
Dr. Josef Korte


E-Mail: Dr. Josef Korte


Katharsis im Bankensektor? Auswirkungen der Regulierung von Bankeninsolvenzen auf Risikoverhalten und Realwirtschaft


Volkswirtschaftslehre, Finanzökonomie, Universität Frankfurt am Main


Prof. Dr. Mark Wahrenburg



Auswahl an Publikationen

  • Catharsis - The Real Effects of Bank Insolvency and Resolution, Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper No 21/2013, Journal of Financial Stability, Vol. 16, February 2015.
  • Wishful Thinking or Effective Threat? Tightening Bank Resolution Regimes and Bank Risk-Taking, with Magdalena Ignatowski, ECB Working Paper Series No 1659, Journal of Financial Stability, Vol. 15, December 2014.
  • Between Capture and Discretion - The Determinants of Distressed Bank Treatment and Expected Government Support, with Magdalena Ignatowski and Charlotte Werger, ECB Working Paper Series No 1835.
  • Why Closing Failed Banks Helps the Real Economy, Safe Bank, Vol. 55(2)
  • Ignatowski, Magdalena; Korte Josef: Resolution threats and bank discipline, SAFE Policy Center, Policy Letter Nr. 33, 20. Mai 2014.
  • Resolution Threats and Bank Discipline, with Magdalena Ignatowski, VoxEU, May 2014.
  • A "Sovereign Subsidy" - Zero Risk Weights and Sovereign Risk Spillovers, with Sascha Steffen, VoxEU, September 2014.
  • The Volcker Rule and Banks' Risk-taking, with Jussi Keppo, VoxEU, September 2014.



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