Zverejňovač príspevkov

Správy z podujatí

Dialogue and Professional Training on Legal Service 2019 in the Northern Region


The Ministry of Justice’s Department of General Affairs in Legislative Development, supported by KAS, held a dialogue and professional training in order to equip legal staff with greater capabilities and to sharpen their skills in legal services. The event also was organized as a contribution to the rule-of-law dialogue between Germany and Vietnam. In a dialogue format and through direct interaction with participants, experts stressed the great importance of legal services in the process of law-making, promulgation and implementation. They also identified persisting challenges like a decrease in full-time legal staff positions and a lack of know-how in certain fields. In the following training, participants were able to deepen their knowledge in legislative development, legal implementation and judicial reform as well as communication and public navigation on legal policies.

Zverejňovač príspevkov


Zverejňovač príspevkov

Zverejňovač príspevkov

O edícii

Nadácia Konrada Adenauera, jej vzdelávacie inštitúcie, vzdelávacie centrá a zahraničné kancelárie ponúkajú ročne niekoľko tisíc podujatí k rôznym témam. O vybraných konferenciách, podujatiach, sympóziách, atď. Vám prinášame aktuálne a exkluzívne informácie na www.kas.de. Tu nájdete popri obsahovom zhrnutí aj doplnkový materiál, ako obrázky, originály prejavov, videá alebo audiozáznamy.

Zverejňovač príspevkov