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Society and Religion

Society and Religion


In terms of the state, the liberal order needs a unifying ethos, a kind of ‘public spirit’, among those who live in this state. The question is then: Where does this ethos come from, which can neither be enforced by the state nor imposed by sovereignty? One could say: first of all, from the lived culture. But what the factors and elements underpinning this culture? There we are indeed with sources like Christianity, Enlightenment and Humanism.

Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde, Philosopher of law, political and administrative scientist

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At a glance

  • Societies in Germany and Europe are undergoing transformation and becoming more diverse. That increases the need for binding rules so as to stabilise social co-existence.
  • Change processes can lead to cracks in the social fabric. Politicians need to take concrete actions to prevent these cracks from deepening.
  • Religion is undergoing processes of change, too. In Germany and Europe, a trend towards secularisation is particularly clear to see.
  • Religious beliefs continue to be relevant for social cohesion. What is new, however, is that the ambivalent character of religion is now being perceived far more strongly.
  • We react to political needs by offering analysis and consultation on social issues. In the area of religious policy, we are particularly characterised by our commitment to international religious freedom.



1. Social changes and cohesion

2. Religious diversity and secularisation

3. Our offers and projects on the topic

4. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


Social changes and cohesion

German society is becoming more diverse. With German unity, a country divided for 40 years has been and continues to be brought together since 1989. European integration, advancing digitalisation and the energy revolution are permanently changing working and everyday life in Germany. Migrants are becoming Germans, and religious diversity as well as the number of life and family models are rising. At the same time, the urban-rural and young-old ratio is changing.

Diversity also increases the need for stabilising coexistence through binding rules, however. That is often more successful than expected, but sometimes fails due to different demands and interests. Cracks are emerging in some areas of the social fabric. To ensure that these cracks do not deepen, social changes must be shaped politically. To achieve this, politics needs interdisciplinary analysis and consultation. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung responds to this need with socio-political analyses, discussions and advice. Its socio-political work focuses on children, youth and family, demographic change, migration, integration and equal rights.


Religious diversity and secularisation

But the topics of religious influence, religious diversity and religious policy are evidently subject to processes of change, too. The Christian churches are continuously losing members both in Germany and Europe. The number of non-denominational people continues to rise; a general trend towards secularisation is becoming clear to many. Yet, religion is not disappearing from the state and society, rather its role is changing. That is more visible in the global context than the European one. 84 per cent of the global population feel they belong to a religious community and, by their own account, believe in God or a higher power – and the trend is rising.

The significance of religious convictions for social cohesion and the search for orientation still seems to be relevant, even if the ambivalent character of religion is increasingly perceived – as a meaningful motivation on the one hand, and as a source of conflict, on the other. The relevance of religion in today’s societies as well as in national and international politics, is reflected in various thematic fields and policy areas. This includes the discussion on religious education, the organisation of Jewish and Muslim life in Germany and the safeguarding of religious liberties worldwide. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s religious policy work focuses on a commitment to religious freedom in particular.

Our offers and projects on the topic

Discussion forums and publication projects

Below you will find discussion forums and multi-party publication projects on current religious and socio-political issues. The main emphasis should be placed on the two discussion forums dealing with questions of religious policy.

Expert Initiative Religious Policy


The Expert Initiative Religious Policy (EIR) is an academic-political forum for discussion on religious policy issues. The EIR blog provides a knowledge forum and debate platform on current events and developments in constitutional law, German politics and the emerging common European constitutional space. Based on various expert opinions, the blog makes proposals on how to further develop the religious legal system within the meaning of freedom of religion and ideology.


Learn more about the Expert Initiative Religious Policy

Discussion Forum “”


The blog “” sees itself as a discussion forum for political action out of Christian duty. The blog articles are deliberately diverse: They ask, for instance, how the church and politics intend to deal with the most important problems of our time. While also asking us what conclusions we draw from this.


