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Bundesregierung/Guido Bergmann

Sustainability needs Innovation

Sustainability Needs Innovation

Innovations are essential for addressing humanity's grand challenges. Our primary focus is on preserving the environment and our prosperity, ensuring peace and security, and upholding freedom and justice. At the same time, innovations raise important ethical and socio-political questions. On our dedicated topic page, our experts discuss how we navigate these complex issues and promote both an innovation-friendly environment and climate-friendly innovations.


Ideas are always children of necessity.

Joseph A. Schumpeter, national economist and politician

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At a glance

  • We are the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung are aware that: Sustainable management calls for focussing all efforts on halting man-made climate change.
  • Global examples such as climate change demonstrate the difficulty of implementing sustainable management when many stakeholders are involved whose starting positions and interests differ greatly.
  • We are convinced that people and governments will not be motivated to act sustainably through renunciation and asceticism alone. Innovations are necessary in order to achieve climate targets.
  • Incentives and fair framework conditions are important at international level. They must function according to the polluter pays principle in line with the fundamental concept of the the social market economy.
  • European innovations could be pioneers in implementing the best incentives and framework conditions, exporting them and thus contributing towards greater global sustainability. We support this goal with our work.



1. The interests of global players make sustainable business more difficult

2. Sustainable innovation is more than just technology

3. Framework conditions based on the polluter-pays principle

4. European innovations as pioneers

5. Our offers and projects on the topic

6. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


Discuss with us on social media under the hashtag: #KAS4Innovation.

Innovations are not an end in themselves. They are most valuable when serving humanity. A prime example is innovations for sustainability. This is why the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has evolved its core theme of “Innovation” to focus on “Sustainability Needs Innovation.”


The interests of global players make sustainable business more difficult

Defining sustainability broadly as a practice that does not compromise the future and its inhabitants, it encompasses ecological, social, and economic dimensions. Sustainable business practices require efforts to halt man-made climate change and avoid burdening future generations with our current consumption, both ecologically and financially. The concept, originally from forestry, stresses the importance of not endangering the regenerative capacity of natural resources through excessive use.

The challenge of sustainable business becomes even more complex at the global level, as seen in the case of climate change. Unlike sustainable forest use, where the number of actors can be limited and motivated to act sustainably, reducing emissions involves a multitude of states, companies, organizations, and individuals with diverse starting points and levels of prosperity.


Sustainable innovation is more than just technology

While focusing on Germany and Europe, it becomes apparent that people cannot be motivated to act sustainably by austerity and asceticism alone. Innovations are necessary to achieve climate goals. New technologies already significantly contribute to reducing emissions, adapting to climate change effects, and unlocking “negative emissions.” This includes not only environmental innovations but also applications of artificial intelligence with positive sustainability impacts.

However, innovation encompasses more than just technology. New organizational forms and behaviors are also crucial. Hence, promoting innovations as a pathway to sustainability is not merely a belief in technology; actual behavioral changes are necessary. The motto is not less, but different. Innovations must be directed towards sustainability, and not every innovation necessarily serves this purpose. Our “Sustainability Navigator” has been showcasing examples of the right kind of innovations, which will now be integrated into our core theme “Innovation Needs Sustainability.”


Framework conditions based on the polluter-pays principle: social market economy leads the way

Especially for a global phenomenon like climate change, the framework conditions that incentivize sustainable economic activities and innovations are crucial. These conditions must operate based on the polluter-pays principle, as exemplified by the regulatory framework of the Social Market Economy. An essential aspect of this concept is that social costs must be factored into the price of goods (internalization of external effects). In terms of ecological, economic, and innovation efficiency, taxes on emissions and certificate solutions are more effective than outright bans or prohibitions, as they set technology-neutral incentives. This approach is the best and fastest way to achieve our climate goals, although implementation on a global scale can be challenging. Both mandates and prohibitions will be necessary, but sustainability is too important to be pursued without the Social Market Economy.


European innovations as pioneers

Even though the emissions share of Germany and Europe may seem small, we can lead by implementing the best framework conditions and incentives. Innovations developed under these conditions can be exported, exerting a sustainable impact beyond our borders and enhancing the competitiveness of our economy. Sustainability is increasingly becoming a factor in location decisions. However, we must avoid arrogance: many countries are working on the right rules and are committed to sustainable economic practices. Mutual recognition often proves to be a better approach than uniform standards for all.

Our offers and projects on the topic

International offices and programmes

Our commitment to fostering sustainability through innovation within the framework of the Social Market Economy can only succeed if it is approached globally. Therefore, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is actively involved in international energy security and climate change programs abroad, participating in exciting projects aimed at sustainable action

International Energy Security and Climate Change Programs


The shift away from fossil fuels poses significant challenges for humanity. The targets set in the Paris Climate Agreement for limiting man-made global warming are a crucial step towards a more sustainable lifestyle. However, these goals demand considerable effort from all stakeholders to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Since 2015, our regional programs on energy security and climate change in Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and the Middle East and North Africa have been contributing to enhancing cross-regional dialogue on energy, climate, and environmental policy in these regions. Our primary goal is to support current discussions, develop solutions, and, most importantly, promote concrete projects for sustainable action in politics, business, and society.


Learn more about International Energy Security and Climate Change Programs


Publication, video and website projects

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has already developed and implemented numerous projects and campaigns on its priority topic “Sustainability needs innovation”, a selection of which we would like to present to you here. In addition, our publication series “Monitor Nachhaltigkeit” (Sustainability Monitor) contains articles on various (also innovation-related) aspects of sustainability at irregular intervals.

