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Présentations & compte-rendus

Capacity building of CIMIC/LAF in conflict resolution and mediation

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organized together with Lebanese Association for Mediation and Conciliation (LAMAC) for the 3rd time a conflict resolution and mediation training for 25 officers of various units of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) for 5 days under the patronage of LAF’s Department of Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC ).

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Lebanon still finds itself in an ongoing tense regional surrounding and is also confronted with continuous internal challenges, such as hosting more than one million refugees from Syria, around 350.000 Palestinian refugees and a changing political environment. The training aims at building up the capacity of the Lebanese Army members with regard to positive and pacific communication and internalizing the skills of mediation as a part of their culture and their daily behavior. Mediation will thus provide a new vision and an appropriate dispute resolution method instead of applying a forcing or violent way.
After two workshops in 2017 and 2018, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and LAMAC organized a next five-day workshop from the 21st of August 2019 on conflict resolution via Mediation for Lebanese Army officers. During the workshop which took place at the CIMIC training premises at Fayyadiyyeh, the officers learned and practiced new mediation techniques and deepened and anchored what they have learned in the basic workshop. The further aim of the workshop was to enable the Lebanese Army through the practice of non-violent communication techniques to prevent and solve conflicts in an effective way and to support civil-military cooperation within the Lebanese Army.
By supporting the Lebanese Army, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Beirut is honoring the commitment of Germany to support Lebanon and its institutions and to further deepen the dialogue and the partnership with the country permitting thus a better understanding of the role of the Lebanese Army towards the civilians in Lebanon.

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Hana Nasser


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Mis à disposition par

Foundation Office Lebanon

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