Asset Publisher

An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> data.meta [in template "252001#252047#252845" at line 459, column 10]
Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (
FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
- Failed at: #if data.meta.laufendenummer?has_cont... [in template "252001#252047#252845" at line 459, column 5]
1<#-- used @ Veranstaltung-Detailseite Intro 
2 used @ Publikation-Detailseite Intro 
6Web content templates to display teaser on thema detail page 
8Generic template for detail pages Intro / Teaser element 
11Display the current page title 
13<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/functions/relatedContentUtil.ftl" /> 
14<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/macros/debugging.ftl" /> 
16<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/macros/page-modules/PMIntro.ftl" /> 
17<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/macros/atomic-modules/AMPublicationCarousel.ftl" /> 
18<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/macros/atomic-modules/AMMetadata.ftl" /> 
19<#include "${fullTemplatesPath}/macros/atomic-modules/AMDatetime.ftl" /> 
23 renders the Intro for nearly all Pages 
24 TODO: remove Share? (was in the designs, but not anymore?) 
25 TODO: check if languageSelect/filter are working (js) 
27 - portletId 
28 - data = { 
29 "media": string (src from image), 
30 "category": string, 
31 "title": string, 
32 "author": string, 
33 "subheadline": string, 
34 "copy": string, 
35 "filter": { 
36 "id": string, 
37 "name": string, 
38 "entries": Array<Object> ({key:value}), 
39 }, 
40 "languageSelect": { 
41 "id": string, 
42 "name": string, 
43 "entries": Array<Object> ({key:value}), 
44 }, 
45 "meta": { 
46 "pos"; string (top/bottom) 
47 "date": string, 
48 "hash": string, 
49 "info": string, (url) 
50 }, 
51 "share" : { 
52 "login": string, 
53 "print": string, 
54 "mail": string, 
55 "multishare": string?? (tbd) 
57 - AMMetadata: macro 
58 - position: String ("top") -> defines wether the meta-data should be rendered above or below the intro-content 
63 JournalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService") 
65 ServiceContext = staticUtil["com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContextThreadLocal"].getServiceContext() 
66 DLAPP = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLAppLocalService") 
68 themeDisplay = ServiceContext.getThemeDisplay() 
69 editmode = FrontendService.user.isPrivilegedUser(themeDisplay) 
71 languageId = themeDisplay.getLocale() 
72 groupId = themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId() 
73 currentUrl = themeDisplay.getURLCurrent() 
75 layout = themeDisplay.getLayout() 
76 layouttpl = layout.getTypeSettingsProperties().getProperty("layout-template-id") 
79<#setting locale="${languageId}"> 
81<#-- get article from url --> 
83<#assign entry = FrontendService.article.getArticleToUrl(currentUrl, groupId?number)! > 
86<#if entry?has_content> 
88 <#if entry.resourcePrimKey??> 
89 <#assign primaryKey = entry.resourcePrimKey?number > 
90 <#elseif entry.classPK??> 
91 <#assign primaryKey = entry.classPK?number > 
92 </#if> 
94 <#assign 
95 jsonString = FrontendService.article.getWebcontent(primaryKey) 
96 json = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(jsonString) 
98 title = entry.getTitle(languageId) 
99 data = { 
100 "title": title 
102 /> 
103 <@debugJsonString jsonString "ADT_KASDE_DYNAMIC_INTRO" /> 
105 <#if hasContent('untertitel', languageId, json)> 
106 <#assign data = data + { "subheadline": getValueForLanguage('untertitel', languageId, json, "first") } > 
107 </#if> 
109 <#if hasContent('beschreibung', languageId, json)> 
110 <#assign data = data + { "copy": getValueForLanguage('beschreibung', languageId, json, "first") } > 
111 </#if> 
113 <#-- fill meta data --> 
114 <#assign meta = {} /> 
117 <#if layouttpl?contains("LAYOUT_KASDE_PUBLIKATIONEN_DETAIL")> 
119 <#if hasContent('coverDMTKASDEMEDIUM', languageId, json)> 
120 <#assign 
121 coverBildString = getValueForLanguage('coverDMTKASDEMEDIUM', languageId, json, "first") 
