

Debate competition

The students of Mathias Corvinus Collegium organized the MCC Debate competition for secondary school students fourth time in this year. 38 teams applied for the competition (3 students per each team) so 114 students participated in the event. Besides, there were more teams from abroad than last year.


In the first round the participants discussed in an essay whether protests are the most effective form of expressing opinions. The writers of the 12 best essays attended the second round in the MCC on 19th May. Daniel Grózner, the project manager of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, and Zsolt Wittman, the head of the Secondary School Program of the MCC, delivered speeches at the opening ceremony. Both of them emphasized the importance of the role of debate and discussion to develop a more democratic public life. Afterwards, the students discussed whether the democracies would work better if citizens could vote from age of 16.

The two best teams then were qualified to the final round of the competition.




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Auslandsbüro Ungarn


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