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Event Reports

4th Alumni Stammtisch

by Friedrich Christian Matthäus

KAS Alumni discuss in Ipanema

For the fourth time the KAS Alumni of Rio de Janeiro met in order to discuss the effects of the internet on democratic opinion-forming processes. Since 2012 the focus of KAS lays on issues of Virtual Democracy and the impact of the internet on the democratic process. Friedrich Christian Matthäus, Trainee of KAS Brazil, informed in a brief lecture about the series of workshops about “Virtual Democracy”.

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The foundations‘ fellows from Rio de Janeiro spent an informal night out in Rios’ famous neighborhood Ipanema and got updated about the newest activities and training measures of KAS. Christian Matthäus, former fellow and now trainee of the local representation, informed the attendees about the series of workshop on “Virtual Democracy” which took place in its first 2015 edition at the end of May in Campo Grande, capital of the federal state of Mato Grosso do Sul, in Brazils' Central-West region.

During this series of workshops that take place quarterly and are now already happening for the third year in a row, experts present the newest developments, platforms and fora where inherent political discussions regarding Brazilian national politics are being debated. What impacts had the digital revolution on the democratic process of Brazil on the local, federal and national level? Do these levels still matter at all or did the internet overcome geographical distances? Answers to these complex questions were tried to be found by the speakers during the workshops which all took place in cooperation with universities. Brazilians rate of internet users is quite high, even in international comparison: especially the urban centers on the coast are “online”. Even though, there is quite a substantial gap of internet accessibility between rural and urban Brazil.

During the following discussion, political arguments were debated. The emergence of the European Pirate Parties at the beginning of this decade can be associated also to the growing awareness for the digital agenda among young people. There has been a controversial debate on how German parties, especially the CDU, by now find substantive answers to the challenges of the Web 2.0 or rather 4.0.

Finally everyone signed, as in tradition, the groups' book which serves as a collective memory and archive of the meetings.

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Franziska Hübner

Franziska Hübner bild

Desk Officer of the Evaluation Unit +49 30 26996-3513
KAS-Stipendium KAS Brasilien


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The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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