Learn more about the blog “”

Contributions to the Debate on Abortion


Since the 1993 ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court and subsequent political regulations the public debate on abortion in Germany has largely relaxed. Three decades later, reproductive rights and women's autonomy are increasingly emphasized. It is necessary to recognize that a viable compromise is essential to preserve different fundamental rights and ensure social peace.


Learn more about the contributions to the debate on abortion

Contributions to the Debate on Assisted Suicide as an Act of Business


After the German Constitutional Court declared § 217 of the German Penal Code (StGB), which criminalised the commercial promotion of suicide, to be null and void in February 2020, politics and society now face the question on how to deal with wishes to die and assisted suicide. Read our contributions to the debate on the topic of commercial assisted suicide.


Learn more about the contributions to the debate on assisted suicide


Event series and seminars

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung offers different event formats of socio-political relevance, aimed at various targets groups. While the Youth Policy Days and the denkt@g competition represent a specific offer for youth and young adults, the Women’s Council aims to explicitly promote women with targeted nationwide formats, so as to increase their presence and visibility in politics, business and society.

DenkTag and denkt@g Competition


For many years, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has used the official day of remembrance for victims of National Socialism as an occasion for nationwide projects and events. As part of this so-called “DenkTag event series”, talks with contemporary witnesses, lecture events, readings and exhibitions are held on all matters relating to 27 January in numerous federal states.

Every two years, the nationwide internet youth competition “denkt@tag” also takes place under the patronage of the former President of the Germany Bundestag Dr Norbert Lammert.


Find out more about the DenkTag

Learn more about the the denkt@g competition

ChancenZeit – together for society

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ChancenZeit – together for society

Street survey for the social year
(only in German)

YouTube, onlinekas

Since the Russian attack on Ukraine in February 2022, there has been renewed discussion in Germany about compulsory service. At its 35th federal party congress in September, the CDU decided to advocate for the introduction of a compulsory “social year”. However, the implementation of the project of such a compulsory period of service to the state and society faces a number of objections and concerns.

A stronger emphasis on benefits and opportunities for the individual and a more flexible time frame could remedy the situation. That is why the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is organising events on this topic throughout Germany under the motto “ChancenZeit – geMEINsam für Gesellschaft”. We would like to discuss pro and con arguments at eye level with all participants and also model alternative proposals.


Learn more about ChancenZeit

JugendpolitikTage (Youth Politics Days)


Since 2007, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has been organising JugendpolitikTage several times a year, where young adults can obtain information about current social and political issues, discuss them and exchange ideas. The various workshops are specially adapted to the needs of young people. In the form of films, comics, newspaper articles, plays, dance choreographies, drawings and self-written narratives, the participants can explore various topics.


Learn more about the JugendpolitikTage

Women’s Council


Women continue to be under-represented in politics, business and society. For this reason, with the Women’s Council, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung provides a nationwide seminar programme just for women. With our multifaceted events, we would like to embolden women to position themselves well and take responsibility.


Learn more about the Women’s Council


Podcasts and video series

Some of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s podcasts and video series are devoted to relevant aspects of socio-political issues such as social diversity or Jewish life in Germany.

Future Women


In the podcast “Future Women", women have something to say about their social commitment and associated experience. In the discussion, they report on their personal journey, their own trajectory and the challenges and difficulties facing them on the path towards greater co-determination and the realisation of their own visions and specific goals.


Learn more about the podcast “Future Women”

Aftertaste – Jewish Everyday Life in Germany

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Aftertaste – Jewish Everyday Life in Germany, Trailer

(only in German)

YouTube, Onlinekas

What does everyday life for Jews in Germany really look like today? On the occasion of the anniversary “1700 years of Jewish life in Germany”, we have issued the video series “Aftertaste – Jewish everyday life in Germany”. Britta Herres, who is on her voluntary social year, embarks on a journey through the republic to talk to different people of Jewish origin.