122 /> 
124 <#if coverBildString?has_content> 
125 <#assign 
126 coverBild = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(coverBildString) 
127 dMTJsonObject = coverBild.groupId?number, coverBild.uuid, locale ) 
128 linkToDMT ='hd-resolution',coverBild.groupId?number, coverBild.uuid ) 
129 data = data + { "media": linkToDMT, "meta" : dMTJsonObject } 
130 /> 
131 <#if dMTJsonObject.altText?? > 
132 <#assign data = data + {"alt" : dMTJsonObject.altText} /> 
133 </#if> 
134 <#if dMTJsonObject.quelle??> 
135 <#assign meta = meta + { "quelle": dMTJsonObject.quelle } /> 
136 </#if> 
137 </#if> 
138 <#-- uncomment to display pdf cover as Intro Image 
139 <#elseif hasContent('document_pdfDMTBASICDOCUMENT', languageId, json)> 
140 <#assign 
141 pdfDocument = getValueForLanguage('document_pdfDMTBASICDOCUMENT', languageId, json, "first") 
142 fileEntry =, groupId?number)!/> 
143 <#if fileEntry?has_content> 
144 <#assign 
145 linkToThumbnail = , themeDisplay) 
146 data = data + { "media": linkToThumbnail } 
147 /> 
148 </#if> 
149 --> 
150 </#if> 
152 <#assign 
153 meta = meta + { "orderInfo": "true" } 
154 verbundJournalArticle = FrontendService.publication.getVerbundToPublikation( entry )!"" 
155 /> 
159 <#if hasContent('erscheinungsdatum', languageId, json)> 
160 <#assign 
161 erscheinungsdatum = getValueForLanguage('erscheinungsdatum', languageId, json, "first") 
162 /> 
163 <#if erscheinungsdatum?has_content > 
164 <#assign 
165 erscheinungsdatumFormatted = erscheinungsdatum, languageId ) 
166 meta = meta + { "date": erscheinungsdatumFormatted } 
167 /> 
168 </#if> 
169 </#if> 
171 <#if verbundJournalArticle?has_content> 
172 <#assign 
173 verbundJsonString = FrontendService.article.getWebcontent(verbundJournalArticle.resourcePrimKey) 
174 verbundJson = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(verbundJsonString) 
175 laufendenummer = getValueForLanguage('laufendenummer', languageId, verbundJson, "first") 
176 coverImg = getValueForLanguage('mediumDMTKASDEMEDIUM', languageId, verbundJson, "first") 
177 /> 
178 <@debugJsonString verbundJsonString "ADT_KASDE_DYNAMIC_INTRO-verbundJournalArticle" /> 
179 <#assign meta = meta + { "laufendenummer": laufendenummer } > 
181 <#if coverImg?has_content && coverImg.url?has_content > 
182 <#assign meta = meta + { "coverImg": coverImg.url } > 
183 </#if> 
184 </#if> 
187 <#if meta?has_content> 
188 <#assign data = data + {"meta": meta } > 
189 </#if> 
191 </#if> 
196 <#if layouttpl?contains("LAYOUT_KASDE_VERANSTALTUNGEN_DETAIL")> 
197 <#assign 
198 friendlyUrl = FrontendService.article.getFriendlyUrl(primaryKey, languageId, groupId)!"" 
199 languages = entry.getAvailableLanguageIds() 
200 links = [] 
201 /> 
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204 <#list languages as language> 
205 <#assign 
206 defaultLanguage = "de_DE" 
207 defaultLocale = FrontendService.language.getLocaleByKey(defaultLanguage) 
208 linkLocale = (FrontendService.language.getLocaleByKey(language))!defaultLocale 
209 langFriendlyUrl = FrontendService.article.getFriendlyUrl(primaryKey, linkLocale, groupId) 
211 link = { 
212 "key": language!defaultLanguage, 
213 "value": linkLocale.getDisplayLanguage(languageId), 
214 "url": "/c/portal/update_language?p_l_id=" + 
215 layout.plid + "&redirect=" + langFriendlyUrl + 
216 "&languageId=" + language 
218 /> 
219 <#if language == languageId> 
220 <#assign link = link + { "selected": "true" } > 
221 </#if> 
222 <#assign links = links + [link]> 
223 </#list> 
224 <#assign 
225 data = data + { 
226 "languageSelect": { 
227 "id": "languageSelectRedirect", 
228 "name": "languageselectRedirect", 
229 "entries": links, 
230 "label": languageUtil.get(languageId, "") 
233 /> 
234 </#if> 
235 </#if> 
236 </#if> 
238 <#if hasContent('erscheinungsdatum', languageId, json)> 
239 <#assign 
240 startdate = getValueForLanguage('erscheinungsdatum', languageId, json, "first") 
241 meta = meta + { "start": startdate?date.iso, "end": "" } 
242 /> 
243 </#if> 
245 <#if hasContent('startdatum', languageId, json)> 
246 <#assign 
