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forum digital

Das öffentliche Podium für Netzpolitik und digitale Gesellschaft


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With the events series “Forum Digital”, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung seeks dialogue on current issues pertaining to network policy and digital society. Public podium discussions with experts emanating from politics, science economy and society enable an exchange of opinion about current research findings, about the political debate and ethical positions in the field of digitalisation.

Accompanying information brochures are published that elucidate facts and represent political constellations.

Network Policy – Frequently Asked Questions.
The brochure sheds light on the most important questions regarding the internet and digital society. It provides succinct and unambiguous answers under the headings: principles, facts and competencies.


Data Protection on the Internet. The Most Important Questions and Answers
The brochure addresses frequently asked questions regarding data protection on the internet while providing succinct and unambiguous answers. It is not so much aimed at experts, but rather at those who are less familiar with political, legal and technical constellations.


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Tobias Wangermann

Tobias Wangermann bild

Digitalisation +49 30 26996-3380
forum digital Switsch

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