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Single title

Multilateralism: Latin American Perspectives

Peace diplomacy and international cooperation in Latin America

This publication is a contribution to promote international cooperation and multilateralism. As the title suggests, it takes stock of the strength with which multilateral thinking and action are historically anchored in certain Latin American countries, the long-term positions that different countries can adopt on this basis, and the policies favored by current governments with respect to multilateral cooperation.

Asset Publisher

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation, ADELA Regional Program presents the book "Multilateralism: Latin American Perspectives".

This publication is a contribution to promote international cooperation and multilateralism. As the title suggests, it takes stock of the strength with which multilateral thinking and action are historically anchored in certain Latin American countries, the long-term positions that different countries can adopt on this basis and the policies favored by current governments with respect to multilateral cooperation.

This publication is aimed at the Latin American reader and an international audience in order to make the positions and actions of Latin American countries more understandable in a regional and global context.



-Elsa Llenderrozas

-Monique Sochaczewski / Marcelo Valença

-Andreas M. Klein

-Eduardo Pastrana Buelvas / Andres Mauricio Valdivieso

-Constantino Urcuyo Fournier

-Fernando González Davison

-Natalia Saltalamacchia / Maria Jose Urzua

-Alonso E. Illueca

-Francisco Belaunde Matossian

-Elaine Ford

Wednesday, February 3, at 4:00 P. M., Panama time

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#Multilateralism #InternationalCooperation #Diplomacy

#LatinAmerica #Caribbean #LAC



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Marcee Sofía Gómez Marín

Marcee Gómez

Project Coordinator +507 387 4477


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