

II. German-Czech parliamentarian meeting in Berlin

Currently the German-Czech partnerships experience a boom. The cooperation on the governmental level has been enlarged through the “strategically dialog” which was signed by the foreign ministers of Germany and the Czech Republic. Both states explicitly mention the other country in their governmental declarations.


The increase of the political collaboration proceeds between both parliaments as well as on the level of politic parties. Parliamentarian of the European People’s Party from Germany and the Czech Republic met already for a second time this year in the context of a seminar of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation. The meeting took place in Berlin from the 4th till the 5th of November 2015.

In the last 25 years the German-Czech cooperation developed to a strong and stable partnership. It shows its power especially during the time when crisis increase. The intensive reconditioning of the common past, the expansion of a wide network of contacts on communal, regional and national level as well as the close economic linkage form continuously a solid foundation for the German-Czech collaboration.

The political cooperation between the two countries unfold in a new intensity in the last years which is not only due to the strategically dialog between the German and the Czech government. Moreover the parliamentarians of both countries are searching for a common dialog that addresses the current challenges of the European integration. Exalted parliamentarians from the CDU/CSU faction, the faction of the Czech Christian Democratic party KDU-ČSL and the conservative party TOP 09 got together in the German Bundestag to discuss together on the refugee crisis as well as on the foreign-policy challenges on the boarders of the European Union. The group was compounded of five members of the House of Deputies of the Czech Republic and nine members of the German Bundestag. The president of the KDU-ČSL faction Jiří Mihola, the president of the Committee for European Matters Onřej Benešík and the president of the Subcommittee for Migration and Asylum Policy Helena Langšádlová were some of the delegates. Representatives from the German Bundestag were Dr. Hans-Peter Friedrich, Federal Minister of the Interior of duty and co-chairman of the CDU/CSU faction for European Policy, European Coordination and Parliamentarian Collaboration in Europe, Thomas Strobl, co-chairman of the CDU/CSU faction for Justice and Interior and Dr. Christoph Bergner, member of the Foreign Committee and the Committee for Matters concerning the European Union. They have been accompanied by Dr. Werner Böhler, the leader of the foreign bureau of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in the Czech and the Slovak Republic and the country referent for East Central Europe, Jakob Wöllenstein.

The parliamentarians discussed the practical measures to steer the flow of refugees, how to integrate refugees, the Islam and democracy and the situation in the Middle East, in the Ukraine as well as in Africa. During the discussion it became visible that the positions of the parliamentarians are on the same bottom of values and therefore lie close together even though the German and Czech governments have different attitudes. It was emphasized that the preservation of the freedom in Europe has the highest priority what needs to be ensured through the collaboration inside the European Union. Therefore on top priority should be the searching for common European solutions like for example the protection of the European external border.





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