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KAS/Jana Reimann-Grohs

Digital voting at last! The Social Election 2023

Interview with Peter Weiß (MdB, CDU), Federal Election Commissioner for the Social Election 2023

From April to the end of May 2023, all citizens eligible to vote are encouraged to cast their ballot. Who is allowed to enter the social parliaments is of decisive importance for the future shape of social insurance in Germany. Thus, the course of the substitute insurance funds and the German pension insurance will be actively determined. For the first time in a nationwide election, it is now also possible to vote digitally. On this occasion, we met with Peter Weiß for an interview. His main task was to prepare and conduct the social insurance elections in 2023.

IMAGO / Peter Schickert

Election analysis of the parliamentary elections in Bremen on 14 May 2023

Report on the preliminary final result, the main determinants as well as voter migration and social structure

The election to the Bremen Parliament is characterised by the people and issues on the ground. The SPD consolidates and becomes the strongest force with 29.8 per cent. The CDU comes second with 26.2 per cent and maintains its good result from 2019. The Greens, on the other hand, lose significantly and reach 11.9 per cent. The Left Party remains at the same level as its pre-election result with 10.9 per cent. Based on the pre-election polls, the role of the leading candidates, the most important political issues and party competences for the election result is analysed.

Adobe Stock / Gisela Peter

Labor Market Integration of Migrants in Germany

Overview and lessons for future integration policies

In the last decade, the employment of foreign nationals has significantly increased. These are positive developments. However, imbalances are also evident: foreign nationals are disproportionately employed in helper occupations and disproportionately receive SGB-II benefits. They are thus much more affected by poverty, risk of poverty, and unemployment than others. To prevent a socio-demographic gap from forming and solidifying between groups of different backgrounds and to strengthen participation, a significant increase in support and demand is necessary in the areas of education, qualification, and labor market integration.

Adobe Stock / beeboys

Generations across generations – Results from qualitative group discussions

Social analysis of attitudes and values of different generations in Germany

Our study shows: No generational conflicts are negotiated between the generations, even if different interests exist due to the specific life situation. The digital transformation of society and the mastery of change are discussed in age groups. Older participants in particular are afraid of being left behind in society, of no longer being able to keep up. But insecurities are also visible among younger people. The crises of recent years and decades shape the participants' perceptions and in some cases lead to fatalistic assessments.

Adobe Stock / VectorMine

Religionsfreiheit – Bedeutung, Recht und globale Herausforderung

Unveräußerliches Menschenrecht und Eckpfeiler einer freien und demokratischen Gesellschaft.

Die Freiheit, einen religiösen Glauben nach eigenem Ermessen zu wählen und auszuüben ist ein grundlegendes Menschenrecht, das in den meisten Verfassungen verankert ist. Doch was genau bedeutet Religionsfreiheit? Und wie kann eine offene und respektvolle Debatte zur Religionsfreiheit dazu beitragen, mögliche Konflikte zu lösen und das friedliche Zusammenleben zu fördern? In Deutschland, einem Land mit einer zunehmend vielfältigen religiösen Landschaft, ist die Religionsfreiheit von besonderer Bedeutung, um sicherzustellen, dass jeder Mensch das Recht hat, seinen Glauben frei zu wählen und auszuüben. Globale Trends wie religiöse Intoleranz, Diskriminierung und Verfolgung machen die Wahrung der Religionsfreiheit zu einem dringenden Anliegen. In diesem Basistext werden das Konzept der Religionsfreiheit und ihre Bedeutung in Deutschland sowie die globalen Trends untersucht.

IMAGO / agefotostock

Visas for visionaries

Startup visas as instruments of economic, innovation and immigration policy

The growing international competition for young and talented entrepreneurs has led to more and more countries introducing the so-called startup visas over the past decade. They have been developed above all in OECD and EU countries as a springboard for foreign founders with innovative ideas.

IMAGO / Christian Ohde

No state, my rules

Representative survey on the prevalence of Reichsbürger-affine attitudes in the German population

Our study shows how widespread a closeness to the ideas of the so-called Reich Citizens movement is among the German population and what characterises the group of people who have an affinity to the Reich Citizens. How is the acceptance of state rules and to what extent is violence accepted? Which party supporters stand out? The analysis of representative survey data and qualitative in-depth interviews shed light on these questions.

Reuters / Eric Gaillard

Ready for the „water turnaround“?

The German Government’s National Water Strategy

This year's United Nations World Water Day on March 22nd took place under the slogan "Accelerating Change" and called for an acceleration and intensification of efforts towards sustainable water use at all levels - nationally and internationally. On 15 March 2023, the Federal Cabinet adopted the Federal Government's National Water Strategy: In view of the consequences of climate change, the Federal Government intends to initiate a "water turnaround" by focusing on ten strategic themes to accelerate the transformation in the water sector.

Adobe / Pixel-Shot

Which News Can Still Be Trusted?

Fear of Fake News and Trust in Public Media – A Representative Survey

In representative surveys, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation has investigated the extent to which people fear the spread of disinformation and whether they trust public service media. In particular, we take a look at possible changes in perceptions of the problem of disinformation and trust in public service media in light of the Russian attack on Ukraine.

Reuters/Thilo Schmuelgen

Radical climate activism

Representative survey on the prevalence of radical attitudes on the issue of climate protection

This study explores the question of how high the acceptance of non-peaceful means in the fight for climate protection is among the population. How widespread are radical attitudes on this issue, including acceptance of violence, in society? The analysis of representative survey data and qualitative in-depth interviews sheds light on these questions.

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About this series

The Monitor series deals with one main topic at a time from the perspective of KAS experts and places it in the political and social context on the basis of a few key points.

Ordering Information

The contributions appear exclusively online and can therefore not be ordered.


The current main topics are “Development policy”, “Sustainability” and “Election and social research”. The contributions of these sub-series are presented for you on separate overview pages in addition to the overall series.