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Event Reports

The perfect time for a journalists academy in Dubai

Amidst the most turbulent times for the emirate of Dubai, the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation held its 4th German-Arab Journalists Academy. From December 2nd til December 12th nine German JONA-scholars together with nine young Arab journalists researched stories for a common magazine. Conclusion: The intercultural discourse allows for a much better understanding of the situation in the Gulf region. And rumours that the emirate might once again become a barren desert, remain part of the fairy-tales of the Arabian Nights.

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There could hardly have been a more exciting time for the seminar to take place in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung partnered up with the UAE Journalists Association and started its German-Arab Journalists Academy in Dubai on December 2nd. Only a few days before, international stockmarkets had been shaken by breaking news: The Sheikhs are financially strikken - credit payments cannot be served. Was this to be the end of the dream to make the desert flourish?

With hightened expectations nine German members of the Journalist Scholarship Program (JONA) and nine young journalists from various Gulf states settled into their accommodation in Dubai Media City. In his opening remarks Thomas Birringer, Representative of the Regional Program Gulf States (KAS), emphasized the goals of the 10-day seminar: to deliver good journalistic work and the chance for a cultural exchange amongst the participants. Since 2006 KAS has successfully held three academies and proven that these two goals can be achieved hand in hand.

Teams consisting of one German and one Arab participant were sent out to research a story together. The variety of topics chosen was immense. It ranged from looking at the fiancial crisis as a chance for greater sustainability to the significance of local art for national identity to the challenge Emirati women face when trying to bridge the gap between their traditional role in society and the expectations of the modern working world.

At the beginning of the seminar experts offered the necessary background knowledge on location: FAZ-correspondent Rainer Hermann clearly stated in his lecture that despite the difficult times the Emirates are currently facing the country still belongs to the „New Arabia.“ Innovative developements make them one of the countries in the Gulf region that is fit to face the future successfully. And Dr. Peter Göpfrich from the German-Emirati Joint Council for Industry and Commerce Trade explained that the regular meetings of representatives of the German industry in Dubai have been and will surely remain to be very well attended.

The eighteen participants researched their stories thoroughly and produced a bilingual magazine with the support of their coaches Jochen Markett, JONA-Instructor, Jan Kuhlmann from the German weekly newspaper Rheinischen Merkur, and Dr. Muhammad Ayish from the University of Sharjah. The magazine titled „Divan“ will be published early 2010. Additionally, the Rheinischen Merkur will publish some of the best stories in a „Special“ of its January 14th edition. For the first time ever, the academy was documented in a film by KAS-Online-editor Josephine Landertinger. You can view the film titled „teamwork“ on the right side.

The seminar came to a close on December 11th leaving behind 18 content participants enriched by a unique experience. Only three days later Dubai made the headlines again: Abu Dhabi bails out the highly indepted neighboring emirate with ten billion dollars - and the DAX rose significantly.

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Documentary about the 4th German Arab Journalists Academy download
Short film workshop download


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