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Adobe Stock / TungCheung

No Women’s Rights without Religious Freedom 

The German government is neglecting religious women

Religious freedom is increasingly under pressure worldwide. Muslim and Christian women and men in Asia are subjected to violent attacks, while atheists are persecuted in many Islamic countries and indigenous religious communities suffer from intimidation in Latin America. Women and girls are particularly affected by these human rights violations. A particularly gruesome example is Maira Shahbaz, who was abducted, tortured, and raped at the age of 14 in Pakistan. With video recordings of the acts, she was forced to give up her faith and to convert. Maira and her family were able to flee and have been in hiding ever since.

Reuters / Tiksa Negeri

Growing tensions in the West African "anchor of stability" Senegal

The campaign for the 2024 presidential election has begun

Senegal still has a reputation as a stable and peaceful democracy. The country is perceived as an anchor of stability in a troubled region, mainly associated with the Sahel crisis. President Macky Sall has been in power since 2012, currently in his second term. According to the constitution, a third is not foreseen. However, there are increasing indications that one cannot be ruled out - Macky Sall himself has not yet clearly stated his intentions in this regard. This is being received negatively by the population and comparisons are being drawn with the situation in 2012: Macky Sall's predecessor, Abdoulaye Wade, harboured similar aspirations then and lost the election campaign. Political opponents like Ousmane Sonko are building their own election campaign in large part on the rejection of such a third term. In this respect, the next elections could be a turning point in the country's longstanding democratic tradition.

Feminism in International Development Policy

Well Intentioned But Not Well Designed

On 1 March, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) presented its strategy for a feminist development policy. Parallel to this, the guidelines for a feminist foreign policy of the Federal Foreign Office (AA) were also presented. But how sensible and feasible are these plans?

Enrique Mendizabal / Flickr / CC BY-NC 2.0

How to write multilateralism again?

On the question of purchase guarantees and WTO rules

German and European producers are supposed to receive purchase guarantees by the German government in order to boost the development of renewable energies. Nevertheless, this practice violates World Trade Organization rules. However, there are alternatives such as tenders that allow for qualitative aspects. This article discusses the implications of these proposals and notes that deliberate violation of multilateral trade rules is troubling, especially as the importance of such rules in other areas is emphasized.

Reuters / Lisi Niesner

New engine for a new era?

Why, in 2023, a new approach to Franco-German cooperation is needed in Europe

“The Franco-German engine is indispensable for Europe“. This image is bound to reappear 60 years after Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer signed the Élysée Treaty. In 1963, the two heads of state paved the way for European reconciliation, peace and prosperity in a European Community of six founding member states. Enjoying military protection provided by the US in the Cold War against the Soviet Union.

Stockfotos-MG /

Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht im internationalen Vergleich

It’s complicated!

Die Ampel möchte ihr Versprechen aus dem Koalitionsvertrag einlösen, ein „modernes Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht“ zu schaffen. Kernpunkte sind die Einführung der doppelten Staatsbürgerschaft und die Verkürzung der für die Einbürgerung zu erfüllenden Fristen: Diese soll nunmehr nach fünf Jahren möglich sein, bei besonderer Integrationsleistung bereits nach drei Jahren. Die Reformvorschläge für die Einbürgerung, um die es im Folgenden allein gehen wird, sind nur ein Teil der geplanten Gesetzespakete in Sachen Migration/Integration und strikt von Fragen zu Einwanderung zu trennen.

REUTERS / Emilie Madi

Climate finance

Good steps, but still a long way to go

This year's UN Climate Change Conference (COP 27) in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, which ended on 20th November 2022, came with high hopes for the future of climate finance.

REUTERS / Bart Biesemans

Wettbewerbsfähigkeit trotz oder durch Klimaschutz?

Eine Analyse des Konzepts Klimaclub

Nach der UN-Klimakonferenz COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Ägypten, werden Rufe nach einer „Koalition der Willigen“ und der Schaffung eines internationalen Klimaclubs lauter. Doch dieser muss einen offenen Ansatz haben, um international eine kritische Marktmacht bilden zu können. Damit kann nicht nur Wettbewerbsfähigkeit trotz Klimaschutz, sondern durch Klimaschutz erreicht werden. 

Wikimedia / CC-by-4.0

Time of opportunity instead of compulsory service

Since the Russian attack on Ukraine in February 2022, there has been renewed discussion in Germany about a general compulsory service. In the summer, Federal President Steinmeier spoke out in favour of introducing a "compulsory social service". At the beginning of November, he even suggested compulsory service across all ages. Prior to that, the CDU had decided at its 35th federal party congress in September to advocate the introduction of a compulsory "social year". However, the implementation of the project of such compulsory service to the state and society has met with a number of objections and concerns. A stronger emphasis on benefits and opportunities for the individual and a more flexible time frame could remedy the situation.

REUTERS / Michele Tantussi

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz reist nach Hanoi

Am 13. November reist Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz nach Vietnam. Ob es zu konkreten Ergebnissen im Zuge der Reise kommen wird, bleibt abzuwarten.

Im Mittelpunkt der Reise befindet sich die seit 2011 bestehenden Strategischen Partnerschaft zwischen Deutschland und Vietnam. Der Arbeitsbesuch von Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz bietet die Chance für eine Wiederbelebung und Vertiefung der Partnerschaft. Neben der Diversifizierung der Wirtschaftsbeziehungen und der Zusammenarbeit zu Klimaschutz und Energie wird es auch um die großen Fragen der Politik gehen.

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About this series

Concise, reduced to the essentials, but always highly topical. In our series "kurzum", our experts summarise an issue or problem on a maximum of two pages.