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Migration and integration

Migration and Integration


Politics starts with looking at reality.

Erwin Teufel, Politician and Former Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg

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At a glance

  • Over the past few years, the flow of refugees and migrants has dramatically increased. Never before have so many people left their homeland for a wide variety of reasons.
  • Rising immigration numbers are presenting challenges to the countries of destination. Great importance is therefore attached to managing migration as well as reforming the European Asylum System.
  • The integration of immigrants, who live permanently and legally in a country, represents an important domestic policy task for the future.
  • In Germany, 26 per cent of the population now has a migrant background. For children under the age of five, this figure is even more than 40 per cent.
  • The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung contributes towards integration with its scholarships for people with a migration background. At the same time, we discuss important questions on the topic and develop potential solutions.



1. Migration and flight are increasing worldwide

2. Integration as a major task for the future

3. European and international comparison as a starting point for our work

4. Our offers and projects on the topic

5. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


Migration and flight are increasing worldwide

Over the last few years, more people have left their home country than ever before for a variety of reasons: Some flee from violent conflicts and persecution, while others leave their home country owing to political uncertainties, social conditions, corruption, inadequate handling of environmental disasters or economic plight. Some people see a change of residence for study or work as part of their career planning.

The migration process can therefore be very different, for example entry into a destination country may be legal or irregular, direct or via several transit countries, and the stay could be permanent, circular or only temporary.

Here, special emphasis is placed on understanding and mitigating the causes of flight, the safety of refugees in flight, but also an understanding for the reasons of irregular or regular migration beyond flight. Some factors can be addressed through targeted development cooperation.

The management of migration at national and multilateral levels as well as reforming the European asylum system are also pressing issues for politics and society, especially against the background of rising numbers of migrants and refugees and the associated challenges. These questions arise worldwide and also for Germany.


Integration as a major task for the future

Therefore, the integration of immigrants who live permanently and legally in Germany is an important domestic policy task for the future. Scarcely any topic has aroused so much public interest in recent years, particularly in the context and aftermath of high numbers of immigration between 2015 and 2016.

According to the Federal Statistics Office, 26 per cent of the population has a migrant background. Slightly more than half of them have German citizenship. The figures are even more pronounced for children under five years of age: here, 40 per cent of children in the country have a migrant background. Germany has thus increasingly developed into a country of immigration.

How, however, do the repercussions of migration shape our society and how do we want to organise our society? How can we implement equal participation in society and the labour market for all – in line with their respective qualifications and talents – and at the same time enable everyone to actively participate in the community of solidarity? How can we strike the right balance between challenging and promoting? What opportunities and risks does immigration harbour for Germany, and what do they mean for integration policy?


European and international comparison as a starting point for our work

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is tackling these and other questions together with representatives from science, politics and associations, in order to develop potential solutions. In the area of migration and integration, we value international and especially European comparison and exchange, too.

Our offers and projects on the topic

Publication projects

In addition to individual publications on specific aspects of flight, migration and integration, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is interested in examining complex interrelationships from different perspectives. For this reason, we publish larger publication projects or multi-part publication series at irregular intervals, which approach the multi-layered problems of the topic from different angles.

Migration Policy Debates


The interview series “Migration Policy Debates” deals with current controversial migration policy issues. Each issue is centered around a central theme which is addressed by three experts from different fields. Representatives from politics, academia and civil society discuss domestic and foreign policy aspects and formulate policy recommendations.


Learn more about the interview series


Scholarship offers

For people from migrant backgrounds, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung offers specific opportunities for orientation and support with personal and professional development with the ‘High-Flyers’ and ‘scholarships for refugees’.

Study Mentoring Programme High-Flyers

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You too can become a high-flyer!

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The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s study mentoring programme High-Flyers, offers young dedicated and talented people from families without academic experience or with a migration background support on their way to university.

Scholarship holders and young former scholarship holders help with important and essential questions on everything related to universities of applied sciences and universities, and provide guidance during the transition from school to university.

Be it opportunities for student financing, choosing a subject or general information about a degree – our scholarship holders and former scholarship holders know exactly what it takes and are at hand as personal contacts in the framework of corresponding study mentoring, thus enabling insights into everyday student life.


Learn more about services offered by High-Flyers

Scholarships for Refugees


As a refugee in Germany, you are entitled to study apply for a scholarship under special legal conditions. We look forward to supporting you in your professional and personal development, and gladly welcome talented new scholarship holders who actively enrich and help shape the progress of our society.