247 startdate = getValueForLanguage('startdatum', languageId, json, "first") 
248 meta = meta + { "start": startdate?date.iso, "end": "" } 
249 /> 
250 </#if> 
252 <#if hasValue('einfuehrungText', locale, json)> 
253 <#assign data = data + { "einfuehrungText" : getValueForLanguage('einfuehrungText', locale, json, "first") } > 
254 <#elseif hasValue(FrontendService.article.getFieldNameByReferenceName(primaryKey, 'einfuehrungText'), locale, json, "first")> 
255 <#assign data = data + { "einfuehrungText" : getValueForLanguage(FrontendService.article.getFieldNameByReferenceName(primaryKey, 'einfuehrungText'), locale, json, "first") } > 
256 </#if> 
258 <#if hasContent('endedatum', languageId, json)> 
259 <#assign 
260 enddate = getValueForLanguage('endedatum', languageId, json, "first") 
261 meta = meta + { "end": enddate?date.iso } 
262 /> 
263 </#if> 
265 <#if hasContent('startzeit', languageId, json)> 
266 <#assign 
267 startzeit = getValueForLanguage('startzeit', languageId, json, "first") 
268 /> 
269 <#if startzeit?has_content > 
270 <#assign meta = meta + { "startzeit": startzeit } /> 
271 </#if> 
272 </#if> 
274 <#if hasContent('endezeit', languageId, json)> 
275 <#assign 
276 endezeit = getValueForLanguage('endezeit', languageId, json, "first") 
277 meta = meta + { "endezeit": endezeit } 
278 /> 
279 </#if> 
281 <#if hasContent('ortWCSKASDEORT', languageId, json)> 
282 <#assign 
283 ortWCSKASDEORT = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(getValueForLanguage('ortWCSKASDEORT', languageId, json, "first")) 
284 ortWCSKASDEORTPrimaryKey = ortWCSKASDEORT.classPK?number 
285 ortWCSKASDEORTWebContent = FrontendService.article.getWebcontentByPk(ortWCSKASDEORTPrimaryKey)!"" 
286 /> 
287 <#if ortWCSKASDEORTWebContent?has_content > 
288 <#assign 
289 ortWCSKASDEORTTitle = ortWCSKASDEORTWebContent.getTitle(languageId)!"" 
290 /> 
291 <#if ortWCSKASDEORTTitle?has_content > 
292 <#assign 
293 meta = meta + { "ortWCSKASDEORT": ortWCSKASDEORTTitle } 
294 /> 
295 </#if> 
296 </#if> 
297 </#if> 
300 <#if hasContent('veranstaltungsnummer', languageId, json)> 
301 <#assign 
302 verauuid = getValueForLanguage('veranstaltungsnummer', languageId, json, "first") 
303 meta = meta + { "verauuid": verauuid } 
304 /> 
305 </#if> 
308 <#if (data.meta)?has_content > 
309 <#assign meta = data.meta /> 
310 </#if> 
312 <#if !( && hasContent('mediumDMTKASDEMEDIUM', languageId, json)> 
313 <#assign 
314 medium = getValueForLanguage('mediumDMTKASDEMEDIUM', languageId, json, "first") 
315 mediaData = getRelatedMediaObject(medium, themeDisplay, languageId, FrontendService, "hd-resolution") 
316 /> 
317 <#assign data = data + { "media": mediaData.url , "meta" : mediaData.meta} > 
320 <#if mediaData.meta?? && mediaData.meta.quelle??> 
321 <#assign meta = meta + data.meta + { "quelle": mediaData.meta.quelle } /> 
322 </#if> 
323 </#if> 
326 <#if meta?has_content> 
327 <#assign data = data + {"meta": meta } > 
328 </#if> 
330 <#-- END fill meta data --> 
332 <#if hasContentForSequence('autorenWCSKASDEPERSON', languageId, json)> 
333 <#assign 
334 journalArticles = getValueForLanguageAnsprechpartner('autorenWCSKASDEPERSON', languageId, json) 
335 authors = [] 
336 /> 
337 <#list journalArticles as articleString> 
338 <#assign article = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(articleString) /> 
339 <#if article?has_content && article?is_hash && article.classPK??> 
340 <#assign articleDereferenced = FrontendService.person.resolveContactInstanceToPerson(article, languageId)!"" /> 
341 <#if articleDereferenced?has_content > 
342 <#assign 
343 author = "" 
344 articlePrimaryKey = articleDereferenced.classPK?number 
345 articleJsonString = FrontendService.article.getWebcontent(articlePrimaryKey) 
346 articleJson = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(articleJsonString) 
347 /> 
348 <@debugJsonString articleJsonString "ADT_KASDE_DYNAMIC_INTRO-autorenWCSKASDEPERSON" /> 
349 <#if hasValue('anredetitel', languageId, articleJson)> 
350 <#assign author = author + getValueForLanguage('anredetitel', languageId, articleJson, " ") + " "> 
351 </#if> 
