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"How to finance independent journalism?"

Pitch Event of the M100 Young European Journalists Workshop (YEJ)

The Pitch Event at the Academy of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is part of this year’s M100 Young European Journalists Workshop (M100YEJ).

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The empowerment and financing of independent journalism is one of the central challenges for the safeguarding of a functioning democracy. Especially in the countries of the Eastern Partnership Region and Russia the roadblocks and challenges to this goal are sizeable.

The Pitch Event at the Academy of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is part of this year’s M100 Young European Journalists Workshop (M100YEJ). This format has been established in 2005 by the city of Potsdam and in this year it will supply know-how for young journalists about founding and financing independent journalistic projects.

15 participants have been selected out of 60 highly qualified applications. From 8th-11th of September they will be working on common concepts for independent journalistic platforms and projects in Potsdam together with professional and experienced trainers who will help them to develop financing models with respect to their home countries’ situations.

At the Pitch Event we want to give these young and committed people a chance to get in touch with foundations and institutions which can help them to further develop their projects.

The participants will present some of their projects to discuss them with the expert audience. Furthermore we would like to give the German institutions a chance to also pre-sent themselves and their respective focus and orientation.

You can register for this event here!


19:00 Words of Welcome KAS (10 min)

Jakob Wöllenstein

Desk Officer Eastern Europe and the Baltic States


19:10 Introduction: What is YEJ (5 min)

19:15 Pitch (presentation of projects 4 x 10 min)

20:00 Panel + Feedback

20:40 Presentation of

a.HackPack (Justin Varilek)

b.JournalismFund (Brigitte Alfter) (2 x 10 min)

21:00 Reception

Snacks will be provided.

More information can be found here.

The workshop is supported by:

  • German Ministery of Foreign Affairs
  • ZEIT Stiftung

Cooperation Partners:

  • Netzwerk Recherche
  • European Youth Press
  • MIZ Babelsberg
  • Orange Magazine
  • Press Club Belarus
  • Association of Young Journalists in Armenia

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Lieu de l'événement

Akademie der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.
Tiergartenstraße 35,
10785 Berlin

Voie d'accès


Jakob Wöllenstein

Jakob Wöllenstein

Leiter des Auslandsbüros Belarus +370 5 212 22 94 +370 5 2122294

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M100 Sanssouci Colloquium