackgasse“


Felix Dane im Interview mit n-tv über Brexit Chaos.

Policy Papers XVI Forte de Copacabana 2019

The Fourth Industrial Revolution - Impacts on International Security an the Reshaping of Global Order

Policy Papers XVI Forte de Copacabana 2019 - International Security Conference

Libro “Comunicación Política: Desafíos para nuestra Democracia”

El Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo (CED), con el patrocinio de la Fundación Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), presentan el libro “Comunicación Política: Desafíos para Nuestra Democracia”

Asset Publisher

Facts and Findings

Selected contributions to the series with international relevance

The series informs in a concentrated form about important positions of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on current topics. The individual issues present key findings and recommendations, offer brief analyses, explain the Foundation's further plans and name KAS contact persons.


International Reports

Journal for international issues, foreign policy and development cooperation

International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

EPP Party Barometer

The Situation of the European People's Party in the EU

The EPP Party Barometer illustrates the current situation of the EPP party family in the EU. On a non-regular basis, it provides a concise overview of current election results, polls from the member states and the composition of the party family.


In our series "Interviews", talks and discussions are held with experts from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. on various topics.


Concise, reduced to the essentials, but always highly topical. In our series "kurzum", our experts summarise an issue or problem on a maximum of two pages.

Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

Event Reports

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.