Learn more about the scholarships for refugees (English only)


Special initiative

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is cooperating with political decision-makers and civil society actors in the main destination states for Venezuelan refugees as part of the BMZ (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development) funded special initiative “Fighting the Causes of Flight, Reintegrating Refugees in Latin America.”

Fighting the Causes of Flight, Reintegrating Refugees

With the BMZ-funded special initiative, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is attempting to contribute towards successfully managing the refugee crisis in Venezuela. In this context, our country offices in Columbia, Peru, and Child promote joint exchange with a broad network of partners and engage in dialogue with local responsible players from politics, business and management as well as representatives of the refugee community on effective measures for successful integration.


Learn more about the special initiative

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Country Reports
IMAGO / Xinhua
August 4, 2023
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Fotocollage mit Material des Koalitionsvertrags & Duke.Box / flickr / CC BY-ND 2.0 /
December 10, 2021
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Publications, events and media contributions on the topic

Our contributions are as wide-ranging and multifaceted as the topic itself!

Whether it's an expert interview, specialist publication or hot debate - click through and you're guaranteed to find the right format for you!

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Publications to the topic

Sudanese Refugees European Union (photo by Dominique Catton)

Geneva Telegram with key insights from UNHCR’s new global trends report

The "Geneva Telegram" explores events in Geneva-based multilateral organizations on a current topic. This time, the focus is on the new global trends report of the UNHCR.

Contributions for the UN Refugee Agency until mid-2024

Map of the Month 06/2024

Italien & Albanien Flagge IMAGO / Pond5 Images

Italian refugee reception centre in Albania

Planned opening of the first extraterritorial refugee camp in an EU country

Logo neu

„Einfache Sprache – Neue Zielgruppen“

Projekt „Entwicklung von Bildungsformaten für junge Menschen in einfacher Sprache“ - Gefördert vom Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen

Niger und Migration KAS/Ulf Laessing

The business of poverty migration in Niger

A challenge for Europe too?

Polizei Festnahme Adobe Stock / abr68

Wake-up call for integration policy

The crime statistics 2023 show the need for integration policy action

"It’s about integration in particular."

Gabriele Baumann talks about Sweden's change in migration policy

Alexander Throm MdB

"I don't see a policy change at the moment."

Alexander Throm (MP) talks about Germany's asylum policy

"Asylum law is not set in stone."

Professor Daniel Thym talks about the legal framework, limits and opportunities in migration policy

Palais des Nations Geneva II

Geneva Barometer

Developments among Geneva-based international organisations from October to December 2023

platzhalter01_weißNGGN DPM

Viele Himmel

Die politische Herausforderung religiöser Vielfalt

75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Map of the Month 12/2023

Die fiskalischen Chancen und Risiken von Migration im Kontext des demografischen Wandels

Fiscal opportunities and risks of migration in the context of demographic change

On the potentials and challenges of managed migration

Polen: Kulturkampf auf Kosten des Zusammenhalts

Identitätspolitik als machtpolitisches Instrument der polnischen Regierung

Frankreich: Identitätspolitik als Spaltpilz der Gesellschaft

Wie die Debatten um Laizität, Integration und die nationale Identität die Französische Republik prägen

Ethnische Herkunft und Identität: Die etikettierte Welt

Warum linke und rechte Identitätspolitik Diskriminierung nicht bekämpft, sondern befördert

Mark Rutte, Ursula Von der Leyen Giorgia Meloni und Kais Saied IMAGO / ANP

Migration agreements put to the test

Dr. Malte Gaier, KAS Resident Representative to Tunisia, shares insights about the EU’s Memorandum of Understanding with Tunisia

Düpont Portrait

"We need a chain of responsibility"

Lena Düpont (MEP) talks about the CEAS reform and the relevance of agreements with third countries.

Koopmans David Ausserhofer

"Reducing irregular migration can only be achieved through agreements with third countries."

Migration researcher Ruud Koopmans in conversation with KAS on migration agreements.

Tunis. Absichtserklärung zwischen der EU und Tunesien über eine „strategische und umfangreiche Partnerschaft“ IMAGO / Xinhua

The EU's migration agreement with Tunisia

Perception in Tunisia and Macroeconomic and Geostrategic Relevance

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Events on the topic



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Deutsch-Französische Zukufntswerkstatt




Sicherheitspolitik im Baltikum

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Event Reports on the topic

Event Reports on the topic

Deutsche Migrationsgesellschaft kommunal

Diversität und Integration in deutschen Kommunen

Veranstaltungsbericht zum Online-Forum
der KommunalAkademie am 16.05.2024

Titelbild (1)

Migration nach Europa. Herausforderungen und Chancen für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

Diskussionsveranstaltung im Hubschraubermuseum Bückeburg

Das Podium KAS

Kontrovers: Nach dem Migrationsgipfel. Wie kann die Migration begrenzt werden?

