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The international politics of Sudan’s transitions

Online Seminar, 27 October 2020

The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised an online seminar on the International Politics of Sudan's Transition. The virtual event was held on ZOOM and streamed on Facebook on October 27, 2020.

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Aware of the important impact of Sudan’s dynamics and recent developments on its neighboring regions, the regional program brought together, during this event, experts and civil society representatives to discuss the most pressing issues currently facing Sudan. The online seminar was attended virtually by over 80 invited guests representing local and international decision-makers, civil society activists, experts, academics and journalists.

The focus was on spelling out the implications of dynamics that are critical for Sudan’s stability but that may be poorly understood or underappreciated by policy-makers and observers. The seminar provided fresh perspectives in the otherwise crowded field of think-tank policy discussions. The speakers addressed the following topics:

  • The role of Western and Asian powers in Sudan after al-Bashir’s ousting.
  • Sudan in its regional environment.
  • Foreign influence on the transition.

The online seminar was an opportunity to announce the regional program’s first publication on Sudan which goes under the title of “Spotlight on Sudan”. This first edition, entitled “Sudan’s International Relations in Regime Change “, aims to highlight the recent developments in Sudan, its impact on the country’s neighbors and the geopolitical situation.

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Dr. Thomas Volk



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À propos de cette série

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