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Titre unique

Internship with Renowned Ghanaian NGO in Accra

Apply for an Internship Position with CDD

The "Center for Democratic Development", of the biggest NGOs in Ghana, offers internships throughout the year. Different topics around democracy and political participation can be explored by students. Internships allow students to gain a deeper insight into the daily work of an organization in Ghana.

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CDD-Ghana offers an All-Year-Round internship program that provides learning and capacity-building opportunities to undergraduates, post-graduates, and young professionals. The program exposes applicants to the operations of the Center and also gives them first-hand working experience in democracy and governance practice. 

Check Out the Link for further Information and to get to the Application Form!



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Mis à disposition par

Auslandsbüro Ghana

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Informations de commande


Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.


Ghana Ghana