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Présentations & compte-rendus

Launch of the KAS EU Project: SPACE

Strengthening Performance and Accountability through Community Engagement

Welcomed all participants to our launch of SPACE-an EU funded project in partnership with the government of Uganda through the Development initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU)

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The representative from KAS Bernard Mukhone welcomed all participants to launch of SPACE-an EU funded project in partnership with the government of Uganda through the Development initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU). The project will further contribute to improved downward accountability and performance of local government in Northern Uganda. The project will strengthen CSOs, media, local councils (3 and 5) and SUCs through promotion of accountable service delivery while on the other hand fostering civil society’s oversight role by strengthening their collaboration with Local Governments to assess performance and monitor service delivery.

The project will work very closely with the district leadership in all the 6 target districts. The project is intended to run for 30 months starting January 2020.

One of the local partner representative Ms. Claudia APIO from Lira NGO forum highlighted the great need to work with the district Administrative wings as a best practice to ensuring coordination among CSOs and other partners in implementing project that affect the communities. The project also comes at time that different CSOs are leveraging their strength to ensure a more accountable service delivery within the communities in which they operate and to also strengthen their roles as CSOs. She acknowledged the need for capacity building for CSOs to performance their oversight roles better. She also emphasized the need to get continuous support from the district right from the project start to the end.

The Permanent secretary emphasized the need for districts local governments to Work with local partners as front line teams to ensure they interact with the different constituencies to make the project a reality. The Representative from the Office of the Prime minister congratulated all the district leaders (Chief Administrative officers-CAOs) on signing the MOUs that brings them together and a sign of commitment that they will work with KAS through the local partners within their respective districts.

The Office of the prime minister is expectant that other MOUs will be presented to these district under DINU.  All partners working with DINU will be expected to declare their budgets to these districts as a mark to walking the talk. Transparency begins with us”. The representative from the Office of the prime minister Ones again, thanked everyone for coming and for taking time to come here for the launch. He office launched the DINU KAS project.


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Bernard Mukhone

Bernard Mukhone.jpg



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