
Hang Pham


Synthesizing and Approving the Final Accounts of Provincial Budget

von Pham Thi To Hang

Experts share experiences in verifying and approving local budget

The National Assembly’s Finance and Budget Committee and KAS Vietnam jointly organize a seminar to arm officials of People’s Councils and People’s Committee in the Northern region with the skills in synthesizing and approving the final accounts of provincial budget.


2019 is the first year the process of State budget finalization, submission and approval is applied according to the State Budget Law 2015. The law enforcement shows that there are confusion and problems in implementing new regulations related to preparation, synthesis and submission of the State budget settlement at both local and central levels. That leads to the need of disseminating and exchanging experiences in order to further improve the accessibility and application of laws. The National Assembly’s Finance and Budget Committee and KAS Vietnam jointly organize a seminar in Ha Long city in order to arm officials of People’s Councils and People’s Committee in the Northern region with the skills in synthesizing and approving the final accounts of provincial budget. Addressing the seminar, Mr. Peter Girke, KAS Country Representative, emphasized the importance of using public finance efficiently and in a transparent way. Only by doing so Vietnam could improve its governance and gain the confidence of the world investors. More than 80 people participated the one-day event in Ha Long City.




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Auslandsbüro Vietnam


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