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Expert conference

60 Years of Social Market Economy - Formation, Development and Perspectives of a Peacemaking Formula

International conference organised by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with the European Business Circle and the University of Oxford

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While the success of the Social Market Economy as Germany’s distinguished ‘Third Way’ of regulatory policy between centralist socialism and unbridled capitalism has received general praise, some confusion remains about the formation, definition, implementation and potential of the economic and socio-political concept. In particular in English academic research and writing, the Social Market Economy and its constitutive forces behind the political and economic reconstruction of post-war Germany have received considerably little attention.

Due to this year’s 60th anniversary of the German constitution, which built the framework for the post-war economic model, it is the intention of this international bilingual conference to recall and communicate the historical origins and basic principals of the Social Market Economy. Furthermore, the transformations of the concept over time shall be both traced back and potential future developments be presented to the audience and readership respectively. Moreover, the role and potential of the Social Market Economy in times of an increasing European Union and an intensifying global economic, political and societal crisis shall be examined.


09.00 h


09.30 h

Opening and Welcoming Session

Dr. Michael Borchard, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Dr. Christian L. Glossner, University of Oxford, European Business Circle

10.00 h

Key Note: The Challenge for the Social Market Economy: An International Perspective

Prof. Owen Darbishire, University of Oxford

I Panel: Formation and Implementation of the Social Market Economy

10.30 h

Key Note: The Making of the German Post-War Economy

Dr. Christian L. Glossner, University of Oxford, European Business Circle

individual seminar papers

  • Manuel Wörsdörfer: An ordoliberal interpretation of Immanuel Kant and Adam Smith
  • Alexander Lorch: Die Soziale Marktwirtschaft weiterdenken - Ideen für eine wirtschaftsethische Erneuerung
11.30 h

Coffee break

II Panel: Transformation of the Social Market Economy

12.00 h

Key Note: An Economic Model at the Age of 60: Path Changes or Path Dependences?

Prof. Lothar Funk, University of Applied Science Düsseldorf

individual seminar papers

  • Dr. Hagen Lesch: Tarifautonomie: Tragende Säule oder bröckelnder Pfeiler der sozialen Marktwirtschaft
  • Christine Wolfgramm/Ines Läufer: Soziale Sicherungssysteme in der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft: Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Sozialpolitik und Markt. Eine Betrachtung der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung im Kontext sozial-marktwirtschaftlicher Prinzipien
13.30 h


III Panel: Potential and Perspectives of the Social Market Economy in the context of Europeanisation and Globalisation

14.30 h

Key Note: Economic Policy Challenges for the 'Social Market Economy' in a Globalized World: Old wine in new skins?

Prof. Bodo Herzog, ESB Reutlingen

individual seminar papers

  • Dr. Markus Marktanner: Addressing the Marketing Problem of the Social Market Economy
  • Dr. Marc Stegherr: Rezeption der Idee in den Transformationsländern Mittelost- und Südosteuropas
16.00 h

Coffee break

  • Janina Jänsch/Christian Vossler: Bedeutung des Staates für den Klimaschutz in der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft
  • Ekkehard Köhler: Ursachen und ordnungspolitische Konsequenzen der Finanzmarktkrise

IV Discussion: Social Market Economy - An economic model for other countries? Difficulties and Possibilities

17.15 h

Presentation Dr. Christian L. Glossner, University of Oxford, Euro-pean Business Circle

18.30 h

End of conference

The conference will be held in German and English with translation available.

Please send your acceptance to

(Post)Doctoral students and faculty are invited to submit abstracts and papers of original research for consideration and publication. These contributions shall relate to one of the following thematic areas of the conference:

  • Formation and Implementation of the Social Market Economy
  • Definition and Transformation of the Social Market Economy
  • Potential and Perspectives of the Social Market Economy in the context of Europeanisation and Globalisation


A MS Word or PDF file of your full paper should be submitted by E-mail to by 23 October 2009. If you are planning to submit a paper please give a short reply. Submissions can be made in English or German. Full papers with a brief abstract (250 words) are required. Papers should be a maximum of 20 pages (incl. bibliography and appendix). The title pages should include the paper title, author(s), institution, e-mail address(es), postal address(es), and telephone number(s). If multiple authors are involved, one should be designated to receive correspondence regarding the paper. Only abstracts won´t be accepted. Please type your manuscript 1,5-spaced for both text and footnotes as well as the bibliography. Use Arial, 12-point.


The conference welcomes contributions from young researchers of a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds – including political science, economics and sociology. If you want to participate without presenting a paper please apply until 23 October 2009. There is no registration fee.


The Programme Committee will examine the submitted papers and decide whether they will be accepted or not. Papers will be judged on clarity, quality, content, originality, and relevance to track and conference theme. Selected participants will be notified by November 9th 2009. The conference will take place in St. Augustin/Bonn 30th of November 2009. Further information (schedule, venue) will promptly disclosed on Presenters are asked to prepare a 20 minute talk and allow 10 minutes for questions from the audience. Speakers of the accepted paper will be expected to play the role of discussant of other papers and/or Session Chair. Selected (reviewed) papers will be published in a Special Volume. An Award will be given to the best paper presented by young researchers.

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Europäischer Wirtschaftskreis
Universität Oxford