

KAS & KICTANet Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on Digital Cooperation

On the 3rd and 4th October, KAS Kenya in partnership with KICTANet held a workshop on 'multi-stakeholder dialogue on digital cooperation'. To get a glimpse of what transpired do watch the videos with the different views of some of the stakeholders at the workshop. KAS Country director gives his views on How the digital space aids in the democratization process in Kenya.


Kictanet Picture on Forum

KAS Kenya in partnership with KICTANeT convened a two days dialogue on the 3rd and 4th October on "Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on Digital Cooperation" The dialogue forum used the two days to deliberate on the effective ways to take action on the United Nations's report on Digital Cooperation which the UN developed after convening a high panel to advance global multi-stakeholder dialogue on how different parties can work together to realize the potential of digital technologies.

During this forum, Ms. Nanjira Sambuli who leads the Web Foundation's policy advocacy and a member of the UN Secretary-General High Level panel on Digital Coperation provided an overview of the report findings. Some of the other issues discussed included: creation of an inclusive digital economy, how algorithms can be made more transparent and accountable and the future of work and education, Human rights and Human Agency and how would it be implemented and how would it look like? Learning experiences of multi-stakeholderism in the ICT policy sector Policymaking and implementation with a study on the KICTANet model of stakeholder engagement.

Watch Dr. Jan Cernick KAS Country Director give his views on how the digital space enhances the democratixation process in Kenya.



Dr. Jan Cernicky


Leiter der Abteilung Wirtschaft und Innovation +49 30 26996 3516 +49 30 26996 3551



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