


Wie ist das Assoziierungsabkommen zwischen der EU und der Ukraine effizienter zu gestalten


Die fünf Jahre, die nach dem Beginn der Umsetzung des Assoziierungsabkommens im November 2014 vergangen sind, zeigten deutlich auch die Herausforderungen, die in diesem Zusammenhang für die Ukraine entstehen, denn neben der Umsetzung des Assoziierungsabkommens eine grundlegende Reform des Staates durchgeführt wird. Experten des Think-Tanks „Ukrainisches Zentrum für europäische Politik“ (UCEP) in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Kataryna Woltschuk (University of Birmingham) haben Herausforderungen analysiert, die mit der Implementierung des Assoziierungsabkommens in der Ukraine zu tun haben, und geben Empfehlungen zu Wegen, um diese Herausforderungen zu bewältigen.

Commitments from the 'Berlin Process' on Rule of Law and Good Governance


This study focuses on the obligations of the region, and more specifically those of Kosovo, in the field of rule of law and good governance. Kosovo will face leaders of European Union countries at the Berlin Plus Agenda Summits. What will be on the minds of every European leader is what Kosovo and each of the Western Balkan countries have done for the obligations they have assumed in the Berlin Process since 2014.

59 productions

Die Vereinten Nationen als Entwicklungspolitischer Akteur

In den vergangenen Jahren, nicht zuletzt durch die Reformen des UN Generalsekretärs António Guterres, hat die Rolle des Sekretariats der Vereinten Nationen als Koordinator und Akteur der globalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit an Bedeutung gewonnen. Wasim Mir (Senior Fellow, UN Foundation) und Sebastian Borchmeyer (Senior Programme Officer, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung New York) haben in der Studie Reevaluating the United Nations Secretariat’s Contribution to Economic Development untersucht, inwieweit das Programmbudget der Vereinten Nationen als öffentliche Entwicklungshilfe („ODA“) im Sinne der Definition der Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (OECD) zu bewerten ist. Für das UN-Sekretariat liegt der festgelegte Koeffizient zur Bestimmung des ODA-Anteils seit 2013 bei 18% – dies ist beträchtlich niedriger als der Koeffizient anderer internationaler (Entwicklungs-) Organisationen. Diese Unterbewertung des Koeffizienten für das UN-Sekretariat wird dessen Rolle bei der Umsetzung der Agenda 2030 heute nicht mehr gerecht und eine Neubewertung ist daher geboten.

Digital “Government-to-Business” Services in Cambodia: Overview and Challenges

Maria Yang & Darapich Sovann

According to the UN e-government knowledgebase, e-government is a channel to strengthen the efficiency of government operations at three levels: Government to Citizen (G2C), Government to Business (G2B), and Government to Government (G2G). There are a number of research papers which show how, empirically, good e-government is positively associated with fostering a good business environment. This can be measured by different variables such as the ease of starting a business, electricity, taxes, construction permits, access to credit, cross-border trade and protection of minority investors. Moreover, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the digital economy, which are built on advanced new technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), automation and cloud computing, among many others, also act as driving forces of e-government, in particular at the G2B level.


The Investment Climate, Potential and Barriers

The aim of the research is to raise public awareness on the present state of FDI and its significance by analyzing the barriers that foreign investors face and by launching a broad based debate on the problems currently faced by FDI inflows in Kosovo as well as on policy measures to overcome them and subsequent precautionary measures (post-investment refers to post investment services) for existing investors in order to maintain and expand their investment (re-investments).

Gender-Based Legislative Review and Oversight


This guide seeks to contribute to the information, awareness and training of MPs to include the gender perspective in the scrutiny of laws before them. However, in order to perform this task properly, the Assembly of Kosovo needs to be prepared to provide assistance and information on gender sensitive laws. It is also necessary for the Government and institutes for statistics and research to provide relevant gender dis-aggregated data in different fields, which will be incorporated into Kosovo legislation.

How Data-Driven Technology Can Upgrade Cambodia’s E-government

Sokhna Vor

Government departments in Cambodia are increasingly embracing data-driven digitalisation initiatives in order to become more efficient, accurate and accessible to citizens. For example, the National Bank of Cambodia recently adopted blockchain technology to reduce its interbank transaction costs. The Ministry of Public Work and Transport introduced mobile payments and a QR code-enabled vehicle information database to enhance its users’ experience. Also the Ministry of Health is overhauling its Data Management and National Hospital Systems to make its services more easily accessible. As the benefits of data grow, so do its risks, including data breaches. Balancing them requires proper governance and democratization of data, good data software and data skills. This article explores the current state of Cambodia’s e-governance landscape with a particular focus on data-driven technologies, how they are implemented and how public awareness around data is growing thanks to local communities and organizations, as well as recommendations for better data strategies.

