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Notas de acontecimientos

Inauguration of the Berlin Conference Room

The Berlin Conference Room was presented on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the Strategic Partnership between Vietnam and Germany 2011-2021.

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Under the auspices of H.E.Dr. Guido Hildner, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Vietnam and in the presence of Assistant Foreign Minister H.E. Ms. Nguyen Minh Hang, the KAS-sponsored Berlin Conference Room was inaugurated on 6th April at the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam. It is the Berlin conference room which marks a new level of mutual trust and close cooperation between the KAS and DAV, as well as the symbol of the affinity between Vietnam and Germany, as H.E.Ms. Nguyen Minh Hang emphasized.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, DAV Acting President Dr. Pham Lan Dung thanked Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam for the financial support and meaningful contribution and spoke of a strategic partnership between the two institutions. KAS Resident Representative Florian Constantin Feyerabend expressed his wish that the high-tech equipped multimedia conference room will serve as a bridge between Berlin and Hanoi and beyond, bringing policy makers, researchers and students together.

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Personas de contacto

Vu Thi Thu Phuong


Project Manager +84 24 3 7186194 /17 +84 24 37186197


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Proporcionado por

Foundation Office Vietnam

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La Fundación Konrad Adenauer, sus talleres de formación, centros de formación y oficinas en el extranjero ofrecen anualmente miles de eventos sobre temas cambiantes. Le informamos en acerca de una selección de conferencias, eventos, simposios etc. , de forma actual y exclusiva. Aquí, usted encuentra, además de un resumen en cuanto al contenido, materiales adicionales como imágenes, manuscritos de diálogos, vídeos o grabaciones de audio.