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Analyses et Arguments

Vorrang des Unionsrechts: Wer hat das letzte Wort im Europäischen Gerichtsgefüge?

de Narin Nosrati

Eine Analyse der aktuellen Entwicklungen und Konflikte zwischen nationalen Verfassungsgerichten und dem Europäischen Gerichtshof (EuGH)

Wer hat das letzte Wort in der Frage des Vorrangs des Unionsrechts? Dieser Frage geht der folgende Beitrag nach, der auf einem Vortrag im Rahmen der Berliner Rechtspolitischen Konferenz im Oktober 2022 basiert. Er untersucht eine Reihe von Entscheidungen nationaler Höchstgerichte der letzten Jahre und beleuchtet insbesondere die Rolle des Bundesverfassungsgerichts (BVerfG).

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71 years ago, the ECJ was founded and thus laid a foundation stone for the European legal order. With fundamental decisions, it shaped the development of European law. At the same time, this raised questions about the relationship between national legal systems. Since then, not only legal scholars have been concerned with the question of the supremacy of legal orders and the courts' right of final decision. It is recognized that European law has primacy. What is disputed, however, is whether and to what extent exceptions exist. The national supreme courts of most Member States in particular reserve a right of review in certain matters. It is argued that the Constitution, which opens the national legal order to the European law, at the same time limits its effect.

This analysis examines various rulings by national supreme courts. It is clearly shown that the case law of the Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG) has been selectively received and taken out of context in order to give more legitimacy to Euro-critical statements by Poland and Hungary.

But what can be done to resolve the conflict? For de-escalation and ultimately strengthening of the legal system, a solution-oriented dialogue between the courts is necessary. The dialogue should be strengthened by normative regulations. Conceivable measures include a reverse obligation to refer cases to supreme courts, the possibility for supreme courts to comment in ECJ proceedings, and the obligation to hear affected Union institutions in national proceedings.

Read the whole analysis: "Between Dialogue and Resistance – The Struggle for the Last Word in the European Court Structure" here as PDF


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Dr. Franziska Rinke

Dr. Franziska Rinke

Rechtsstaatsdialog und Völkerrecht +49 30 26996 3507 +49 30 26996 3709


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À propos de cette série

Cette série informe de manière concentrée sur les positions importantes de la Fondation Konrad-Adenauer sur les questions d'actualité. Les différents numéros présentent les principales conclusions et recommandations, offrent de brèves analyses, expliquent les projets futurs de la Fondation et désignent les personnes de contact du KAS.

Dr. Kristin Wesemann


Leiterin Strategie und Planung +49 30 26996-3803

Sophie Steybe

Referentin Publikationen +49 30 26996-3726