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Innovation and Technology in the context of Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation in LATAM

Critical issues and recommendations

Publication made with the Peruvian Society for Environmental Law

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The Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) through the Regional Programme Energy Security and Climate Change in Latin America and the Peruvian Society for Environmental Law (SPDA), organized three webinars with well-known experts from Latin America to exchange ideas on the current role of creativity, technology and innovation in climate change mitigation/adaptation and biodiversity conservation.

In a world seeking to free itself from the systemic crisis caused by Covid-19 and reverse its impacts, the idea of " returning better" and resetting a global sustainable development agenda is gathering strength. This comes, paradoxically, together with climate change negationists and growing nationalisms that overlook or openly ignore the need for global responses to global environmental and health crises.  

A select group of regional experts, from different backgrounds and involved in various types of projects and programs where creativity, technology and innovation play a key role, have highlighted a series of critical points arising from the discussions and proposed some recommendations that seek to better understand ways to generate effective and efficient spaces, enabling conditions for innovation and technology to thrive and flourish as problem-solving tools. Not as "silver bullets" but as part of a package of measures that contribute to a common effort and goal: mitigate climate change, generate effective adaptation options and reverse biodiversity loss patterns.

Without seeking an absolute consensus, these critical dimensions and recommendations are an attempt to highlight issues that are often overlooked at complex times for many countries, in order to integrate them into national and regional policy discussions on development, climate change and conservation in general. 

* The publication is available in Spanish and English.

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Giovanni Burga

Giovanni Burga

Project Manager +51 1 320 2870


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