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Fourth Edition of the KAS Newsletter

de Anisha Alinda

Newsletter 04/2020

Learn all about the KAS activities from October to December 2020 and the Upcoming launch of the Uchaguzi Voter App.

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2020 has been filled with challenges that have pushed us into uncharted waters, and in response, KAS has demonstrated its resilience through adopting new formats and deploying digital solutions.

We hosted the third Kampala Geopolitics Conference- Our first-ever virtual conference has been one of our largest and successful global endeavors this year. We brought together experts from Africa and Europe and engaged them into universal dialogue on geopolitics and international relations. A special thank you to our Co-partners and all the supporters of this event!

This newsletter edition highlights more of the activities and projects implemented between October and December with support from our partners and friends. You can learn more about the same on our official website and social media channels.

As we wind down and look forward to the holidays, we especially thank you for being part of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung network and appreciate all your engagement in helping us achieve impact.

With the 2021 General Elections due on January 14th, KAS has partnered with the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance to bring to you an online voter information App that provides the electorate with all the basic information regarding presidential and parliamentary elections.  The App outlines the key policy positions as presented by the different political parties and individuals thus giving voters an insight into what each political party has to offer. The app aims at providing useful election-related information to enable voters make informed decisions. The platform also includes an interactive Chatbot and website that provides a central source of accurate, trustworthy, and up-to-date information about elections in the midst of the pandemic. The app will officially be launched on the 1st day of January 2021 with clear steps on how to access it using your Android and IOS mobile gadgets.

Whereas we may not come together to celebrate, we share our warmest wishes for a holiday season filled with good health and a new year of peace, and great opportunities.

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