Asset Publisher

Country Reports

Kairo-News 2006-3

newsletter aus Kairo, August 2006

Themen: Kabinettsumbildung in Ägypten (M. A. Lange); Arabische Staaten uneins in der Libanonfrage (M. A. Lange); Verfassungsentwicklung in Ägypten (M.A. Lange, Kathrin Lotze); Jugend in Ägypten zwischen Revolution, Religion oder Resignation ?(M.A. Lange, Menno Preuschaft)

Asset Publisher


Paul Linnarz

Paul Linnarz bild

Director KAS office USA + 1 202 464 5840


Asset Publisher

About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

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