Trends und Defizite
der kommunalen Migrationspolitik

Bericht zur Fachtagung
"Integration in deutschen Kommunen und Fragen der Migrationsgesellschaft"

Auf dem Podium saßen Dr. Simon Strauß, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Omid Nouripour MdB und Prof. Dr. Susanne Schröter (v.l.n.r.) KAS/Marie-Lisa Noltenius

„Die Mitte muss sich als Vermittler behaupten“

Podiumsdiskussion über Ursachen für und Wege aus der Polarisierung

Workshop inklusive Wesermarsch

Workshop inklusive Wesermarsch

Als Vorbild dient die Gemeinde Ovelgönne

VA Rücksicht und Respekt im Fußball-Museum Dortmund

Rücksicht und Respekt auf jeder Ebene der Gesellschaft

Eine Veranstaltung im Deutschen Fußballmuseum


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Digitale Lesung mit Burak Yilmaz, in Kooperation mit dem Philologenverband NRW und dem Netzwerk Lehrkräfte mit Zuwanderungsgeschichte des Landes NRW

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Online-Abendveranstaltung mit Prof. Susanne Schröter

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Tag der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung 2020

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Ein anderer Blick auf Migration

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17. Auflage der Ahauser Schlossrunde mit Wolfgang Bosbach

B30-200219-1 (4)

Afrika wohin? - Politik, Wirtschaft, Migration

Diskussion Sebastian Beug

"Viele Afrikaner haben die Absicht wegzugehen, aber noch nicht die Mittel"

Diskussion zur Migration und Entwicklungspolitik in Afrika


Media library

Erststimme #99: Dr. Felor Badenberg

Anti-Semitism in Germany

We welcome Berlin's Senator for Justice and Consumer Protection, Dr. Felor Badenberg, to the discussion and shed light on the highly topical issue of anti-Semitism in Germany.

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Erststimme #96: Gregor Golland


Das Thema Islamismus ist komplex. Wir sprechen mit dem Innenpolitiker Gregor Golland MdL über Online-Propaganda, Radikalisierung und Gegenmaßnahmen.

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Erststimme #84: Rücksicht und Respekt

Rücksicht und Respekt - Mit Stellungnahmen von Herbert Reul und Armin Nassehi

Wir sprechen über das Thema Rücksicht und Respekt u.a. mit dem NRW Innenminister Herbert Reul und dem ehemaligen KAS Fellow Prof. Armin Nassehi.

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Erststimme #66

Fördern und Fordern - Was zwei Praktiker der Integration dazu sagen?

Wir werfen mit zwei Praktikern der Integrationsarbeit, die selbst über eine Zuwanderungsgeschichte verfügen, einen Blick in ihren Arbeitsalltag.

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Podcast Erststimme #61

Advent im Heiligen Land

Wir sprechen mit Pater Nikodemus Schnabel OSB, einem der Stellvertreter des Lateinischen Patriarchen von Jerusalem über das Leben im Advent im Heiligen Land.

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Podcast Erststimme #60

Der Kampf gegen den Hunger

Wir möchten den Beginn der Adventszeit nutzen, um mit Marlehn Thieme, der Präsidentin der Deutschen Welthungerhilfe, über Wege aus den weltweiten Hungerkrisen nachzudenken.

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Auslandsbüro Syrien und Irak

Dokumentarfilm Beirut '22

Der Film schildert Integrationsmöglichkeiten und das schwierige Verhältnis zwischen Flüchtlingen und Aufnahmegesellschaft am Beispiel des Libanon.

The 15th Ecumenical Social Week

Wandering Identity: Considering Meanings and Values

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60 Jahre Anwerbeabkommen mit der Türkei

Interview mit Düzen Tekkal

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60 Jahre Anwerbeabkommen mit der Türkei

CDU-Politikerin Aygül Özkan im Interview

Aygül Özkan spricht darüber, inwiefern die elterliche Prägung sie stark gemacht hat. Und auch über Einwanderungsgeschichte, Teilhabe und Integration.

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