See all episodes of our video series

Britta’s Hanukkah Week

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Britta’s Hanukkah Week

(only in German)

YouTube, Onlinekas

We sent Britta Herres, who is on a voluntary social year with us, on a little journey. Together with Leni, a young woman who has decided to become a rabbi, she explores Berlin. What motivated Leni to take up rabbinical studies? What is it like to celebrate holidays in Berlin? And where does the origin of the Hanukkah festival actually lie? More on this can be found in our video series “Britta’s Hanukkah Week”.


See all episodes of our video series on YouTube.

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Dr. Andreas Jacobs


Deputy Head of Analysis and Consulting and Head of Department Social Cohesion +49 (0)30 26996 3744
Adobe Stock / TungCheung
May 4, 2023
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Adobe Stock / VectorMine
May 2, 2023
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Fotocollage mit Material des Koalitionsvertrags & Duke.Box / flickr / CC BY-ND 2.0 /
December 10, 2021
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Publications, events and media contributions on the topic

Our contributions are as wide-ranging and multifaceted as the topic itself!

Whether it's an expert interview, specialist publication or hot debate - click through and you're guaranteed to find the right format for you!

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Publications to the topic

Protestschild am internationalen Frauentag auf einer Demonstration in Paris. Auf dem Schild stehen die Slogans „Feministen und Queers, Anti-Kolonialisten, Anti-Imperialisten“ auf den Farben der palästinensischen Flagge. Frankreich am 8. März 2024. picture alliance / Hans Lucas / Xose Bouzas

Postkoloniales Denken

Eine Genealogie

Nairobi Ausschreitungen 2024, Juni Imago / ZUMA Press Wire

Nairobi: Storming of the Parliament

The Republic of Kenya in Turmoil

Kinderarmut Banner

Child poverty: causes, effects, ways out

Securing children against poverty

Sudanese Refugees European Union (photo by Dominique Catton)

Geneva Telegram with key insights from UNHCR’s new global trends report

The "Geneva Telegram" explores events in Geneva-based multilateral organizations on a current topic. This time, the focus is on the new global trends report of the UNHCR.

BSW Zeile auf dem Wahlschein KAS / Jochen Roose

Something New More Often: The electorate of the new left-conservative party BSW

Results from a representative survey

Länderbericht mal anders Titelbild Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.

European elections 2024


Katholikentag Reden Cover KAS

The Future Belongs to the Person of Peace: Speeches from the KAS Reception at the 103rd Catholic Day

Perspectives on a Christian Democratic Peace Policy for Our Time.

Lovers Dialog Adobe Stocke / Ася Лысогорская

Mandatory counseling in pregnancy conflicts

Protection for everyone involved

Weltbevölkerungstag, Menschen bilden Weltkarte Adobe Stock / Imagecreator / Generiert mit KI

The more, the mightier?

Why human capital counts in order to assert oneself in the global power structure

Italien & Albanien Flagge IMAGO / Pond5 Images

Italian refugee reception centre in Albania

Planned opening of the first extraterritorial refugee camp in an EU country


„Einfache Sprache – Neue Zielgruppen“

Projekt „Entwicklung von Bildungsformaten für junge Menschen in einfacher Sprache“ - Gefördert vom Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen

Flagge Ghanas und die Flagge der LGBT-Bewegung wehen gemeinsam IMAGO / Pond5 Images

Ghana's parliament passes anti-LGBTQ+ law

After more than 2½ years of deliberation, Ghana's parliament voted in favor of a new anti-LGBTQ+ law, dramatically worsening the situation for homosexuals and sexual minorities.

Niger und Migration KAS/Ulf Laessing

The business of poverty migration in Niger

A challenge for Europe too?