How E-learning Can Improve Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Practices in Rural Cambodia

Seanghak Khin & Piseth Kim

Knowledge gaps between the national and subnational departments of Cambodia’s government can lead to a poor implementation of policies and practices at rural level. This research project assesses the feasibility of e-learning as a new way to close those gaps, specifically using the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector as a case study. National WASH guidelines were adapted into an easy-to-use and interactive e-learning course with the aim to upgrade the skills and knowledge of the Provincial Department of Rural Development (PDRD) staff. Real-world tests were carried out with staff of the Disability Action Council (DAC), the WASH District Committee and four PDRD offices. The study analyses participant feedback on the e-learning course and platform, and seeks ways to further improve and adapt it to their environment. Results indicate that it works well in Phnom Penh, where participants are equipped with up-to-date computers and good internet access, but less so in rural areas due to out of date technology and incompatible web browsers which demotivate users. Rural participants also appear to prefer using smartphones and suggest to improve the e-learning experience by making it available on mobile devices, as well as allowing to print the study material and providing better Khmer language support. Implementing these features may well lead to a successful application of digitalization and e-governance at rural level.

Promoting Better Governance Through Facebook: A Pilot Study and Analysis

Makara Vorn & You Y Ly

Facebook has become the most popular social media platform in Cambodia. This study collects primary data to examine how Facebook can give Cambodian users a chance to demand better governance in terms of public services, as well as how the government can solicit public feedback through the platform. A pilot survey of 150 respondents, mostly from Phnom Penh, shows how Facebook can enable communication between government and citizens. Most respondents in the sample use Facebook to consume or share news, but also to express their opinions and ask for more action from the government. To a certain degree, this can give citizens a means to hold their government to account, but the government currently appears not to be very responsive, probably due to the lack of decision-making from higher-level officials, and the lack of attention and interest. A potential solution could be to establish a dedicated governmental committee that gathers and addresses the concerns of the citizens. This pilot study can be used as the basis for a larger scale national survey.

The Collective Volume Articles of the President and Justices of the Constitutional Court in International Conference

The Constitutional Readers 2019

This Thai-English publication published by the Office of the Constitutional Court of Thailand aims to gather and publicise academic articles as well as legal opinions relating to constitutional laws and other relevant constitutional issues from various papers that were presented at international conferences by the president and justices of the constitutional court of the Kingdom of Thailand. The publication will be a significant source for both Thai and foreign lawyers, legal students and lecturers, academics, and interested people.


Analysen und Argumente

Ausgewählte Beiträge zur Serie mit internationalem Bezug

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Zeitschrift für internationale Fragen, Außenpolitik und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

Die Auslandsinformationen (Ai) sind die Zeitschrift der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung für Internationale Politik. Sie bieten politische Analysen unserer Expertinnen und Experten in Berlin und aus mehr als 100 Auslandsbüros in allen Weltregionen. Gekennzeichnete Artikel geben nicht unbedingt die Meinung der Redaktion wieder.


Die Lage der Europäischen Volkspartei in der EU

Der EVP-Parteienbarometer beleuchtet anschaulich die aktuelle Situation der EVP-Parteienfamilie in der EU. In unregelmäßigen Abständen gibt er einen prägnanten Überblick über aktuelle Wahlergebnisse, Umfragen aus den Mitgliedsstaaten und die Zusammensetzung der Parteienfamilie.


In unserer Reihe "Interviews" werden Gespräche und Diskussionen mit Expertinnen und Experten der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. zu unterschiedlichen Themen geführt.


Prägnant, auf das Wesentliche reduziert, aber immer hochaktuell. In der Reihe "kurzum" fassen unsere Expertinnen und Experten eine Fragestellung oder Problematik auf maximal zwei Seiten zusammen.


Politische Kurzberichte der KAS-Auslandsbüros

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung ist in rund 110 Ländern auf fünf Kontinenten mit einem eigenen Büro vertreten. Die Auslandsmitarbeiter vor Ort können aus erster Hand über aktuelle Ereignisse und langfristige Entwicklungen in ihrem Einsatzland berichten. In den "Länderberichten" bieten sie den Nutzern der Webseite der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung exklusiv Analysen, Hintergrundinformationen und Einschätzungen.


Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, ihre Bildungsforen und Auslandsbüros bieten jährlich mehrere tausend Veranstaltungen zu wechselnden Themen an. Über ausgewählte Konferenzen, Events, Symposien etc. berichten wir aktuell und exklusiv für Sie unter Hier finden Sie neben einer inhaltlichen Zusammenfassung auch Zusatzmaterialien wie Bilder, Redemanuskripte, Videos oder Audiomitschnitte.