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Community Score Card on livelihood development, infrastructure and security in West Pokot and Baringo Counties of Kenya

KAS,Kenya engagement in the area of food security and DRR is informed by an emerging necessity to support the County Governments of Baringo and West Pokot to engage in political processes that can provide more integrated planning and long term solutions to the challenges of food insecurities. KAS carried out the Community Score Card exercise in the two counties in order to empower the communities in using social accountability tools to hold respective government institutions to account, as well as working with the same institutions to improve on their efficiency in delivering services.

Zverejňovač príspevkov


Zverejňovač príspevkov

Zverejňovač príspevkov

Zverejňovač príspevkov



Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.


Kenya Kenya