352 <#if hasValue('vorname', languageId, articleJson)> 
353 <#assign author = author + getValueForLanguage('vorname', languageId, articleJson, " ") + " "> 
354 </#if> 
355 <#if hasValue('nachname', languageId, articleJson)> 
356 <#assign author = author + getValueForLanguage('nachname', languageId, articleJson, " ") + " "> 
357 </#if> 
359 <#attempt> 
360 <#assign href = FrontendService.article.getFriendlyUrl(articlePrimaryKey, languageId, groupId)!"#" > 
361 <#recover> 
362 <#assign href = "#" > 
363 </#attempt> 
364 <#if href?has_content && href != "#" && href != "/_404"> 
365 <#assign author = '<a href="' + href + '">' + author?trim + '</a>'> 
366 </#if> 
368 <#assign authors = authors + [author?trim]> 
369 </#if> 
370 </#if> 
371 </#list> 
372 <#if authors?has_content> 
373 <#assign data = data + { "author": authors?join(", ") } > 
374 </#if> 
375 </#if> 
377 <#if layouttpl?contains("LAYOUT_KASDE_VERANSTALTUNGEN_DETAIL") > 
378 <#assign categories = FrontendService.category.getCategoriesToArticle(primaryKey, "VERANSTALTUNGSTYP")! > 
379 <#if categories?has_content && categories[0]?has_content > 
380 <#assign data = data + { "category": categories[0].getTitle(languageId,true)! } > 
381 </#if> 
383 <#if hasContent('ausgebucht', languageId, json)> 
384 <#assign data = data + { "ausgebucht" : getValueForLanguage('ausgebucht', languageId, json, "first") }> 
385 </#if> 
387 <#if hasContent('storniert', languageId, json)> 
388 <#assign data = data + { "storniert" : getValueForLanguage('storniert', languageId, json, "first") }> 
389 </#if> 
391 <#elseif layouttpl?contains("LAYOUT_KASDE_PUBLIKATIONEN_DETAIL") > 
392 <#assign categories = FrontendService.category.getCategoriesToArticle(primaryKey, "PUBLIKATIONSREIHE")! > 
393 <#if categories?has_content && categories[0]?has_content > 
394 <#assign data = data + { "category": categories[0].getTitle(languageId,true)! } > 
395 </#if> 
396 <#else> 
397 <#assign categories = FrontendService.category.getCategoriesToArticle(primaryKey, "THEMA")! > 
398 <#if categories?has_content && categories[0]?has_content > 
399 <#assign data = data + { "category": categories[0].getTitle(languageId,true)! } > 
400 </#if> 
401 </#if> 
404 <#assign 
405 languages = [] 
406 /> 
408 <#attempt> 
409 <#if json["document_pdfDMTBASICDOCUMENT"]?? > 
410 <#list json["document_pdfDMTBASICDOCUMENT"]?keys as pdf_language> 
411 <#if pdf_language?has_content > 
412 <#assign 
413 docRefJson = getValueForLanguage('document_pdfDMTBASICDOCUMENT', pdf_language, json, "first") 
414 docRef = FrontendService.json.parseAsJson(docRefJson) 
415 /> 
416 <#if docRef?is_hash && pdf_language != languageId > 
417 <#assign 
418 lang = FrontendService.language.getLocaleByKey(pdf_language)!"" 
419 docGroupId = docRef["groupId"]?number 
420 docUuid = docRef["uuid"] 
421 dMTJsonObject = docGroupId, docUuid, locale ) 
422 dMTLink = dMTJsonObject ) 
423 /> 
424 <#if lang?has_content> 
425 <#assign 
426 languages = languages + [ 
428 "key": pdf_language, 
429 "value": FrontendService.language.getLocaleByKey(pdf_language).getDisplayLanguage(), 
430 "url": dMTLink 
431 }] 
432 /> 
433 </#if> 
434 </#if> 
435 </#if> 
436 </#list> 
437 </#if> 
438 <#recover> 
439 </#attempt> 
441 <#if (languages?size > 0)> 
442 <#attempt> 
443 <#assign 
444 data = data + { "languageSelect": { 
445 "id": "languageSelect", 
446 "name": "languageselect", 
447 "entries": languages, 
448 "documents": "", 
449 "button": "true" 
450 }} 
451 /> 
452 <#recover> 
453 </#attempt> 
454 </#if> 
456 <@PMIntro "ADT_KASDE_DYNAMIC_INTRO" data AMMetadata AMDatetime "bottom" /> 
457 ${FrontendService.article.getEditArticleHtml(primaryKey, themeDisplay)} 
459 <#if data.meta.laufendenummer?has_content !isACColorScheme() && !isVLCColorScheme() && !isDPMColorScheme()> 
460 <div>  
461 <div id="publicationVerbundPagination"> 
462 <@AMPublicationCarousel data.meta.laufendenummer data.meta.coverImg /> 
463 </div> 
464 </div> 
465 </#if> 
467<#elseif (editmode?? && editmode)> 
468 <@errorMessage languageUtil.get(locale, "kein.journalArticle.gefunden") "ADT_KASDE_DYNAMIC_INTRO" layouttpl currentUrl /> 

