
Photo KAS Vietnam : Candidates and judges of the Student Contest


Innovation for Networked Security Policy - A Competition for Undergraduate Students

The competition to find out solution for food insecurity and climate change

The competition “Innovation for Networked Security Policy -Coping with Food Insecurity and Climate Change", co-organised by KAS and University of Social Sciences and Humanities attrated


The final round of the competition, which aims to find innovative solutions for food insecurity in the Mekong River Delta, kicks off on September 18th in Ho Chi Minh City. Co-organised by KAS Vietnam and the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH), the contest "Innovation for Networked Security Policy – Coping with Food Insecurity and Climate Change" attracted more than 20 projects, among them 7 were selected to compete in the southern hub.

After project presentation the candidates coming from USSH Hanoi, USSH HCM City, RMIT, the Academy of Journalism and Communication and Foreign Trade University received comments and advice from the judges and other teams. For the next two days, these students joined a trip to Dong Thap Province to get fresh experiences of the area which is vulnerable to climate change. Based on that they improved their projects and defense their ideas on Monday September 21st.

On the last day of the competition, the organisers granted the first prize to team Bond from the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH) Hanoi for their project of making paper from corn husk. The judges also presented awards to the runners up, the most innovative, the best presenters and the best poster design teams. All participants received certificates to recognise their participation.




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Auslandsbüro Vietnam


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