Palais des Nations Geneva Flickr/UN Geneva/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Geneva Barometer

Developments among Geneva-based international organisations from January to May 2024

Wegweiser Linksextremismus Rechtsextremismus Demokratie Adobe Stock / Sir_Oliver

„Just not that the constitution protection authorities ring my doorbell“

The spread of right-wing and left-wing extremist attitudes in Germany

Proklamation der Unabhängigkeit des Staates Israel durch Ministerpräsident David Ben-Gurion am 14. Mai 1948 im Stadtmuseum von Tel Aviv. An der Wand ist ein Portrait von Theodor Herzl zu sehen. picture-alliance/ dpa / Shershel_Frank

Der Weg zum Staat Israel

Über die wechselvolle Geschichte der Region, die Ursprünge des Nahostkonflikts und die Hintergründe zur Staatsgründung 1948


Weniger Arbeit, mehr Freizeit?

Neue Perspektiven auf Generationenunterschiede und Arbeitsorientierungen

Polizei Festnahme Adobe Stock / abr68

Wake-up call for integration policy

The crime statistics 2023 show the need for integration policy action

Georgia Meloni hält eine Rede neben einer Israel Flagge Imago / ZUMA Wire

Rome's perspective on the Gaza war

A diplomatic balancing act on both sides of the Tiber


Gut angelegt?

Steuern und Staatsleistungen im internationalen Vergleich

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Events on the topic







Angebote der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung rund um die Kommunalpolitik.



Facebook Live: Reden wir über Familie – Der Feierabendtalk

Redefreiheit am Abendbrotstisch – Eltern und Kinder im Gespräch über Politik



Überzeugender Auftritt in Politik und Ehrenamt: Wie trete ich erfolgreich auf?

Online-Veranstaltung im Rahmen des Frauenkollegs



Überzeugender Auftritt in Politik und Ehrenamt: Wie trete ich erfolgreich auf?

Online-Veranstaltung im Rahmen des Frauenkollegs (den Zugangslink erhalten Sie mit der Anmeldung)

Event Reports on the topic

Event Reports on the topic

Digitale Bildung in Schule, Lehrkräftebildung und Hochschule

KI-Anregungen für den Arbeitsalltag - und der Blick aufs Große, Ganze

Olympische Spiele unter dem Eiffelturm (Foto: Thomas Ehlen) Thomas Ehlen /


Was die Pariser Sommerspiele für Spitzen- wie Breitensport und die Politik bedeuten / Eine Bilanz des Wiesbadener Tischgesprächs 1. Juli 2024


„Es gibt keine Alternative. Wir brauchen eine ökologisch-soziale Marktwirtschaft“

Eine Fishbowl-Diskussion zur Vereinbarkeit klima- und wirtschaftspolitischer Ziele

"The future belongs to the man of peace"

Perspectives of a Christian Democratic peace policy for our time

Deutsche Migrationsgesellschaft kommunal

Diversität und Integration in deutschen Kommunen

Veranstaltungsbericht zum Online-Forum
der KommunalAkademie am 16.05.2024

Veranstaltung „Angesichts der Katastrophe – Lieder zu Gedichten deutscher Dichterinnen im Gedenken an Krieg und Holocaust“ KAS - Luis Brückner

Angesichts der Katastrophe

Mit Gernot Blume am Jüdischen Gymnasium Moses Mendelssohn

8 - sei-a-mensch-5459

Sei a Mensch!

Fotografien aus Israel nach dem 7. Oktober 2023

Titelbild (1)

Migration nach Europa. Herausforderungen und Chancen für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

Diskussionsveranstaltung im Hubschraubermuseum Bückeburg


Wie steht's um unsere Rente?

5. Münsteraner Gespräche zum Thema Sicherheit

Das Podium KAS

Kontrovers: Nach dem Migrationsgipfel. Wie kann die Migration begrenzt werden?

"Der ungewöhnlichste Film über den Holocaust"

Zeithistorische Filmreihe: „The Zone of Interest“ in Kooperation mit Leonine Studios

jüdische Gegenstände KAS Bremen

"Antisemitismus ist wie ein Geruch"

Schulveranstaltungen zum Thema Judentum und Antisemitismus


Klicken, Lernen, Wissen?

