

Official book presentation of "Environmental Law and Policy in Cameroon"

The presentation of the book, which was edited by Prof. Dr. Oliver Ruppel, Director of KAS Regional Programm for Climate Policy and Energy Security in Subsaharan Africa and Professor of public, commercial and international Law at Stellenbosch University, South Africa and Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Kam Yogo, Lecturer in Public Law at the University of Douala and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of Laval University in Canada and at ENAM, took place on the 9th of August 2018 at the national school of administration and judiciary (ENAM) in Yaoundé, Cameroon.


Offizielle Buchpräsentation der KAS-Publikation "Environmental Law and Policy in Cameroon _ Towards making Africa the tree of life"

One of the latest publications of KAS regional program Climate Policy and Energy Security in Sub-Saharan Africa, "Environmental Law and Policy in Cameroon" was presented on the 09th of August 2018 at the National School of Administration and Judiciary (ENAM), in Yaoundé Cameroon.

Among the distinguished guests present at the book launch were representatives of the Cameroonian Ministry of Environment, of the government, of the German Embassy in Cameroon, of Diplomatic Corps, of International Organizations, Judges, Magistrates, members of the Academic Body and students.

The bilingual publication, edited by Prof. Dr. Oliver Ruppel and Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Kam Yogo, which key features include national, regional and international environmental law and policy in Cameroon, is the result of collaboration between esteemed professors, senior government officials and esteemed experts in the field of environmental law. The book displays Cameroonian environmental law and policy in the interplay of international environmental norms and standards. Furthermore, the environmental law of the African Union and that of the regional communities in Central Africa is addressed, as well as legal and political options for regulating environmental interests and the contributions provide a solid basis for comparative law in environmental law, making it also relevant for other jurisdictions in the region and on the continent at large.


Pressefoto - offizielle Buchpräsentation der KAS-Publikation "Environmental Law and Policy in Cameroon _ Towards making Africa the tree of life". Prof. Dr. Oliver Ruppel, Leiter KAS Regionalprogramm Klimapolitik und Energiesicherheit in Subsahara Afrika



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