Asset Publisher

The formation of the network CB27 was originally inspired by the World Climate Conference Rio +20. Its aim is the establishment of a platform that facilitates communication between the Brazilian regional capitals on matters concerning environmental management.

The world in the 21st century sees itself confronted with a variety of challenges. Chief among such is the development of cities towards sustainability regarding economic, ecological and social aspects. While international negotiations so far resulted in unsatisfactory outcomes, sub national actors such as the cities are new agents about to fill this lack of coordination. In the international city network C-40 for example, representatives of the world’s biggest cities joined forces in order to take action together against global warming and climate change. Until now, about 4700 measures with relevance for the environment have been implemented in this recently established organizational framework.

The crucial advantage of the cities compared to nation states is their closeness to its citizens what gives them the opportunity to really understand their daily life problems: public transportation, waste management and reduction of air pollution rank among the most urgent concerns. Communal leaders benefit from their knowledge about specific deficits and challenges in their cities and are able to identify and present possible individually adjusted measures. In that spirit the idea of the city network follows the motto of the Agenda 21: “Think global, act local!”

Following the example of the international city network C40, the Forum CB27 came into existence in Brazil. This cooperation serves communal decision-makers of the Brazilian regional capitals as a platform for a better exchange of information, experiences and best practices concerning the development of concepts for climate and environmental protection. Furthermore, the improved communication between environmental officers around Brazil, which results in increased efficiency in solving common problems, is at the centre of the initiative.

First meeting of the Heads of the Municipal Departments for Environmental Affairs

On the initiative of the Department of Environmental Affairs of the city of Rio de Janeiro, the first meeting of the CB27 took place in May 2012. As the CB27’s first official event it was marked by the UN Conference on Sustainable Development “Rio +20” that took place in June 2012 in its host country Brazil. The departmental heads of 23 Brazilian capitals discussed during two days in Rio issues such as systems of transportation, waste management and the reduction of CO2-emissions. Furthermore, the meeting enabled its participants to present their own successful approaches to fight climatic change and to exchange experiences. Moreover, it was agreed upon to institute a shared data base which is supposed to document the progress of implemented projects and there has been also compiled an overview of the conference’s results.

Despite the particularities of every large Brazilian city, numerous similarities and strategic key points became visible. Therefore, the communal decision-makers could benefit from the experiences of their colleagues who see themselves confronted with similar challenges. One of the major problems of all environmental offices is their lack of financial resources given that within the municipalities environmental politics still are of little priority. Furthermore, many of the Departments for Environmental Affairs still are working towards better connection with other Departments within the same municipality and on their thematic intersections as for example local transportation and waste management.

