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Study and Information Program

The Politize! Ambassadors Project trains new citizen leaders throughout Brazil

The goal of the project supported by KAS is to bring political education to the entire country, offering training to people who want to participate in their cities’ politics.

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The Politicize! Ambassadors project, supported by KAS Brazil, intends to democratize access to political knowledge and train new citizen leaders. Aimed at people of all ages, but above all at young people, the initiative plans to find citizens with the will to solve public problems, offering theoretical basis and practical tools for them to become agents of transformation in their communities.

To make its impact more effective, the Politize! Ambassadors project has three tiers: Multipliers, Embassies and Leaders. The Multipliers are people in training, covering content related to addressing issues essential to democracy, such as public policies and popular participation. They will be responsible for spreading knowledge and activities on political education in their communities. Currently, we have 3,385 multipliers spread over 751 municipalities in all Brazilian states.

The future Ambassadors emerge from this journey. They are potential leaders who, after one more formative stage, are invited to create spaces for learning and impact in their cities: the Politize! Embassies. A central piece of the program, the Embassies layer provides the participants with the subsidies needed for the complete formation of citizen leaders, acting directly on behalf of the community in which they are inserted, working alongside the municipalities.

The project goes beyond training and knowledge, inserting itself directly into the practice of citizenship through the proposition of effective solutions for public policies (see: Today the program has Embassies in 69 municipalities spread across 19 states. 

Finally, the Leaders level was instituted as a continuous stage to consolidate, maintain, update, and expand the process of connection and insertion of the participants trained by the program in the public environment.

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Ariane Costa

Ariane Costa KAS

Project Coordinator

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