Biotechnology and genetic engineering


Genetic engineering and biotechnology and the associated fields of research are controversial in society and politics. According to many critics, the risks are unacceptable. But the facts refute this criticism. They show: The opportunities far outweigh the risks. Without modern life sciences, advances in medicine, pharmacy, plant breeding, agriculture, food production and environmental research would be unthinkable. All scientific findings speak in favor of dealing responsibly with these new cross-sectional technologies. However, the recommendation is clear: the potential must be exploited, and abandoning biotechnologies and genetic engineering would be a big mistake.

Where are the opportunities in the life sciences? What economic potential do they hold? How can they contribute to overcoming the challenges we face? What are the benefits for people? How should genetic engineering and biotechnology, embryo and stem cell research, reproductive medicine and other fields of application be regulated? What potential risks need to be considered? You can find information and food for thought on these questions on our project page.


Learn more about biotechnology and genetic engineering

Sustainability Monitor


With the publication series “Sustainability Monitor,” we address current sustainability issues from the perspective of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, mostly on an occasion-related basis, to make them accessible to an interested public in politics, science, and civil society, and to contribute to the positioning of the foundation on this important cross-sectional and future issue.


Find out more about the Monitor Sustainability series

Quantum Computing and Its Importance for Our Society


Quantum computing has enormous potential. Whether economically or in a societal context, quantum computers represent a very significant future technology. Our publications on quantum computing in the context of digitalization explain the fundamentals and applications, explore the potential, and provide insight into the current state of research.


Learn more about Quantum Computing publications

Digital Transformation in Asia-Pacific


In the field of digitalization of the economy and society, the Asia-Pacific region is considered a pioneer. Nowhere else has the use of digital processes, products, and everyday helpers progressed further than there. Particularly impressive is the progress being made in many Southeast Asian and Pacific nations in the area of important future technologies and trends. These include topics such as artificial intelligence, e-health, FinTech, and autonomous driving.

Our offices abroad and regional programs are keeping a close eye on these developments and attach great importance to digitization efforts and the successes achieved so far in the region as part of our foundation-wide innovation theme. In order to drive social and economic value creation in the spirit of the social market economy and create added value for society as a whole, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is committed to sharing experiences between Germany, Europe, and Asia together with regional players from politics, business, society, and academia.


Learn more about Digital Transformation in Asia-Pacific

Home Office and Mobile Working


Home office and mobile working have been important topics on the agenda of the socio-political debate, and not just since the COVID-19 pandemic. With our project page, we want to provide guidance in the form of video interviews with experts and concrete political recommendations for action, as well as contribute to drawing the right conclusions from the experience gained and setting the necessary course for the future.


Learn more about the Home Office project


Networks and cooperations

To promote sustainable urban development and market- and innovation-oriented strategies for climate neutrality, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has launched the “Strong Cities 2030” initiative and established a cooperation with the German think tank EPICO Klimainnovation.

Strong Cities 2030 Network


Urbanization is one of the megatrends of the 21st century. By 2050, about three-quarters of the world's population is expected to live in cities. This significant development brings challenges but also opportunities. Sustainable Development Goal 11 of the 2030 Agenda aims to make cities and settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. Our “Strong Cities 2030” initiative is designed to promote urban development towards greater sustainability, resilience, and inclusion through global exchange between political elected officials and experts from science and practice.


Learn more about the Strong Cities 2030 Network

Cooperation with EPICO Climate Innovation


The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung entered into a cooperation with EPICO KlimaInnovation in 2021. The network aims to advocate for sustainable, market-based, and innovation-oriented climate and energy policies and develop strategies for climate neutrality from the center of society and contribute to their implementation. The focus of the cooperation is the “Policy Accelerator for Climate Innovation,” a project that has developed clear recommendations for action on key energy policy issues and target images for achieving climate neutrality through an agile design thinking process.


Learn more about the cooperation with EPICO Klimainnovation

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Dr. Jan Cernicky


Head of the Economy and Innovation Department +49 30 26996 3516 +49 30 26996 3551
Single title
Alfred-Wegener-Institut/Robert Ricker (CC-BY 4.0)
July 4, 2024
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Publications, events and media contributions on the topic

Our contributions are as wide-ranging and multifaceted as the topic itself!

Whether it's an expert interview, specialist publication or hot debate - click through and you're guaranteed to find the right format for you!

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Publications to the topic


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Events on the topic



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Media library

Erststimme #98:

Ein Gespräch zum Thema „Künstliche Intelligenz“

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KAS USA Dialog Program

Innovation in the Global Health Field

Hermann Gröhe, Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU-Parliamentary Group, visited the U.S. to talk about innovation in Global Health.

Post: French-speaking lecturer, 2– 8 June 2024, Benin.

Call for Proposals: Convener and lecturer, KASYP, 2– 8 June 2024, Cotonou, Benin.

The KAS School for Young Politicians aims to motivate and qualify young political professionals up to the age of 35 in furthering their political engagement.

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Erststimme #92: Lars Zimmermann

State modernization

We welcome our guest Lars Zimmermann, who is accompanying our work in 2024 as a KAS Fellow. Marcel Schepp talks to him about the topic of state modernization, among other things.

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Hands-On Mobility Dialogue 2022

Mobility Futures

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Podcast Erststimme #54

Klima muss sich lohnen

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Related topics and subject areas of our focus “Sustainability needs innovation”

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation deals with various aspects of innovative and sustainable developments. Whether resource and environment, social market economy or artificial intelligence - on our topic pages you can find comprehensive information on related topics and various sub-areas of the focus topic “Sustainability needs innovation.”

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