Second meeting of the Heads of the Municipal Departments for Environmental Affairs in Porto Alegre

In close cooperation the Environmental Offices of Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro organized the second national meeting of the Heads of the Municipal Departments for Environmental Affairs with the aim of advancing the initiated dialogue and assuring a continuous exchange of information. The main reason for the meeting was the presentation of the CB27 project to the new Heads of Department for Environmental Affairs who had been elected to office in January 2013 as well as to present them their colleagues. In addition, the forum that took place after a series of regional pre-meetings enabled the presentation and the discussion of best-practices. Finally, 25 representatives of the CB27 group agreed on their joint signature of the Porto Alegre Charta. This act can be seen as a first step towards the institutionalisation of the cooperation between the Departments for Environmental Affairs. The institutional principles are to be prepared by a work group this year in order to set the foundation for a long-term cooperation and the professionalization of local environmental politics.

Third meeting of the Heads of the Municipal Departments for Environmental Affairs in Salvador

The Department of Sustainability of the city of Salvador (SECIS), received the heads of the municipal departments for environment of the capitals of the Brazilian federal states gathered for the third meeting of the CB27 network. The purpose of the meeting was the creation of a separate legal personality for the network. Délio Malheiros, deputy mayor and head of the department for environment of Belo Horizonte, has been elected as the first coordinator of the network. Nelson Moreira Franco, head of the subsection on climate change within the department for environment of the city of Rio de Janeiro, has been appointed as the managing director of the CB27. The newly established legal entity serves as a platform to foster the exchange of experiences on best practices among the member cities.

The day featured an intensive exchange among the respective heads of the departments for environment. Amongst others, common challenges, such as dealing with public tenders, have been discussed. In this context, the department heads reported on the difficulties to divide responsibilities between the local and regional authorities. Whilst the municipalities are legally entitled to execute the tenders which provide the municipalities with access to substantial financial resources the responsibility might however fall to the regional government if the municipalities are not equipped adequately with trained staff and other resources. The construction of waste management or public transport is for example associated with extremely high expenditures. Often the cities cannot bear these costs on their own given a lack of sufficient financial resources.

The first day has been concluded with the signing of the Declaration of Salvador. It stipulates that the CB27 will cooperate in the future as a forum striving for the integration of the capital cities and for increasing their weight as actors in the area of environmental policy.

The second day focused on the issues of climate change and waste management. The seminar has been opened by Ivanilson Gomes, Head of the Department of Sustainability in Salvador. In the presence of Célia Sacramento, Deputy Mayor of Salvador, Carlos Alberto Muniz, Head of the Department for Environment of Rio de Janeiro, Congressman José Luiz França Penna and Felix Dane, Director of the Brazilian Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, specific questions on these subjects have been presented and discussed.

Documents and publications:

The "Rio declaration of sustainability“ is the result of the first meeting of the departmental heads for environment of the Brazilian capitals which took place from 15th to 18th of may 2012 in Rio de Janeiro. Numerous representatives of the 27 regional Brazilian capitals signed the declaration that afterward was passed on to the C-40. The entire declaration in English can be found here>>

The publication "Environmental management: success cases of the Brazilian State capitals", presents projects for climate and environmental protection that had been implemented successfully in different Brazilian capitals. The best-practice models should serve as an example for how cities can be designed in a more sustainable manner.

The entire publication in English can be found here>>

The signed declaration "Charta of Porto Alegre" in Portuguese can be found here>>

The full text of the "Charta of Salvador" in Portuguese can be found here>>

Presentations and further documents regarding the second meeting of the CB27 can be found


CB27 in the media:

Subsequently can be found a selection of media reports regarding den meeting of the departmental heads of the CB27 (in Portuguese)

Preparation of the second meeting:

Jornal do Comércio

Prefeitura de Porto Alegre

Sua Cidade

Reunião Preparatória

First meeting of Heads of the Municipal Departments for Environmental Affairs in Rio de Janeiro:




Rio Prefeitura

Jornal do Brasil


Agência Brasil

News Rondônia

Folha Jovem

Green Nation

O Povo

Blog da Sustentabilidade


Regional meeting 2012:

Acesse Piauí

O Dia

Guia de Teresina


Portal GTerra

Sul do Piauí

Prefeitura de Teresina

Folha Mangaba

CBN Manaus

Blog da Floresta

A Crítica

Preitura de Rio Branco


Campo Grande Sustentável


Agência Brasília

Second meeting of the Heads of the Municipal Departments for Environmental Affairs of the Brazilian regional Capitals in Porto Alegre:

O Sul

Asset Publisher


Kathrin Zeller

Single title
March 13, 2014
read now