Herausforderungen an Gesellschaft und Schule in der digitalen Welt / Eindrücke von der Fuladaer Tagung 13. Februar 2024

Bronze Skulptur KAS Bremen

"Vernichtung durch Arbeit"

Schulexkursion in die Gedenkstätte Hamburg-Neuenngamme

Von Visionen und Veränderungen

Bertram Flecks neue Wege für den ländlichen Aufschwung

Sendker - Levy

"Kein anderes Land": Wo sind Juden wirklich sicher?

Eine Bilanz des 44. #HessenKAS Facebook-Live vom 31.01.2024

Teilnehmende Denkt@g Gruppenbild neu

Eröffnung des Jugendwettbewerbs "denkt@g" 2024

Ein JugendpolitikTag gegen Antisemitismus, Rechtsextremismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit

„Hinter Kassel beginnt die Walachei“

Debatte zum Buch: „Der Osten – eine westdeutsche Erfindung“

100 Tage Angriff auf Israel

Eine Solidaritätsveranstaltung mit Israel

Hetzschold - Klauser

Weniger Beitragszahler, Fachkräfte und junge Menschen –

Der demographische Wandel als Herausforderung für Wirtschaft und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt – Eine Bilanz des 43. #HessenKAS Facebook-Live vom 16.11.2023


Media library

Neue Folge des Podcasts Multipod

Multipod: WHO macht Fortschritte bei internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften

Die Covid-Pandemie hat auch auf internationaler Ebene Folgen. Erfahren Sie, wie die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) und ihre Mitgliedstaaten sich besser für die Zukunft wappnen.

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Erststimme #96: Gregor Golland


Das Thema Islamismus ist komplex. Wir sprechen mit dem Innenpolitiker Gregor Golland MdL über Online-Propaganda, Radikalisierung und Gegenmaßnahmen.

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Erststimme #95: Christos Katzidis


Kurz vor der EURO2024 sprechen wir mit Christos Katzidis, im Ehrenamt Präsident des Fußballverbands Mittelrhein, über die Lage auf Deutschlands Amateurfußballplätzen.

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Erststimme #93: Udo di Fabio

75 Jahre Grundgesetz

Feiern wir unsere Grundrechte und halten unsere Demokratie wehrhaft - dazu im Gespräch sind Prof. Dr. Dr. Udo Di Fabio und Julia Reuschenbach. #75JahreGrundgesetz.

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The asymmetry of reporting

Sei a Mensch - Israel after 7 October 2023

We are exhibiting Halina Hildebrands' photographs at the Academy of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin.


How can women's rights be strengthened in the health sector?

Christine Stegling (Deputy Director General UNAIDS) and Dr Andreas Ullrich (Head of Center for Clinical Global Women Health) talk about women's health and hurdles.

Neue Folge des Podcasts Multipod

Multipod: Wie können Frauenrechte im Gesundheitssektor gestärkt werden?

Erfahren Sie mehr über die Herausforderungen von Frauen, Ihr Recht auf Gesundheit einzufordern.

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Erststimme #89: Bernhard Felmberg

Militärseelsorge in der Bundeswehr

In dieser Ausgabe sprechen wir mit Bernhard Felmberg, dem evangelischen Militärbischof der Bundeswehr u.a. über Militärseelsorge.

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Erststimme #85: Peter Tauber

Mutig sein trotz Krisen!

In unserer neuesten Podcast-Episode begrüßen wir Peter Tauber, der sich in seinem neuen Buch mit einem essenziellen Thema auseinandersetzt: dem Mut.

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Erststimme #84: Rücksicht und Respekt

Rücksicht und Respekt - Mit Stellungnahmen von Herbert Reul und Armin Nassehi

Wir sprechen über das Thema Rücksicht und Respekt u.a. mit dem NRW Innenminister Herbert Reul und dem ehemaligen KAS Fellow Prof. Armin Nassehi.

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